Yesterday someone commented on the D/T grapevine about Rick Pollitt and his support of collective bargaining for the Wicomico County Sheriff's Deputies. As a result of the printed comment, several people responded via Internet comments. Although you don't usually print things that generate from the D/T, I would ask that you consider reproducing this e-mail on the blog because I feel that it will generate responses that will serve to enlighten the public.
As you know, I am a registered Republican and am not, in most instances, pro union. I am not towing a party line, I just believe that in the private sector they serve only to keep money flowing to pay high salaries to union reps who don't do 1/4 of the work of the people who work hard everyday to pay dues. They have also served more recently to facilitate the closure of local places of employment and the loss of many, many much needed jobs. That being said, collective bargaining for the Deputies differs from private sector unions, and I support it wholeheartedly. My reasoning is this:
First.....Deputies and all other emergency services personnel are subjected to intense political pressures as a result of either doing or not doing their jobs. Anyone who doubts that - write a councilman a ticket for speeding and see what happens. Fail to patrol the neighborhood of an elected official when requested and see what happens. There are no laws to protect law enforcement officials from retaliation and if there were, 99.9% of the time the law enforcement officers wouldn't have the money to pay an attorney to represent them in a court action necessary to protect their rights. I highly doubt that the current Sheriff would permit his administration to treat the deputies poorly, but I know for a fact that his predecessor did - frequently. And there is no way to know what the next Sheriff would be like. Additionally, in the private sector anyone who works more than 40 hours a week is entitled by law to receive monetary compensation at the rate of 1 1/2 times their regular hourly rate. BUT emergency services personnel aren't entitled to receive 1 1/2 times their regular rate of pay until they work over 172 hours in a 28 day cycle.
There are instances where police officers have mortgaged their homes to pay for a legal defense against a blatant violation of their rights only to run out of money before the case was heard by the court. A government can postpone and stall as long as it takes. The governments money never runs out as long as the tax money comes in. A collective bargaining contract can keep labor issues in a local court and can help assure that they're heard in a timely manner. It levels the playing field and allows the deputies to get a fair shake on important matters such as disability and retirement.
Second....and maybe most importantly....the People voted for it. 70% of the voting public voted to grant the deputies collective bargaining with binding arbitration and our county council people decided to water down the vote of the people. They hunted for a loophole and they elected to hang their decision on whether or not the word "county" referred to the newly elected county executive OR the council. It is clear to me that the word "county" referred to both. By doing what the council is doing they have effectively removed "binding arbitration". This is something the PEOPLE specifically voted for.
What gives the county council the right to over ride a vote of the people? I have spoken to my council person who has taken a weak position on the matter. He indicated that he wasn't sure the people knew what they were voting for. Well....did the people know what they were doing when they voted you in? Are you saying that you constituents are stupid? Your vote to eliminate binding arbitration is a slap in the face to your constituents. There were safeguards that could have been put in place that would have eliminated the possibility of causing the taxpayer financial hardship WITHOUT undermining the will of the people. How dare you stand in in the face of your constituents and intentionally contradict their wishes!
We need to look aroud us and see whats happening. More and more people are crossing party lines and voting for the candidate they think will do the best job regardless of their party affiliation. People can say what they want about me being a republican and not believing in everything a republican politician says or does. That's just tough shit. A very important part of our democracy has been forgotten. That is the part that says our elected officials are supposed to represent us. They are simply not doing it. They are doing what they choose to do. I would pose this question to the members of the county council. Where is it listed as part of the core beliefs of your respective parties that you should ignore what the people want and do as you please? You are representatives....not dictators. And it's not a matter of what side of the isle you sit on. The democrats are just as guilty as the republicans. It's not just national or state politics, it's local politics as well. Look at what the mayor is doing to the city.
The voters of Wicomico County would do well to stand up and demand that their will be carried out by the county council. The FOP would do well to not let this thing go much further without having a judge review the intent of the referendum to stop those council people involved from circumventing the will of the people.
