Once again, the Daily Times has announced the want of an $800,000.00 Fire Boat by the SFD.
They also claimed that the boat sunk because of heavy rains. NOT! It did NOT rain heavy enough to sink a boat the other night, it's all bullshit. Yes, you heard me right, it's all bullshit!
NOW, if the SFD wants to tell the TRUTH as to what actually happened, I'd be happy to Post it. However, like I said, they'll stop at nothing to get everything they want and they'll do so even with your DONATIONS.
If you want to make a DONATION to the SFD, give them a new Smoke Detector. However, don't give them money and don't give them a receipt in which they can return the smoke detector for cash. Just give it to them and teach them a lesson.
Some Investigative Reporting too! Uh, this is the second time this boat sunk in two weeks. Of course, no one is going to offer that information and even though we ALL know the DT follows this Blog Site like there's no tomorrow, wouldn't you say things are a bit fishy when they leave out such a major point like that?
Dt is wrong again go figure!
Joe,How many Chesapeake Bay waterman have lost their boats due to rainfall?Those 2 at the top spot in the FD have got to be outta their frigging minds.The sinking was nothing but negligence.
You give them more credit than I ever would! I say, it was done on purpose! Again, the rains were NOT that heavy to completely SINK any boat, let alone that Boat.
Any real Waterman would know this to be true.
That anyone in city government would think seriously that Salisbury needs or can afford to spend the better part of 1 Million Dollars on this shows that the Tilghman administration is ridiculous and more than a little out-of-control.
Another very important post to say the least.
Happy New Year!
IF the DT was so wrong on this article, WHY would they do so over and over again?
I'll tell you why. This is a SET UP! It's customized by the Czarina herself to come out with a $800,000.00 Price Tag so when they drop it down to $300,000.00, (if not more) people will say, NICE JOB! LMAO! You are an Idiot if you fall for their Bullshit any more. Bait and Switch, that's what some call it.
If you want to fall for it, that's your business. However, you don't see them on here defending themselves and they don't realize the power of SBYNEWS.COM any more. Our numbers are larger that the DT and we're growing every day. Not as fast as we had been in the past but the word gets out there and we just keep going up in numbers.
Intentionally destroying equipment to get it replaced is nothing new for the SFD. When I was a volly at station 16 we tried several times to destroy the ladder truck by using the ladder as a battering ram on a tree. We also slammed it against chimneys several times. We damaged the ladder but we didn't get a new truck. That is the reason I left Salisbury because of the corruption that has been a part of the city for a long time. I see things haven't changed any. Get rid of the bozo's at the top and you will see change. Another reason I left is because David See hates volunteers. If you get rid of the chief and the 2 deputies many of us might come back.
Headquarters Refugee
Nice try refugee. Most may believe what you print, but I know different. If you had used the ladder as a ram on chimneys and trees you would have been seen and disciplined, By admitting to using it on a tree or chimney shows you didn't know what you were doing to start with. A ladder is for a roof or window to gain access. Any good ATO would have spotted these obstacles prior to placement and worked around them. I have run the aerial as much if not more than anyone in 25 years and never had to do what you claim. Aerial ladders are a useful tool,but very tempermental if abused. The ladder is not the issue here. The ladder works fine, but the chassis is old. Yes it is time for replacement and that will come. However your story doesn't hold water. If your claims were true you would have been caught. You were probably better to leave and be a refugee. I'll be sure to wave at you from the tip of the aerial ladder, because its still getting me where I need to be.
You know, I've been reading, but too busy to sit and post, but this caught my attention. I used to live in Salisbury, but now live in a different state, in a community very much like Salisbury, but minus the corruption.
We have a river that runs through our city, and we are about the size of Salisbury. WE don't even have a fire boat, though we, like Salisbury, have homes and businesses along our river. Tell me the truth--what is the purpose of having a fire boat, other than to waste taxpayer's money
Fuel depot and Prudue grain for one and the are homes along the river which is hard to gain access and have no water supply.Alot of homes have very long and narrow driveways which would have a hard time gaining access and getting water to the fire.A boat would be set up like a fire engine,with hose lines and tools plus the deck gun.We would be able to handle large scale fuel spills as well.
