I'm a daily reader of your blog, but normally don't have a lot to contribute... until now.
Because of my position I would rather remain anonymous (I know, the coward's way--but even a coward has to continue putting food on the table), but I think someone needs to say something about the way I and many others observed Mayor Tilghman act during the Salisbury Christmas Parade. Upon being told her position in the parade lineup, she rolled down her window and actually shouted at one of the volunteers "The MAYOR is number NINE?"
She then went on a tirade, stating she didn't want to be behind the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office OR the bookmobile--which I actually thought was a nice touch, placing the sheriff's tactical command unit (old bookmobile) in front of the library's new bookmobile. But I digress. The mayor went on to ask, "Who's parade is this?" When told it was the Salisbury Jaycees' (parade sponsor) parade, she threatened, "Well WHO lets you have it here?" Around that time, Louise Smith joined in the argument, as well. The county (not city) council members, also lined up in that area, just watched and listened in disbelief as she continued to disrespect the county, its sheriff's office and its library.
The Jaycees caved and let her have her way, moving her up closer to the front. I never would have, but I guess they do have to work with her for next year. I understand she told the organizers there WOULD be a meeting this week to address the "shabby" way she was treated, what with being placed behind the sheriff's office and everything. Interesting to note that until last year, I can't remember a single Christmas parade she bothered to attend. Maybe we were better off! And according to the Jaycees, she was number nine, behind the sheriff's office in that parade, as well.
Just one more example of our illustrious mayor's outrageous behavior. Being a lousy politician (which she is) is one thing, but this was just flat out being a lousy human being.
Anyway, I've said my piece. Aside from that incident, I thought the parade was very good this year. God bless the Jaycees, especially if they have to put up with her again next year!"
I happened to be there and snapped off this photo in the process. Barrie Tilghman was being a complete Bitch and I couldn't care less what anyone thinks about my being in a lawsuit with the woman or not. This woman is OUT OF CONTROL and so power hungry she'll do anything to get attention and her way.
Well, guess what Barrie. YOU just got the attention of many thousands of people this morning, you Idiot! I personally believe she was pissed because I wasn't very far behind her in the line up. LOL It's NOT your Parade, Idiot!
Oh, by the way, Merry Christmas To You Too Mayor!
Bad people behaving badly. No surprise there.
Barrie only allows her SAPOA buddies and other FOB's to make a fool of her. Oh wait, she does that all by herself. If it were up to the witch and her flying monkeys Salisbury would have nothing, not that Salisbury has much going for it now. The WITCH should be thankful the Jaycees even allow her or the monkeys to participate after all, they don't have to.
Was she sober? She is known to attend functions falling down drunk. Just ask the firefighters how they had to pick her up off the floor because she was so drunk she couldn't stand let alone walk.
Jaycees, take the parade to the county portions of Salisbury next year, you won't hear Rick Pollitt publicly berate anyone for any reason.
Barrie, calling you a pig would be an insult to all swine.
Barrie Tilghman acts like a spoiled two year old in public, and even worse in private. The voters should see her at private parties with a couple of drinks under her belt. Barrie is an out of control egotistical power hungry bitch. I have personally seen her drunk, loud and obnoxious at dinner parties.
Councilwomen Campbell and Cohen were at the other end of the spectrum showing gracious behavior and gratitude to the Jaycees for all of their efforts. I heard Mike Lewis ask Debbie if they would mind changing parade order and Campbell said that they would be happy to do so. Compliments to Retired Captain Greg Smith and his wife for providing that wonderful historic fire truck for Campbell, Cohen, and many young people (and young at heart). It was nice to see so many smiling faces.
I was standing there as she was going off on the parade volunteers she was completely over the top with the drama. God Forbid we put the men who vow to protect and serve us in front of the women who has washed our city out with the sewage in the wicomico river.
How terrible that the mayor would act this way. What is even more terrible is that there were only 2 religous entries in the whole parade(that I remember seeing, saying something about the birth of Christ. This is what Christmas is all about! It saddened my husband and I, but we were grateful that Jesus was mentioned at all. The mayor needs to sit back and remember the real reason for the season, it's not about her.
I have heard several churches say that if the parade was moved back to Saturday, they would most definitely enter a float. But I know they can't please all people.
Merry Christmas to everyone, and may God bless you all.
Did anyone catch the mayor's bumper sticker? It says, "My Other Car Is A Broom".
To add to my 10:02 post
Add vindictive to the list of our Mayoral traits. Heaven help the Jaycees the next time they approach the city for anything. Most of the business people are scared of her, except the FOB’s who smile and tell her how great she is. Barrie will do anything that she can to hurt people who disagree with her, or do not support her.
You have GOT to be kidding! What a b*tch!
I just got through on the Mr. Holland post when I saw this.
Maybe the Jaycees did make some socio-political faux pas not putting the mayor ahead of the others, but she didn't have to be a b*tch about it!
Who lets the Jaycees have their parade in Salisbury? I'd like to see that b*tch cancel the Jaycee Christmas Parade and see where she winds up!