People across the nation are demanding change. They are tired of speaking out and not being heard. The political tide is changing and this type of behavior by our elected officials is precisely the reason. The people want representatives in office who will do the work of the people, rather that find reasons to ignore the people and do what they want.
Rick...great job. John and Joe.....very disappointing indeed. But...elections will come around again. This time maybe the people will be more enlightened.
Grand dad will be watchin'.
Grandad...good good good. This County and City seems to have government that is willful, and does not respect the voter, or the citizens wishes or opinions, the city council allows comment after the votes have been taken...hello how blatant..they have already voted and have not heard what the citizens have to say, nor do they care, and I blame that on Lyin' Louise puppet number one. The second fault lies with the citizens allowing such behavior. I firmly believe that the folks do not know how a participatory government is run. Perhaps they have never had "responsive" government, or perhaps they were never allowed to know what is really going on.
But thanks to this Blog and the two excellent writers,investigators, government will get pulled out of the dark into the sunshine, even if it is kicking and yelling.
What ever happened to the Salisbury Fire Department going after collective bargining?
Does the Salisbury Police have this also. What about the other local Police Fire and EMS.
How has collective bargining worked out for Ocean City EMS
Grandad is right and so is Anon 8:52. We as tax payers need to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and make changes in our city government as soon as possible. Surely everyone who reads these blogs and listens to the council meetings knows how bad things have gotten under the mayor and her three cohorts! Need to change this very soon!
A. Goetz
Grandad: Great commentary! Thank You. Trust me, I WILL remember when it comes to the next election. What they have done is 100% wrong and they know it. They made promises and have not kept them to the deputies and I for one will vote against each one who voted against the arbitration. I will also do everything I can to spread the word.
Grandad, you need a lesson in representative government.Our elected officials are under no obligation to vote the will of the people you are getting a democracy mixed up with our representative style government.If you do not like how they voted you can remove them in the next election!
Anonymous 3:58....
Perhaps it is you who are confused....or maybe I'm wrong.
I believe when you say "you are getting a democracy mixed up with our representative style government" it is you that are missing something.
The representative style of government of which you speak is actually a "representative democracy". The "democracy" you accuse me of confusing with the "representative style" of govt. is actually more accurately called a "direct democracy".
In a "representative democracy" the constituents vote on an individual to represent them. We enjoy what is primarily a representative democracy.
In a "direct democracy" the people participate in the decision making personally in the form of referendums. An example of a direct democracy would be Switzerland where the citizens (almost 5 million of them) participate in referendums several times a year.
In our representative democracy, we actually incorporate the element of the referendum. This referendum more directly reflects the will of the people and keeps us more in line with "a government of the people by the people for the people". Remember that phrase Mr. Poli sci?
In the situation relating to the referendum for collective bargaining, the people did vote to give the deputies collective bargaining with binding arbitration.....period. The council has no right to override that. I'm not saying they broke the law. I'm saying that to truly represent the people, you must carry out the will of the people. Can anyone disagree with the idea that when 70% of the voting public vote for something and thier elected council intentionally overrides thier vote, the council is not adequately representing the people?
If the FOP were smart, they would get this to a judge for judicial review as quickly as possible.
You are right about one thing. When representatives don't adequately represent, you vote 'em out next time.
Now....where do I get that lesson you were talkin' about?
Who's your Grand daddy!
Cops just want another free ride.
3:58--And that's just what's going to happen...I'm sick & tired of promises like that of the present council's made when running for council, and then not coming through with the promises. What's that called? Wolf in sheeps clothing?
512 can LMB you are lower than whale shit to say something like that you must be a criminal 512 these Deputies are the best and put their lives on the line 27-7 ask the county what disabilty they have for the Deputies you will be surprised this is why the deputies need the county support
Anonymous said...
"Cops just want another free ride.
5:12 PM"
Hell most of them get a free ride to Ihop or Johnny's every day.
