There was a serious accident on Riverside Drive again this morning. This time they flipped a SUV on its side with a woman and a child inside the vehicle.
The complaint is, people are driving way too fast on this road and they want something done about it sooner than later. Thank God no one was seriously injured.
Beacuse of the physical layout, this is one of the most dangerous intersections in the County, and now with more traffic due to the uncontrolled development, it's going to become a killer if now changed soon.
Thats a bad intersection to start with. Coming off Shad Point Rd you have to nose a good ways onto Riverside Dr to see if it is clear to turn or not. Combine that with the people drag racing and you get a mess.
Note the service by the Salisbury Fire Department well outside the City limit.
Does the City get reimbursed by the County in this instance?
People have always driven dangerously fast on this road, if you are a biker or a runner on this road you literally take your life in your hands. Some of the a$$holes even deliberately swerve in your direction. Surprised more accidents don't happen. People drive too fast throughout the city, 45-60 on 25mph residential streets that have kids, cats and dogs.
People and their SUV's.... fly up and down that road. God forgive if their late for soccer practice. Can't tell you how many times one of those SUV's missed hitting me or my bicycle... within inches.
These people know who they are, flying by @ 55 + with horns blairing...
Please slow down! Save a life, maybe mine.
TO: Anon 3:39PM "Does the City get reimbursed by the County in this instance"
Absolutely, and quite handsomely, too. Not a bash on SFD but the difference between the County's funding for SFD and the rest of the county depts is horrendous. Unfortunately, all the rest of the county depts have never banded together to argue this issue.
there's not a lot of leeway on most parts of riverside drive for runners and bikers...the intersection at sharps point is another difficult merge...
at absolutly no time should runners and bikers feel like they are caught in a game of frogger! i.e on riverside, i know all too well
simple courtesy of going slow or moving over if possible seems to go more towards the wayside around here
this runner thanks those who do exhibit courtesy! to the inconsiderates and idiots out there....______ off!
Anonymous said...
Note the service by the Salisbury Fire Department well outside the City limit.
Does the City get reimbursed by the County in this instance?
3:39 PM
Yes they do get "reimbursed" for the ambulance service to Fruiland the get reimbursed for 3 ambulance stations as well as a reimbursement for 3 fire stations. They also get reimbursed for 2 paramedics in Fruitland and 6 paramedics for the Salibury stations. Not only do the get reimbursed, but they get to keep the revenues billed for the ambulance service. If you go to the Counties website on the budget you will also see that they get reimbursed for the Haz Mat/Special Operations. When was the last time this county had a haz mat incident or an incident that truly justifies that kind of money being spent on a Haz Mat or special operations team? Doesn't Parsonsburg Volunteer Fire Company have a Special Operations team now? How much do they get from the county.
I am sorry folks, roads don't cause accidents.The inconsiderate people driving on these roads cause the accidents.Most of them live on/near these roads and drive them daily.They have to slow down period.That area is gonna get a lot worst when the new developments are finished.I drive through a lot just riding with the wife and when bicycles are on the road I slow down to a crawl.Had people tailgate me blowing their horns and all I do is just go slower. HARDHEAD
"this runner thanks those who do exhibit courtesy! to the inconsiderates and idiots out there....______ off!"
Roads are for driving; go running in the fucking woods.
it is perfectly legal to run on the roads...unfortunately the area does not have a large selection of trail running; city park (but it seems the city have quit with the up-keep of what little trails there are/its sketch-ball haven) and pemberton (which is lovely...then add the acceptable roads around which are safe areas to run in, so we're left with not much to go on...
sounds like someone is a little over-possessive with their roads and can't share...so deal with it!
Hazmat response it the only Special Ops that is billed. When they ever billed for a trench, confined space or dive call? Maybe they should
Maybe there should be a road tax on the F/N runners, pay for what you use.
Remember what happened to the retard running out near Deer Harbor.
Anonymous said...
Remember what happened to the retard running out near Deer Harbor.
9:27 PM
You're a sick motherf**ker you retard!! I bet you are a salisbury fireman.
check up on your recent history..we've had a couple haz mat incidents in this county recently...the one on mt hermon and civic, the one in west side and i'm sure more i just can't recall. haz mat is needed seeing as many stations don't have it.
YES the city does get reimbursed for thier services in the county...over and above the billing or their county alottments every year. If you think they dont ask why the county pays almst a million dollars a year to the city for services in the county. dont belive me . do i little digging and you will see what i am talking about. can you say " City - County " contract . that by the way is up for renegotiation by june as requested by the city.
thank you, but the o'malley administration taxes me enough already...way too much!
don't blame me, i voted for Ehrlich!
I am a professional contractor, and drive that section of road on an occasional basis.
Since I drive a loaded work van, complete with ladder racks holding various sizes of stepladders on top, I have to be somewhat conservative with the speed in which I travel. Mind you, it's usually somewhere around the posted limit ....
I have lost count of the number of times that some nut case in a large SUV has tailgated, and then passed me -- usually across a double solid line -- giving me a nasty look or popping the bird as they fly by. God forbid someone might have to actually take their time going down Riverside Drive.
That area is populated by a bunch of rather wealthy snots who are always in a hurry and drive like a bat out of hell.
This recent incident is just one more example of what can happen when these things are left unchecked.
SFD get funding for 3 FD's when in reality they only have 1, and 2 substations. They triple dip in funding.
This accident scene is almost a monthly accurance at this intersection. I have lived on Riverside Dr in Shad Point for over 20 years. We have witnessed sport cars with "kids" racing past my house. As well as adult professionals passing on the double yellow line in from of my house.I have to look both ways twice before I can get my mail out of my box. Don't blame only the SUV's for speeding, its every type vehicle. Most of Riverside Drive after the Shad Point bridge is not wide enough for safe passing of a jogger or cyclist. Don't blame the residents either, I always travel 30mph on Riverside, as I'm sure lots of other residents do. It's a bad intersection, and with lots of speeders where ever they come from. A four way stop with caution lights is needed,or a stop light, what are they waiting for?
I also want a add...what a nice bunch of rescue people were at the scene. Where ever they were from and who ever paid for them!!!
My father owns the property with the white picket fence. He keeps it as a rental home. I haven't had a chance to talk to him, but I bet he is THRILLED about having to replace that section of fence YET AGAIN!
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