I'm so mad reading this, I can't write any more. All I gotta say is, "B*tch!"
She is just patterning her behavior after her idol Hilary Clinton
In this age of camera and video phones, would all of you who are present when she is drunk and disorderly please film these episodes? They will be great political ads if she tries to run again. Oh, while you're at it, start filming, Bubba, Lou-weasel, Shanie, and their SAPOA buddies too. As long as they're being filmed in a public place, I don't believe they have any expectation of privacy.
Mr. Albero, a couple of years ago when the mayor denounced the mean spirited blogs on local news, I agreed with her. I also agreed your comment of her being a waste of good sperm was crude and over the line.
However, after following this blog and the local political scene over the past year or so I must digress. You are absolutely correct, she is most definitely a waste of good sperm.
To you sir, I offer a humble apology.
L. Collins
Yes, we need video of them, no one bothers to read but a picture is worth a thousand words. remember how Barrie sank Shannahan over one lousy picture? Maybe its time to return the favor.
Thats a great idea!Film her in action and let the world see!Her poor husband must chug Pepto....
"Marry" Christmas... Really Joe? Really?
Anon 1:18, is that the best you got? Every other comment is related to how poorly the mayor behaves in public and all you can find fault with is Joe's spelling? Talk about a small minded person, good grief. You have got to be one that was born without a backbone, afraid of Barrie. What a wuss.
It's a "good thing" (as Martha S. once said) that it was early enough in the day that she wasn't completely plastered -- well, on second thought...., at least some young folks got a glimpse of the real Barrie Tilghman.
I hate the way Barrie acts--she's a disgrace. Our City and the citizens deserve better than her.
Did you see her on her PAC14 show with LouWeasle and Gary; Barrie looked so stupid, LouWeasle acted like a giddy schoolgirl (and Barrie stroked her the whole time); Gary acted, well, like Country-bumpkin Gary.
Yes, with her bitching as she did, I wondered how much she had to drink before going to the parade. We do need to get video of her in her drunken state and use that to convince people who not to vote for next year!
A. Goetz
Barrie is the worst of the worst--all ego, all bluster, all about vindictiveness. You can just watch her at a meeting or when she speaks and know that she has serious, deep-seated problems. Watch her body language, eyes and all the nervous and constant motion of her hands.....she's got real problems.
Anonymous said...
Barrie Tilghman acts like a spoiled two year old in public, and even worse in private. The voters should see her at private parties with a couple of drinks under her belt. have personally seen her drunk, loud and obnoxious at dinner parties.
10:02 AM
Yes I have. Does anyone have a copy of the home video from several years ago where she was drunk on her @ss at a party saying some really offensive things about Palmer Gillis, and I believe Bob Cannon and Frank Himmelright? I know it is out there, but I can't remember who told me they had a copy.
Post a poll and see how many people would like to see her in next years parade? She belongs behind the horses with a big dust pan and a broom collecting droppings ROFLMFAO
If she has anything to do with it, there wouldn't be a Christmas parade i.e. the same with the fireworks and the festival of lights in the park.
She could find a way to spoil a good funeral.
Anonymous said...
>>Barrie will do anything that she can to hurt people who disagree with her, or do not support her.
10:32 AM
Yes she will and I and many others are living proof.
Citizens Please do everything in your power to remove her from office as soon as possible. I will be glad to go door to door to sign that petition. We can not afford to wait until 2009 to remove her from office. Even then we can't guarantee that she will be removed. She has Sapoa and the liberal media backing her.
Campbell and Cohen have two things Barry will never have, class and true supporters that know that their real priorities are solving some of the cities deep rooted problems.
Not what spot they have in the parade. I'm glad some new people got to see what a burden she really is on this city.
Settle down folks, after all we should be very PROUD
of her and her family... We need a bumper sticker that says... My Mayor's Daughter can beat Your Mayors daughter
Barrie Tilghman replaces Grinch in stealing Christmas this year.
BTW, guys. You have to stop calling her a b*tch. Aside from the sexism issue, there were a LOT of female dogs in the Award-Winning Kennel Club unit and they do NOT appreciate your using their name in vain!
The mayor continually allows her incessant indignities to color her image in a very lackluster hue. She should ALWAYS behave in a lady-like manner, which she seems to do only rarely, if at all. Maybe she should have been at the end of the parade where she'd be billed as the Grand Finale. Picture everyone scrambling to their cars to get a jump on the traffic. If SHE alone "allows" the parade, I'd look for another site. The county probably wouldn't object. It doesn't HAVE to be in the city even though it's Salisbury's parade.(not hers)
Were I in charge of the parade, she'd have been behind the horses... side-stepping the you know what. (She's very good at that.) If there weren't horses, I'd have found some...or even better, a bull...
Somebody, please find that video of Bitchin' Barrie--UTube it.
She's absolutely gotta go -- throw this miserable excuse for a Mayor out on her ear.
She is an embarrassment to her office and also to the rest of us women.
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