One the Front Page of today's paper they have the above photo. Underneath, (Thank God) they say, "President Bush, second from right." OMG! What would ALL Americans do without the help of The Daily Times and the Associated Press? Who would have ever recognized the guy?
My guess is that The Daily Times is selling to mainly Hispanics now and they're trying to educate them on who their new Leader is.
Finally, they claim this new $3.5 million dollar press will deliver far beter quality printing. I'm going to hold them to that over time and let's see if their promise is accurate because this print edition sucks!
Can you do their job better? I THINK NOT!
Can you do anyones job better? I THINK NOT!
You dont worry them as much as they worry you!
Actually as hard as it may be for you to believe, there are many people in this country that are so disinterested in politics that they do not know who there elected official are. This is may be one reason why the print media does this. Watch Letterman or Leno some night they both do similar segments from time to time relating to important people in American history and the vast majority have not a clue.
This is all you do is freaking complain about everything.
Any truth to you running for the Mayor spot?
Joe for mayor, what a joke! He can't even take care of his own let alone a city!
He would not even get 3% of the total votes during the elections!
He has burn so many bridges in Salisbury he would have very litte voter turnout in his favor!
I think you suggesting that our hispanics need educated on who the president is a little rascist. I'm pretty sure they know what the idiot looks like, in english and spanish.
Gee, Joe, for once the Times did a caption the way they taught us to in 10th grade.
Sadly, I think more foreigners can tell who our president is than many Americans. Some of them speak better English, too.
Now the moron wants to give everyone an $800 rebate and couples will get $1600, what about kids? There is nothing extra in his proposal for people with children. I don't have kids why should I care? Because I do.
I don't think we should continue to run up the national debt. Someday, somebody is going to have to pay for all of Bush's fiscal irresponsibility and it will most likely be your children or everyone's quality of life.
However the Treasury secretary said that the money Bush wants to give away would need to be returned to the treasury in 5 to ten years at maximum, so what about the interest idiot?
Jackass is spending our money like there is no tomorrow, does he know something we don't? I doubt it! He must have taken the Tighlman economic course 101....
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