Harris Gets 67% of the over 400 votes cast
Annapolis - Andy Harris won a resounding victory Monday night in a straw poll at a dinner remembering the late President Ronald Reagan. Andy Harris trounced his opponents by receiving 67% of the vote - doubling the combined totals of his two opponents. The dinner with guest speaker Michael Reagan was hosted by the Citizens for Better Government Slate, a new Republican committee established to help elect Republicans in Anne Arundel County.
"Andy Harris is the only person in this race who shares Reagan's values of limited government, personal responsibility, and across-the-board conservatism. It is only appropriate Andy would win the straw poll at an event honoring our greatest president," said Chris Meekins, Campaign Manager for Harris for Congress.
The dinner was held in Anne Arundel County which contains the largest number of Republican primary voters in the entire first congressional district.
"As I travel throughout the district meeting voters, they want a change to genuine conservative leadership," said Andy Harris. "Winning this straw poll epitomizes the support I see from Republicans as I travel throughout the entire district."
Key Facts:
Votes Cast: 400+
Rules: Each individual was given a single ballot to vote for both a presidential candidate and a first congressional district candidate.
Andy Harris: 67%
E.J. Pipkin: 22%
Wayne Gilchrest: 11%
Website for event: www.ronaldreagandinner.com
All I can say is Ouch. That had to hurt Gil and the Pip
Check out the "pork" bills that Pipkin's pushing in Annapolis this year -- no wonder he supported Gov. O'Money's tax plan:
What were the presidential poll results?
The more I hear about Andy Harris, The more I like.
Can you believe that Pipkin is supporting this stuff when he claims to be a conservative? Maybe he's really just another RINO.
FOR the purpose of authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $300,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Trustees of Adkins Arboretum, Ltd. for certain development or improvement purposes; providing
for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; establishing a deadline for the
encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; and providing generally for the issuance and sale of bonds evidencing the loan.
Is Gilchrest still having tea, I meant "negociating" with the Iranians while they harrass & provoke our naval vessels??? What a jerk!
some time ago a question was asked about how Dr. Harris stood on a couple of issues, overloaded courts, stupid law suits, simple possession all the things we the people think keep our courts crowded and real court cases waiting forever. I was directed to Dr. Harris's web site where I asked the same question, and requested (suggested) he answer here on this blog site as it is supporting him. I have never heard a word on my questions or how he stands on the issues. Is this what we the people can expect from him if elected? I think he is the right man for the job but if he won't put forth an answer than how do I know who to support?
Mr. Harris is a smart man. He is not going to get into a debate with you or anyone else on a Blog Site.
I'm CONFIDENT if your intentions were good you'd have gone to his Site and e-mail him directly from there. Instead, you're sort of throwing out BS in the hopes he'll bite.
You and I and others can debate things on here but I would NOT encourage Candidates to do the same. It's a lose/lose proposition.
So like I said, contact Andy directly and he'll answer your questions.
That's a great show of voters' confidence for Andy Harris. He is the best candidate for the job.
I did ask him on his web site and no I am not trying to bait him up, but he never sent a response. Nothing personal just a couple of questions about the court system and his stance on such issues. I agree here is not the place to debate..because of the no win issue.. Just trying to see how he feels. I think he is a good man, would have the people in his mind when he would make a decision as an elected official. Just wondering why there was no response from him after asking on his site.
You send me your questions and I guarantee I'll get you the answers.
I will not publicize your name or e-mail address and you have it in writing of such right here and now. Let's get to the bottom of this now. OK?
He's called "Porkchop Pipkin" by many of the folks who live in his Maryland legislative district. Here is the list of special funding ("pork" bills') that he sponsored or co-sponsored in last year's session:
$500,000 - construction, reconstruction, and capital equipping of an addition to the Chesterwye Center (Queen Anne’s County)
$150,000 - design, construction, renovation, and capital equipping of the Caroline Hospice
$225,000 - repair, renovation, and reconstruction of the skipjack Rosie Parks
$1 Million - acquisition of the old Woodrow Wilson Bridge, located on the Maryland portion of the Chesapeake Bay
$500,000 - planning, construction, repair, renovation, and reconstruction of the Old Caroline High School, for use as a small business incubator
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