
As I drove down Rt. 54 and through Downtown Delmar, the Christmas Lights were still illuminated and I couldn't help but think, I need to use one of my life lines and ask the audience, what do you think about this? Christmas was "20" days ago. Are you still in the spirit? Most Americans are dreading the thought of the Credit Card Bills pouring in and the start of an uphill battle to pay for all the things they really didn't NEED anyway.
Nevertheless, I'd enjoy your thoughts on Christmas Lights still glowing and the electric bills that go with them?
Joe,My wife is catholic and her mom aways told her about a passage from the bible refering to Jan. 15 to remove the lighting. I remove all outside lighting on Jan.1.st. every year.So to keep peace we do just that. HARDHEAD
I really don't have a problem with people and their lights, they do belong to them, to each their own.
However without lights my electric bill has been running over 100% more than it has in past years, I have gas heat and gas hot water.
If anything we should just be conserving fuel any way that we can.
They had lights back in the bible writing days? LoL
More power to them. Let them celebrate Christmas for as long as they want.
Yesterday we celebrated the Baptism of the Lord, ending the celebration of Christmas.
Get over it and mind your own business.
Since when is God or Christmas only your business?
So you're saying you're the arbiter of when people should celebrate and when they shouldn't? Like I said, mind your own business!
I said:
"I need to use one of my life lines and ask the audience, what do you think about this?"
"Nevertheless, I'd enjoy your thoughts on Christmas Lights still glowing and the electric bills that go with them?"
I was asking everyone else what THEY thought. I was NOT telling anyone anything.
So do tell me why you just made this statement? "So you're saying you're the arbiter of when people should celebrate and when they shouldn't?"
Christmas light> I say go for it if you can afford the electric bill. Frankly, I have set myself up to take them down about Valentines Day. I enjoy them that much longer and when the winter is dreay, it seems to make things a bit more cheery~ JMO
this place loses a lot of credibility for me with topics like this.
if you really care get your head checked.
Credibilty: I don't think anyone made you view this topic. Ignore it if you have no interest in the topic.
Why is it anyone's business what anyone does with THEIR lights on THEIR house? Its THEIR electric bill paid with THEIR money. Like I said, mind your f'ing business!
You gotta love these Anti Albero bloggers. They come here simply to stir the sh!t. That's cool. It simply proves they can't read and will pick on anything they can with me.
Again, all I'm simply asking for is, when is a proper time to take them down and or turn them off?
If you don't like the Post or question, mind your own business. LOL
There were people that left their tree up until a loved one returned home from the war. There are people that just absolutely love the decorations.
The decorations are my favorite part of christmas. I'd rather see Christmas lights up all year long than halloween decorations anytime.
Don't know if there is a proper time for removing christmas lights. My wife insists on removing all of our outside lights on New Year's weekend. I've been commenting to my wife that it's unbelievable that people have still got their lights up the middle of January. But its their money/their right/their privelage even though it looks stupid. It bothers me a great deal to see christmas lights up and on before Thanksgiving which alot of people did in this area this year. For the life of me I don't understand.
I figure if people are putting their lights and decorations up the weekend after Thanksgiving, a month before Christmas, then what's the difference in keeping them up for a month after?
There's no problem in it at all. Just wondering who does what and what's the norm?
We always take ours down on Jan 6th, the 12th day of Christmas, plus it's my sister's birthday.
I guess you see from the responses to your question "What do you think" was a total DUH.It is obvious to me that not many of them were/are thinking....
So the answer to your social question "What do you think? is
"I do not think I only react..."
Please spare me the stupidity.
Find me 12 people who actually think in Salisbury and you will have the largest group of thinking people since
Terry Cohen was elected.
We put ours up and have them ready to turn on Thanksgiving night. When Santa gets out of his sleigh at Macy's in Manhattan it is the beginning of the Christmas season. We don't take them down until New Year's day. We have been known to be the rednecks that left the lights up all year long we just didn't turn them on after New Years Day.
We used to take them down on the "Epiphany" Jan. 6th, the 12th day of Christmas. Now that we're older, it's too much work to go thru for just about 3 weeks. We may not turn them on everyday, but when we want some cheer these dreary winter days, poof, the lights are back on.
My next house will have it's own "Christmas Room" whereby, you just roll the tree out on a track from it's own room. I wish.
We'll make a deal in the interest of "conservation". When all you trade in your great big gas guzzling SUVs, we'll turn off our decorative lights anytime you say.
Until then they'll be turned off whenever we feel like it, at our leisure, whenever we please. No certain time.
Anon 6:17 Good for you, I like that attitude. They are your lights, it's your money to spend how you like. If people don't like it, they don't have to look. I'll bet you'll now have more passersby than before. I love the cheerfulness that comes with your type of decorative lighting.
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