"4:30 p.m. Presentation of study on future use of Fire Station #16 – Bill
Ahtes/Memo Diriker"
Just look at the language provided by the City Government. They're already speaking as if this IS the future of what will happen to the old Station 16.
So when I got in front of the Council and asked them where things stood on this building a few weeks ago, they responded, NOTHING!
Obviously NOTHING means, we're waiting for Bill Ahtes. They have NEVER asked me for any other proposal, other than my purchase offer price, which is getting stronger and stronger for the City as real estate values continue to take a dive.
My offer is still $250,000.00 CASH. My intention would be to put an All-You-Can-Eat Seafood Restaurant in that location with the kitchen in the lowest level. The dining area in the main street level and a bar in the upstairs level. It would continue the Fire Department Decor, similar to Station 7 in Pittsville.
I'm told we'll hear something later today from GA about the actual study performed by Memo Diriker and what a joke that is too. Nevertheless, the point here Ladies & Gentlemen is, are you truly going to let two or three elected Council Members take a valuable building and GIVE it to Ahtes and that arts group, who has a track record of screwing people out of their donations as well as getting a building donated and then claim they can't get it done so they go out and sell it for a 100% profit?
Then there's the other thought of, why the hell is the City even considering this building as surplus? Barrie Tilghman has been bitching for years that they don't have enough space in the GOB, so why the hell aren't you retrofitting this building when it's FREE? Can someone PLEASE tell me why there's never been a practical politician in office? Why in the hell do they have to spend everything and raise taxes? If these people weren't so stupid and out of control, the City would be in much better shape than it is.
Get on here, even under anonymous and state how you feel about this. I personally believe it's a serious issue and I also believe Barrie Tilghman and Gary Comegys are screwing the taxpayers again trying to make people believe we need a theater. It's BS. It raises no tax revenue. They get a free ride for at least 6 years. At least if I opened a restaurant it would create about 50 jobs and I'd ask for no real tax breaks other than possibly being in an enterprise zone.
You've argued your case well Joe. Keep it in the court of public opinion and if they try to give it away, take them to court for mismanagement of public assets and anything else you can think of. In addition to your viable and profitable offer, contact others to make offers. Make sure you have the documentation on what the Arts Council did with the last building. Make them justify this give-away then sue them for doing it!
You should have said, what do you think Barrie & Bubba's take will be on the building once they get it out of the city taxpayers hands and into the private sector? At that point, Ahtes can sell the property and pay Comegys and Tilghman whatever he wants. The taxpayers are getting hosed on this one and it's right in front of their eyes.
It really doesnt matter, because joe, you have pissed off enough people that even if you were allowed to buy it, no one would want to eat there and support you in any way.
It was only a matter of time before one of the anti-Albero bloggers got on here and said something negative about me.
Guess what, Idiot? That would be my risk, wouldn't it? And let's see, who have I really pissed off. Fire Fighters Barrie Tilghman and Chief Webster. So I'll give all of you three guesses who anonymous is.
There are far more people out that that appreciate what I do than those who do not. Here's how I'll prove it too. Where's the Salisbury Positive Blog? Show me a Blog out there that does nothing but pump up the City because so many wonderful things are going on?
You can't because Barrie Tilghman has sucked all the life out of the City. You worry about how you run your life and business and I'll worry about mine. There would be well more than $1,000,000.00 invested into this project on my behalf and I'm certainly willing to take that risk.
I bet if you did buy it the Christmas parade would be moved to downdown just to spite you. Hell there might even be a weekly parade that closes down access to your place for hours at a time.
You know something. There's one thing to be said about the guy on the street corner selling pencils to keep his head above water in tough times years ago. However, I'm the guy on the opposite street corner selling pencil sharpeners.
I'm NOTHING like Going Nuts Cafe where they cry like little babies and don't see opportunity. I would have beautiful women standing outside serving FREE Hot Chocolate and letting everyone know our bathrooms are open to the public.
So rag on me all you like, I would welcome that Parade no mater where it was.
You e-mail it to alberobutzo@wmconnect.com and I never reveal my sources unless they ask to be recognized.
