You can sugar coat it any way you like, Gang Members are all over the City of Salisbury and as the MSM did everything they could to ignore and refuse to put up any of the graffiti I exposed 2 years ago this month, the reality of crime and Gang Members are now a huge topic and something must be done right away.
Barrie Tilghman and Chief Webster flat out denied any such thing two years ago, claiming there were no Gangs in Salisbury but the reality of it is, they were here, they're growing and they're destroying the quality way of life that is left in Salisbury.
So what does that say for the leaders of our community? It says they'll say and do anything to put a spin on reality and THIS is why I have challenged them right from the very beginning. I believe Chief Webster is a decent guy buy I also believe he has very poor management skills and if Gangs and Crime aren't apparent enough for all of you, then go back into the closet and turn off this Blog Site for good.
Even The Daily Times openly exposed the real issues, 2 to 3 years too late but they're finally admitting there is in fact a problem. Heck, they even stated Salisbury was the #2 crime area in the entire State behind Baltimore! OMG, are you people listening?
Nevertheless, there was a packed house last night with the top officials in the County bringing you REALITY and TRUTH! I guess that's kind of tough for The Daily Times to hide any more.
NO Barrie Tilghman! NO Chief Webster! They don't care Ladies & Gentlemen. If you ignore it long enough you will forget it and it will go away. Well, now the Daily Times is even willing to expose the crime and gang problem in Salisbury and they have finally, (after 2 years) joined the Blogs. You get what you pay for, right?
I loved the on picture above showing one way to FIX crime is to CLONE Mike Lewis! ROTFLMAO! Don't miss the PAC14 presentation but be prepared for them to have LOST the footage of Joe Albero asking good questions as they don't like me too much and seem to "LOSE" footage of me whenever I'm around. Let's see what happens this time around?
I have known for a fact there has been gangs in Salisbury. My best friend's daughter goes to Salisbury Middle, and she is scared to death, because of the "Bloods" and "Crips" (Crypts) I don't know how to spell it. She didn't go to school one day last week because of the rumor the gangs were going to "fight" that day. It's been bad. Tilghman is a stupid bitch to not know this. Pecararro is the school cop at that school.
You will also hear the "crimes against persons" has been reduced by 8 percent. Ha! Don't believe it! Just ask any cop working the streets if they think crime stats have gone down. The persons tallying up these stats may be altering them to keep their jobs.
Looks like Salisbury is trying to write their own version of THE WIRE. Won't Barrie look good in something like that? ROFL
I'm a college student and have been completely taken advantage of by the trashy Salisbury locals. I've been robbed 5 times in the past year. This is rediculous, I've been taken advantage of by my realitor who told me it was a nice neighborhood (across from jm bennett), and taken advantage of by the blacks who break in and steal our stuff while we're on holiday breaks or out enjoying college activities. This is absurd. And nothing is done to stop it. Ship all these blacks out into the countrysides of the Eastern Shore where theres no crack availible, people to rob from, and we'll see immediate results!
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