Just because nothing major has happened doesn't mean it can't.Look at it this way if a river floods you build a levy so it doesn't happen again,well we want to have a levy even know the river has not flooded yet!
the idiots in the fire company that are in charge of their boat obviously don't have a clue about taking care of a boat. if they can't take care of a small boat there is no way they need a big boat. the question is how many times will they need a boat of any kind? i don't recall many times they have ever really needed a boat to fight fires.. they have spent too much money on the fire palace on cypress str. and on top of all this, they want another large sum of money for new fire trucks. if they don't take care of their trucks any better than they do their boats they don't need anything.
Oh cut the bullshit!
Sine when are ALL Taxpayers responsible for houses built on the river? Screw each and every one of those owners if they demand such a piece of equipment!
Let the businesses along the river pay for their own boat. I'd bet Perdue wouldn't have an issue participating in such a donation.
I have said it in the past, it isn't about saving everything, you Idiots. It's the risk you take when you buy a home or build a home where it's located. Secondly, what makes you think you can spray a stream of water all the way from the river into a particular area of a business or home? Hell, you guys can't even get it into the toilet most of the time.
You're feeding everyone a line of shit and quite frankly, I'm not buying it nor is anyone else. It's another TOY for the Fire Department, you can't keep up the equipment you have now, screw you. Until the leadership changes I highly doubt you're going to get anything else. $10,000,000.00 was a big enough scam to last a least a decade.
Why can't you use a P250 or a P500 pump on your fishing boat that keeps sinking to throw water on a house fire? Anyone that spent all of that money on building a waterfront wannabe mansion should have included fire prevention in their plans such as sprinklers of even a storm drainage pond. Can't do that in Nithsdale where they built those big houses on top of each other though can they? It just proves the planning was piss poor.
As for a fuel spill, you don't use water to clean up a fuel spill and you certainly don't extinguish a fuel farm fire with water. OIL FLOATS to the top so all you've created was a floating fire. I guess you'll need a boat big enough to carry foam tanks eh?
You all don't NEED anything. You WANT everything. To bad, so sad. Want in one hand, s**t in the other.
Mr. Albero. This comment is with all do respect. A fire Boat can be very useful. Yes you are right maybe the city should approach Perdue Farms and DMO for donations to help fund this said boat. As someone touched on it earlier with hose lines could be run off the boat to fight a fire on the river in any type of structure or natural cover fire. Yes it has a deck gun to use to. As you stated in your past post, Screw for building in a limited access area. Ok Joe, that’s like saying screw people in a high rise building cause the ladder won’t reach to the upper floors. Or you go off riding your horse somewhere with limited access and the fire dept. saying o well. Joe, say NO to drugs. Drugs are bad.
As for the care of the current boat. The current fire boat was taking car of Joe. It wasn't quite the shinning star you’re making it out to be. SFD worked with what they had.
To answer someone’s post on how much the boat is used... Well it has been out more than you think, fuel spills, recoveries, rescues and so on.
Joe I am not defending the fire department here I just want you to do your homework on this. Please give us some facts. Did you go look at the current boat? You call emergency mgt. to see what kind of and how many calls the fire boat actually runs. Or call the SFD and find out to. 410-548-3122(sta. 16). Until you come out with some facts every thing that comes out of your mouth is NOT factual information. SHOW ME SOME FACTS JOE. If my tax dollars are being pissed away show me. Until then shut the F**k up.
ANON 1159. You are so stupid man, you use the boat to contain and clean up the fuel spill in the water with booms and so on. Think before you speak. Also congratulations on figuring out that oil floats. You are at a 2 grade level. Don't you have some glass to lick or something?
Let the businesses along the river pay for their own boat. I'd bet Perdue wouldn't have an issue participating in such a donation.
I am sure they will also when the planning starts.
"Ok Joe, that’s like saying screw people in a high rise building cause the ladder won’t reach to the upper floors."
No Sir, you are wrong. Any high rise building by code must have a sprinkler system and or plumbing for such said fires in Maryland.
"It wasn't quite the shinning star you’re making it out to be. SFD worked with what they had."
I never stated this boat was a shining star, please don't put words into my mouth.
"Joe I am not defending the fire department here" "Until then shut the F**k up."