A theater???? Is anyone aware of the effort underway in nearby Delmar by the Children's Theater of Delmarva to build a very spectacular performing arts theater--does Memo include that in this study. A theater on this Salisbury site would not succeed.
I think that's what they hope for actually. I believe they want to fail so they can sell the building they got for free.
There is a study of the various options for the use of this property -- made by Dr. Deriker -- on the City website, but it is very hard to read:
Suggest contacting the City Clerk at 410-548-3140 if you want a legible copy.
You worry about how you run your life and business and I'll worry about mine.
You are so full of shit...
How many times have you attacked people on here?
Obviously, Anon 11:24 is another of your big detractors Joe. I agree that since there will be a big, nice theater of the arts up in Delmar, why should we even think of one here in town? Does sound more and more like a big scam from city hall AGAIN!
A. Goetz
Hey, Joe, when you build your new restaurant, can my hubby and I have a standing reservation? I want a table on the balcony at the bar, so I can see the Anti Albero people lined up to get in so they can be seen at the newest hot spot.
It would be my pleasure.
Joe I don't agree with everything you say, but this time you are right. The arts people had a building before and sold it, so let them buy their next building. Put Sta. out on bids and the high bidder gets it. Mr. Ahtes certainly has enough money if he wants a theater, let him bid on it. I'm tired of my tax monies being wasted, while city employees who do all of the work get squat for raises. And No i am not a city employee, never have been, and never will be.
The firefighters have no idea what will become of the station. I do not care who gets it myself. I just want to see the building put to good use and preserve the appearance and tradition that it represents. It would be great to see the building host any of the suggested uses. Firehouses are near and dear to all firefighters.
I still get pissed every time I see that old theater downtown. Wasn't it supposed to be some kind of arts Mecca or something? It gets me that they get these buildings for a song, and then sell them for huge profits, and then get all kinds of special provisions so they don't have to pay their fair share of the tax burden. I understand that there are SOME provisions that have to be made, but there shouldn't be so many of them that the city practically pays for the business to operate.
How about putting some regulation Pool Tables in the bar,not many left in town.
Nah, there are plenty at BreakTime Billiards. Perhaps a couple of coun op tables?
Station 16 is worth far more than a messily $250,000. The bidding should start at 1 million.
Who the heck annointed Memo Derricker as the freakin Bill Gates of urban growth. If he was such a genius at business he would be a prof at SU--why is he such an expert? If he was so brilliant he would be retired and living off his investments!!!
Come on now guys, you know the city will have the building appraised for an estimated current value then place it on the market. Or as in the past, public auction, sealed bid. The city can’t just take $ 250,000 from Joe and that is it. I may want to give the city $ 300,000 or my neighbor $ 350,000.
joe just curious why you have such a desire to open a restaurant in a town you seem to detest with a woman shopping in shorts in thewinter. suggest u watch a few episodes of hells kitchen on fox to get this silly idea out of your head.
If you all were paying attention to this blog since the brew ha ha started over Station 16, Joe made the offer so the citizens would know there was money on the table for the city as opposed to just giving it away as the Boulevard Theater was given to the arts people, then left to sit and deteriorate until sold at a very large profit. The arts people failed the first time around, they'll fail again. No need throwing more good money after bad. Let Joe or Yahoodi buy it but don't just give it away because Henry Hanna wants it.
If Joe wanted a restaurant he has a good location for one now, IF the plaza every gets a good PR person and I don't mean another frined of Barries or another of her daughters high school buddies.
Hey Joe, if you open a restaurant, I'd like an application for employment. My references are impeccable. Will give honest days work for honest days pay.
Anonymous said...
Who the heck annointed Memo Derricker as the freakin Bill Gates of urban growth. If he was such a genius at business he would be a prof at SU--why is he such an expert? If he was so brilliant he would be retired and living off his investments!!!
6:53 PM
I thought he was a professor.
Yeah, I just checked SU's Website. Memo Diriker is listed as faculty
How about opening an internet cafe and wifi hotspot with the BEST COFFEE & Croissanwiches in the world?
I'd volunteer to work there...No shorts allowed, unless, of course they're under pants...(underpants)
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