A good days work and a cold glass of water would do most of them in.
has the sheriff gone to the county council to take up for his deputies or is he being a politician
put their lives on the line "27-7"
Is "27-7" a new way of measuring time? Or is the WCSD asking for three extra hours of pay each day?
701 i think it is your mama asking for more time
I hope the Police Departments don't stoop as low as the Salisbury Fire Department did with immature comments?
I'm sure the other commenter meant to say 24-7.
Wow, I have never commented on the bloggs and the only reason I am now is because I received a phone call today about this specific post. I find it funny sometimes to read what goes on here. However, this is a little close to home. First off to anonymous. All I would ask you to do is contact the county and ask them about the great disability plan they for the deputies. Can you please post for everyone so they can see why the deputies obtained collective bargaining. As for the county council, this is there easy way out. Can anyone disagree with the idea that when 70% of the voting public vote for something and thier elected council intentionally overrides thier vote, the council is not adequately representing the people?
That is directly from grandad's post. The members of the FOP educated the public and the public voted for it. The voting members of Wicomico County need to come together and let the council know what they are doing is wrong. Also, ask the council who is going to pay the legal fees when this issue is taken before a judge. YOUR TAX DOLLARS. That is not what was voted for. What was voted for was Collective Bargaining with Binding Arbitration. This just gives the duputies a fair tool to use to better their future and their FAMILIES future.
thats right 24-7 sorry
if you had left of youre name you wouldnt takk big 512
Anonymous said...
has the sheriff gone to the county council to take up for his deputies or is he being a politician
6:52 PM
no the county council went to him. what do you think they talked about? hehe
I hate to say it,but apparently we still need unions in the private sector in some lines of business.While the UAW has wreaked havoc ont he auto industry(at 56 bucks an hour,they dont need more money!) there are many many private sector jobs with companies on the Shore that have unions at their other locations but not here and it shows.The good thing about unions is that they ensure people get paid a living wage-the downside?They tend to lose sight of their original purpose and get greedy!But as long as big companies enrich their "suits",or management at the expense of the workers,unions will be needed and desired
Totmom,former CWA member
754 that is why we have not heard from the shreiff publicly about this issue well he has his MSP pension why should he care about the deputies if he did he would make a statement publicly and be clear about his feelings for the deputies and not be quite like the old sheriff and let the county shit on his deputies
"512 can LMB you are lower than whale shit to say something like that you must be a criminal 512 these Deputies are the best and put their lives on the line 27-7 ask the county what disabilty they have for the Deputies you will be surprised this is why the deputies need the county support"
6:44 PM
It is most likely a deputy that wrote this. Just want to point out to the public that LMB means "lick my ba##s". This is a shining example of the crap that still floats there. Until wcso gets rid of deputies like this, who show an utter lack of respect and professionalism, they don't deserve squat. Lower than whale Sh##? Nice language for a professional. Go serve some papers and shut your trap. I'm sick of police officers and firefighters speaking like they are in grade school on a blog. It's a shining example of the lack of standards in all local government agencies.
Taxpayers might want to think twice on voting for this type of person.
Anonymous 7:31 is right.
The county council is poised to fight against what the people voted for at the cost of the county taxpayer. We have a property tax revenue cap in place and things are tight enough as it is. The last thing we need is a county council who will put us in debt in order to finance a court battle to take away what we voted to put in place.
"who is that worred about what WCSO is doing. worry about yourself and LMB"
4:58 PM
Another one of his grown up comebacks. FYI
Helloooo 3:58pm. That is what he is saying the council needs to gooo!! Our county citizens have already voted "YES" and the county council should have NO say!!!!! This is an injustice FOP must get this before a judge!! And as for you 5:12 what the HELL do you mean another free ride!! Have you lost your mind...Who is the first person your ass calls when you have been done a injustice! They lay their lives on the line every day...This is probably coming for a narrow minded pencil pusher!!! I have never responed to a blog...but I am now, I guess you will never have to know what it is like to wonder if your spouce will walk back through that door when they get called out for a domestic situation or perform a search warrent have have No idea if you will be looking and the other end of a barrel or pull over a car for a traffic violation and worry if they will be shot in the face! Wake up!! FREE ride have you lost your mind!! They are here to protect my ass and yours!!! Don't let the county council win!! Go Granddad, Go granddad!!!