Uh, well, I'll just not respond to that.
$10,000,000.00 Fire Station. The DT stated the new Boat would cost $800,000.00 . What other FACTS would you like? I don't need to call the Fire Station, I can just read the Tilghman Times like everyone else. When they allegedly LIE, do you see Fire Fighters getting on the Grapevine and telling the DT they got it wrong? NO! Do you see Letters To The Editor stating they were wrong? NO!
Might I suggest you take your own advise and STFU.
Just because a building is sprinklered doesn't mean its fire proof.
"This comment is with all do respect." "Until then shut the F**k up."
ROTFLMAO! With all due respect.
"Just because a building is sprinklered doesn't mean its fire proof."
Do show me a building that burned to the ground that was sprinklered?
Let's no go HOLLYWOOD with "The Towering Inferno" either.
I do beleave there have been some MCD, Walmarts,KFC That have burned that had fire protection systems in them. I will do some homework and get back to you on what and where.
Joe, I’ve studied an awful lot on sprinkler systems in residential homes up to commercial buildings. There are so many variables that play into the equation of whether or not the sprinkler system can hold the fire. First and fore most are the materials burning followed by the amount of that material. Then comes the type of construction, what is the building made of? Finally the fire department response, how fast can the fire be accessed? Trust me Joe buildings burn with sprinkler systems and yes, some still burn to the ground. It all depends on the circumstances involved.
Anon 12:26 IF there were an oil spill in the Wicomico river of great magnitude it won't be the fire department that will be tending to it. You will have your scrawny asses sent to the shoreline while the professionals of the US Coast Guard get the job done and done right the first time.
Here is a link to NFPA with stats and everything for you. http://www.nfpa.org/assets/files//PDF/OSsprinklers.pdf .
Sprinklers are made to contain a fire until the fire department shows up.
shot your eye out kid said...
Fuel depot and Prudue grain for one and the are homes along the river which is hard to gain access and have no water supply.Alot of homes have very long and narrow driveways which would have a hard time gaining access and getting water to the fire.A boat would be set up like a fire engine,with hose lines and tools plus the deck gun.We would be able to handle large scale fuel spills as well.
11:37 AM
I know some Jackass is going to come on here and say "What about the WTC?" I'm going to cut you off and say--how often does that happen?
I also understand about water rescues, but again, the people and businesses who stand to benefit the most should foot most of the bill. I bet if they had to pay, they would find a boat that cost less than $800,000 and would do the same thing. You fire fighters just want a new, hi tech toy to play with. Guess what? It won't be on my nickel
I don't doubt that a nicer, more capable fireboat would be a nice asset for the SFD and would more than likely come in very handy on occasion. The reason I would oppose such a purchase is the dept has shown that it cannot adequately take care of a small fireboat, so why would it be a good idea to get them a big expensive one?
Anon 12:26 IF there were an oil spill in the Wicomico river of great magnitude it won't be the fire department that will be tending to it. You will have your scrawny asses sent to the shoreline while the professionals of the US Coast Guard get the job done and done right the first time.
3:44 PM
Why do you think we have a HAZMAT truck.Yes the coast gaurd will have to respond as well as state HAZMAT teams but until they get there its are responsiblity to contain it as best we can until help arrives.
In the past two years several homes in the Quantico Rd. area have seriously burnt due to the absence of a water system. Three of these fires were less than one mile from the river where a fire boat could have pumped supply lines on shore to fill tankers thus making a difference in water supply. In all practicality with the proper game plan a boat could be used often for water supply more so than fire attack. In the developments I speak of there is not sufficient access for a fire engine to draft water where a fire boat could.
And a heavy downpour would have been even MORE convenient. Life isn't about everything going perfectly and having everything you want.
Like I've said in the past. Who gives a shit how badly those homes burned in the past and or in the future. Did they burn to the ground? That would have been the idea thing, ask any home owner after the FD gets through with the mess they so conveniently leave behind after a fire.
Screw the Fire Department and they new Fire Boat. Screw Off!
All in all there is no new fire boat coming to Salisbury anyway..Maybe five to ten years down the road.The boat is not on the top priority list.The #1 on the list is a ladder truck.The boat is being fixed and will be back in service in a few.
