We're in an Official Vehicle, who's going to mess with us? SBYNEWS.COM, that's who! No Handicap Tags, no sticker in the front window or hanging from the rear view mirror. Just plain and simple abuse. I'm going to start keeping my eye out for more of this during the Holiday Season.
Joe the vehicle in question is a Delaware fire police vehicle. This pesron is a volunteer with a Delaware fire department in case your not familiar with fire police. Its HIS/HERS personal vehicle. Not a goverment vehicle as you seem to think. Blow the picture up and you can clearly see there are credentials hanging from the rear view. Appears as a handicap tag turned sideways. Not sticking up for the person,but it could be. look close.
I was there, you were not. I did walk up to the vehicle to see if there was in fact something hanging from the rear view mirror and there was NOTHING. Blow this photo up all you want, you're wrong! I sometimes find it unbelievable how some people will do and say anything they can to suggest differently. I guess you'll say that wasn't a Dog in that City vehicle and it was the Mayor instead, right?
Anyone could see that it was a dog, not the Mare. The dogs hair was well gromed. LOL
Don't you love people who don't turn in a handicapped sign after the person who legitimately needed it no longer does? Most people I see using these spots have absolutely no right to. Shame on you people who do this, you aren't clever you are dishonest.
Take their pics and post em here-with tag numbers too if thats legal,so the world can see what selfish dicks they are to park in a spot someone else might really need.The only thing that pisses me off more is those who actually have the placards and dont really need them-before you all jeer me you all KNOW you have seen perfectly healthy people using these placards.Ironically you never see the permits in a beater-always expensive cars.....things that make you go hmmmm
Really does get you pissed off when some huge vehicle wheels up in the handicapped space and the driver hops out without any physical problems whatsoever. Then you see some bent over crooked little old person pushing their cart out to a regular parking space, proud that they can still do the activities of daily living. Makes you sick sometimes.
Not defending this guy because I don't know him or know if he/she is indeed handicapped, but "fire police" are generally people that can't do much except direct traffic. Many are one step below putting out in the pasture.
I do give them credit as they love doing that job as shown on his magnetic sticker.
Many are just wannabe cops.
Please be careful where you point fingers. I suffer from a very painful syndrome called fibromyalgia and although I do not look handicapped I am in a lot of pain most days. I park in the handicapped spots only when I am at my worst and cannot find another close spot. I am also young (mid 40s) and try to do normal activities to keep myself going everyday. Sometimes it is necessary to use the spaces.
I hear the real name for that newly formed and created disease is called laziness.
I also heard you were a jerk but did not believe it until now!!!!
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