TARGET Corporation is moving into a brand new store in Easton, MD. TARGET has hired Conlon Construction Co. to perform carpentry work at this new location.
Conlon Construction Co. pays its carpentry employees substantially less the the wage and benefit standards established by the Carpenters Union and recognized by the surrounding communities as the area standard.
We didn't realize they were talking about people trying to earn a decent living so they could shop in their stores! TARGET CORPORATION is WRONG for helping to destroy area standards. SHAME on TARGET!
This was the message Carpenters Local Union 2012 is spreading while they picket the local Salisbury TARGET store. This should get good!!!!!!!
Sound similar to SPD!
So Target hired the company that could get the job done correctly at the most reasonable price, just like you or I would. And the problem is??
Here I thought it was because they don't allow salvation army bellringers anymore!! I couldnt read the bottom line of the banner when passing.
annon. 12:24 it is apparent that you have no one working and or are retired, on the good money you made when you were working. Of course the jobs you worked at paid substandard wages and you raised your family on cup o noodles, so I understand you are bitter. But think why do we have paid holidays? why do we have health insurance? My grandmother worked for the garmet workers union for years, ask her (bless her soul) why unions are important. So while you bitch about someone wanting a better life, boycott TARGET, they hate boy scouts, marines and do not support our community another cancer in our midst.
Anonymous said...
So Target hired the company that could get the job done correctly at the most reasonable price, just like you or I would. And the problem is??
12:24 PM
How do you know Conlon can do it correctly? Also, no one has a problem with Target wanting the best price, but should Target hire a company that is known to take advantage of their employees? Cost cutting should never be done on the backs of the employees. I must ask, is Conlon the "Wal-Mart" of the construction business? It would be interesting to know just how many Conlon employees receive some sort of public assistance.
Instead of "protesting" in the freezing cold...Why not go work so you can get the contract next time. Or I'm sure Target will hire you. But NO, you would rather be a burden on the community by standing next to an intersection making people think your "cause" matters! HA HA HA MORONS!
Anonymous said...
Instead of "protesting" in the freezing cold...Why not go work so you can get the contract next time. Or I'm sure Target will hire you. But NO, you would rather be a burden on the community by standing next to an intersection making people think your "cause" matters! HA HA HA MORONS!
2:08 PM
That you, JR? I can tell you one thing, I will NEVER set foot in Target again until they let the Boy Scouts sell their Popcorn, the Girl Scouts their cookies, and let the bells toll. Is this a corporate policy or a "Salisbury Target" policy?
And who cares? That silly sign certainly isn't hurting Target. I've been there twice this week, and it's been packed (and everyone is still so nice and friendly!).
I went in and asked Target about this sign. They laughed and said it was good for business because people were coming in asking them about it, then spending money.
We maybe Mr. Union Man you could go and get another Good Paying job at maybe DRESSER or How about CROWN... IF The Union did a good job for them why did the leave??
Gee Wiz here they rear their ugly communist head out again. Haven't they caused this city enough jobs?
For crying out loud, go home & let everyone enjoy Christmas.
This is SO ridiculous.
Conlon is an employer offering JOBS to people doing work, they have a choice where they want to work, if they don't like the work or pay at Conlon, QUIT and go find another job.
Commerce is what that American Dream is all about, competition, options.
UNIONS were good for the country back in the Sweat Shop days of the 20's and 30's, but TODAY they are just ruining our country. Want to know why more and more jobs are leaving the USA???? Unions won't let companies compete honestly. The country does NOT need unions any longer, they are just money-grubbing entities and have all sorts of problems themselves. Look at the Teamsters, look at all the problems with funds that are supposed to exist for union workers to strike, then nothing is there, such a mess. Look at the salaries of the Union Leaders, IT IS BIG BUSINESS!!! (on the backs of workers and companies).
Target did NOTHING wrong, they are a great company with great products at a decent price.
Want to find a CAUSE??? Find something that really makes a difference, not this dribble.
Have a Happy Holiday!!!
I don't shop Target only because I don't support extravagant consumption and waste by buying needless goods. But, on the topic of union support. I've known many union members, some are right good folks in many ways but none of them ever hire union contractors to do renovations and repairs on their homes etc. Too many of those union workers are moonlighting and/or selling stolen tools or materials from the jobs. When I questioned one about the stolen tools, he just said "they expect that". Golly, premium pay is not enough to promote honesty? Tough tata to the union members that bit the hands that feed them.
Didnt Mike Lewis just buy cars outside of MD state because he could get them cheaper? And that was ok, so why is it wrong for Target to do the same?
I smell JR again! Mike, if you want to know who this guy is, drop me a line.
what the hell? TARGET was obviously a smart shopper and found someone to get the job done at a good price i assume, I DOUBT that when they hired them, the questioned them as to how much they pay their laborers. LMAO HOW DUMB ARE THESE PICKETERS
The picketers are upset because capitalism is working, and they have priced themselves out of the market. Get more competitive and offer a competitive product at a competitive price, and you keep finding work. Play the UNION card and demand High Wages and you lose contracts and become uncompetitive. That is American Capitalism AT WORK (not like you OUT OF WORK!!!)
Get a life, or better yet, get a job!!
Joe the comment was not made by JR, and I in no way meant that as a slam against Mike...I really dont care where he got his cars from, its the point, I watched everyone fight saying he got the better deal and who could blame him, yet Target is being blasted!
And Mike knows who I am, he doesnt need you to tell him!
I will shop at Target more now that I know they stand up to blood-sucking unions.
Should the sign read: "Pay More. Expect Less." In America - people are free to work where ever they want. Target can hire who ever they want for carpentry work. That lazy worker by the sign looks like one of the contractors who never showed up to work on building our house, forcing us to live in a little dumpy house, eating cup-o-noodles because we were renting and paying for a construction loan much longer than we were supposed to - because the contractors were never showing up. Contractors never consider how being so unreliable hurts the people who hire them. Sorry - but most contractors aren't going to get sympathy - too many people have hired them and seen how slow they work. . .that is when they show up for work.
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