959 i hope you nevr need a deputy or firefighter but if you do I will still be there for you for I am a professional oh yeah you can still LMB one at a time please i'm sure your a professional at that
Rick...great job. John and Joe.....very disappointing indeed. But...elections will come around again. This time maybe the people will be more enlightened.
Grand dad will be watchin'.
Isn't Joe Holloway the guy that unloaded his run downed store that looked like a dump to the terrorist network that recently got arrested?? He looks like a sneaky person anyway.
My point confirmed again by anon at 10:24! Thank you. I would rather die than for you to help me.
"The true test of a man's character is what he does when no one is watching".
You should find another job 10:24. Actually, you seem to fit right in where you are at. loser.
"Collective Bargaining with Binding Arbitration. This just gives the duputies a fair tool to use to better their future and their FAMILIES future."
For which your tax dollars will also pay...
7:09---you live a pitiful, useless life. I'll pray for you and hopefully you DON'T have a family that we have to worry about.
It seems to me Joe your deputies are resorting to the same behavior the SFD resorted to!
Foul language! and useless comments! A grown adult telling people to LMB? Bet Mike is real proud of his men and/or women that speak this way!!
Does anyone know where to find the county council vote on this issue? Or would someone be kind enough to post it here? I'd like to know who voted and how they voted.
Let me just say that being the highest paid agency on the eastern shore isn't good enough! It was this way before Sheriff Lewis came along.
Now that he's actually making us work for the awesome paycheck we get every week, we want more! If we could get away with doing jack squat for Nelms, shouldn't we get more having to do more work under Lewis?
I know that Lewis has turned this agency around 180 degrees. But what does that say for the deputies before he came? It is the same ones before as it is now. It sucks that deputies whom already made so much money need to be "turned around". It shows who we really are.
Give us your money Wicomico. So we can talk down to people on a blog and let granddad lobby for us! and anyone who disagrees with me can LMB!
Call your council person and ask them directly. You can also call Rick Pollitt, he'll give you a straight answer.
Sheriffsfinest....you stuff is weak. You're no deputy. You have no idea what it's like to put your life on the line and have to worry everyday about being injured on the job and permanently disabled without any plan in place to take care of your family. I'm not lobbying for the deputies...I'm lobbying for the 70% of the voters who voted to grant the deputies collective bargaining with binding arbitration so that they could get a decent retirement and disability plan. That is what the people voted for and thats what should be done. I think it's sad that a person would come on here masquerading as a law enforcement professional and act like such a transparent fool.
the sheriff's office makes good money yes, but the county provides no disabilty for the deputies that risk their lives daily what happens if a deputy gets hurt and can not return to work what happens when he/she retires this is what i would like to have some facts on 935 thank you for your comment
Take the momey from all the unecessary new vehicles and use that! Or take some of the salary for a better benefits package? There must be compromise. Other agencies around here have demonstrated just that.
The way I see it, the deputies should have the right to better benefits, yes. SPD has great benefits but they struggle everyday to provide for their families! That was a sacrafice they chose to make, live a little tighter now and have leops. So, somewhere a line needs to be drawn. They can take a paycut and have great benefits. This way they make decent money and dont have to worry if they get injured!
You can visit your local AFLAC agent at
1325 Mt. Hermon Road
Suite 13B
Salisbury, MD 21804
Worry about getting injured? It's called police work! If a lack of benefits is what keeps an officer from doing their job, then find a new line of work. There are plenty of men who risk EVERYTHING to do their duty with or without high pay or leops.
Keep going with this self righteous crap "we risk our lives, we protect people, what if we get hurt..." again find a new line of work and quit patting yourselves on the back for making a good paycheck.
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