The boat can be used for a water fountain in front of Gordy's palace on the creek off the Wicomico River. ROTFLMAO.
And a heavy downpour would have been even MORE convenient. Life isn't about everything going perfectly and having everything you want
No its not perfect but we want to try and protect life and property as best as we can!!!!!
OK, then why didn't your parents use a condom? LMAO!
Did they burn to the ground? That would have been the idea thing, ask any home owner after the FD gets through with the mess they so conveniently leave behind after a fire.
Yes, know it all the three homes I speak of did burn to the ground. If you were more informed you would understand why we do what we do ass hole. No fire department conveniently leaves a mess behind after a fire. That statement just goes to show what bumbling idiot ass hole you are. Only if you were a firemen would you know about the fire service. You need to shut your f*cking mouth Joe before someone shuts it for you.
Why didn't your parents use a condom..
Shot your eye out has gotton Joe all pissed off,AHHH!!
I don't know what you're talking about. I'm sitting here laughing at you so hard there are tears in my eyes!
I was planned, unlike you.
You are nothing but a stain on the sheets..
shot in your eye,
Your Momma should have swallowed instead.
Is she blind in one eye now, hence the name? LMAO!
You were planned,like using a needle to poke holes in the condom.There is alot of planing involved in that.
Swallowed, ROTFLMAO!
Gee, that last comment just disappeared. Go figure? LOL
A rather convenient sinking if there is such a thing.......
I thought I heard WBOC weather say we got one inch of rain, must have been pouring buckets at the marina.
Oh, but wouldn't more boats have sunk?
shot your eye out kid said... "Just because a building is sprinklered doesn't mean its fire proof."
Joe said -Do show me a building that burned to the ground that was sprinklered?
Let's no go HOLLYWOOD with "The Towering Inferno" either.
shot your eye out kid said...
Here is a link to NFPA with stats and everything for you. http://www.nfpa.org/assets/files//PDF/OSsprinklers.pdf .
4:08 PM
Well joe tell us what it reads?I have read it and he is right!!
But Tim, you know how big 1" is to the Mayor, right?
Was it here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? HUH????
Salisbury Fire,
Were you a mistake with shot a load in your eye too? No high blood pressure here. Just LMAO at the two of you struggling to stay above water while everyone challenges this Fire Department. You're Idiots, just admit it. Your boat sunk twice in two weeks, you F-ed up and that's all there is to it. Nope, blame it on the Dock Master instead. You guys have to be the biggest group of pussies I've ever seen.
Why does this boat keep sinking? I know a little about boating and I can't figure this out. It's not rain so let's get that out of the way first thing. I do know that Coastal Property Mgt. aren't the most efficient group in the world, but unless this thing went down quickly, the dockmaster should have seen it and taken some type of action to minimize the loss.
Since it's been pulled from the water, we may never know what really happened. I will say this...If this boat stays in the water all the time - open - some water is bound to find its way into the bilge. If the bilge pumps kick on, water will remain inside the pumps. Unless there is heat in the bilge, the pumps will freeze, crack, and fail to work. Also, I know it had an outboard but did it have a generator? If so was it watercooled? My boat stayed in the water there last winter but was winterized and a bilge heater stayed on. This year it's drydocked. I simply would NOT leave my boat in the water if it wasn't up to par. Matter of fact my insurance wouldn't cover my boat if it sunk because I failed to do something. The difference is that it's my money that would be lost. Many employees don't care about the loss of a piece of equipment if the replacement cost doesn't come out of thier pockets but this boat has been in the river for some time. There's more to this than meets the eye.
What's LB stand for Pussy? Larry Bird? Lazy Bastard? Long&Burger? Larry's Bitch?
Yeah, tough guy. Are you the one that sucked all the water out of the sunken boat?
Burger King, WTF are you talking about?
OK Tough Guy. My shield, eh Wayne? Is that what you call him? Funny, I saw a grown man running like a little girl as soon as I called 911. ROTFLMAO!
Joe, if you only knew the fun we have taking turns busting your ass at the firehouse. We read you like a book dude and your to stupid to know any better!
salisbury fire,
Then we look at the photos of the fire boat, the lack of donation envelopes and guess what, we get the last laugh here at SBYNEWS.COM.
