I'm having a hard time understanding why it sunk the first time. Rain is not an adequate answer. All of the other boats in the harbor are still afloat, why did this one sink, yet again? Why does it have a starboard list? Someone commented earlier this was the problem the first time, these photos show it to be the problem yet again, it's listing to the starboard side. Why? If it's an outboard there would be no bilges to pump. Didn't you all pull the plug when you moored so it could/would drain? Who taught you all how to tie a boat up at a dock? Where are your hull bumpers? Where are your spring lines? Good lord, who captains this boat? Whoever it is, YOU'RE FIRED, should be the next thing you hear from your superiors.
If you want answers go to station 16 second floor fire chiefs office!
I live and travel up and down the river all of the time. I have seen boats tied up with only a pole and rope that stay afloat in very heavy rains. This just boggles my mind.
It would really be refreshing if the city would one time say, "It was our fault". Not likely to happen! At least not under this administration.
It appears to me that whatever is being stowed on this boat does not have the proper weight displacement which may be causing it to list to the starboard side.
I agree, someone is and should be held responsible.
Something is rotting in Salisbury, that's a certainty.
i think our boat is a piece of shit and honestly we need a new on but oo wait cant afford it cause yea that 9 million dollar station that is comming up with masive bed rooms and bath rooms in it whats the bad thing is they couldnt take care of one bath room how can they take care of 5 or more bath rooms lol not likely to happen some parts of the sfd is gr8 but sum at the top anit shit
The entire organization is like a big pimple, some in the fire department are even big enough to pop like a pimple. How many in the fire department could really pass a physical. Have you seen some of them lately. Its all just a big sinking ship and the fire boat sunk first.
Actually everyone in the SFD that is active MUST pass a physical and pass by NFPA guidelines.
The fire house on the bog will be the next to sink. I can't wait for that day to come and I hope Bill Duvall lives long enough to see it happen so he can blog I TOLD YOU IT WOULD HAPPEN.
Where was the Harbor Master during these two episodes? The fire boat is a city owned piece of equipment, docked in the city marina, overseen by the city Harbor Master. I don’t understand how these two instances can happen when the boat is docked in front of the Harbor Masters office. Maybe the fire department is not to blame.
boating for fun,
OMG! Is that you Barrie? Oh come on here. The City is NEVER at fault for being ignorant Idiots and having inbred hillbillies handling even the simplest of equipment. Nope, go blame it on the Dock Master. Yeah, we all agree with you. It was the Dock Masters fault. Stupid is as stupid does. Thank God no one really knows your real name, Dee, Dee, Deeee!
for all you anonymous , be a man and sign your name, your are a bunch of cowards.the sfd is not perfect but it will get better, there is a mole or more in the career side and i believe one is a LT, paramedic and the other is off on injury and one is a volunteer who got suspended after the fire in fruitland.i am not afraid to say it.
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