Actually the donations have been very good, in fact better than ever so far. Thanks to Chief Gordy with his new game plan this year things are off to a really good start.
There wasn't a Fire Fighter that I made eye contact with there that didn't say helo very kindly. There's one or two assholes on the SFD and it could even be Wayne acting like he's one of them making these statements like the pussy that he is. Just like the Grandson being a shield.
None of those pussies will ever mess with me because they'd have to answer how I kicked their ass or perhaps even killed one of them in self defense.
So bring it on little boys. Everyone will realize you're a man as soon as you use your real name.
Till then, you're all PUSSIES.
Do your homework, a fire station in Indiana burnt to the ground and it was sprinklered. Actually it was brand new (less than 5 yrs old). Sprinklers are not designed to extinguish a fire, just contain it. But yes most fires still in the incipient stage will go out if they activate the head before reaching the freeburning or flashover stages.
Donations are good this year, eh? Nice try Idiot. However, the mere fact that people are admitting to throwing out their envelopes clearly shows you're a liar. There's NOT ONE person on here saying, Albero, you're wrong. I'm still supporting the SFD and making a donation to support the $10,000,000.00 Fire House and the $800,000.00 Fire Boat.
The funny part is, we'll be able to tell by the books. I will wait a few weeks before I demand those numbers, (which is public information) and get last years numbers, let's see how much you guys are lying AGAIN. Thanks for putting that out there for the public to see though.
Look sto me you are fired up there little joey.
Nope, just having some fun watching you Idiots respond. Just can't shut up like you've been told by your leaders, can you?
Get the numbers you are to much of a pussy to even go to the fire house and ask what the truth is about the fire boat or anything else that you post about the fire department.
My leaders have not said a word to me.Its my laptop and I will do anything on it as I please,I pay the bill not the city,but this is still alot of fun.
OK Asshole, just what do you expect me to get from the Fire Station?
Did you write that same message to the Grapevine? Did you write a letter to the editor stating the DT has it all wrong? NOPE! Why, because this is a perfect set up to screw the taxpayers.
You're a very stupid man to challenge me to go to the Fire Station to get numbers when you don't even challenge the DT for allegedly getting it wrong to start with.
Again, stupid is as stupid does.
joealbero said...
There wasn't a Fire Fighter that I made eye contact with there that didn't say helo very kindly. There's one or two assholes on the SFD and it could even be Wayne acting like he's one of them making these statements like the pussy that he is. Just like the Grandson being a shield.
None of those pussies will ever mess with me because they'd have to answer how I kicked their ass or perhaps even killed one of them in self defense.
So bring it on little boys. Everyone will realize you're a man as soon as you use your real name.
Till then, you're all PUSSIES.
Thats because we were acting professionable but under are breaths and after you left is a differnt story...
Is it like a Church up there? You know, lots of little boys running around playing and so forth?
Do you ask your spouse to buy you soap on a rope every Christmas?
Its not my job to go to the daily times and get it changed!!Thats the chief that needs to do it.But on here is a differt story because we try to give you facts but you will not follow through.
"Thats because we were acting professionable but under are breaths and after you left is a differnt story..."
I's be professionable. ROTFLMAO!
Now what does that tell you Ladies & Gentlemen, all talk. We all did that with our teachers and co workers. So many men afraid to say it to my face. Know why? Because very few of them feel this way, that's why.
WTF would YOU know about facts? A Boat site at the bottom of the water FOR THE SECOND TIME IN TWO WEEKS, it's the Dock Master's fault??? It rained so hard the Boat sunk?????? F/U Mr. Facts! We're not stupid.
Do you think I am going to go and lose my joband put my family in hardship because of kicking your ass on a fire scene when I can do it here.LOL
Going on your site is the best fun we get all night.It better than watching a movie.
WTF would YOU know about facts? A Boat site at the bottom of the water FOR THE SECOND TIME IN TWO WEEKS, it's the Dock Master's fault??? It rained so hard the Boat sunk?????? F/U Mr. Facts! We're not stupid.
7:27 PM
That goes to show you Joe how stupid you are!
Joe must have had to go for a walk!!!Can't handle us bustin his ass!!!
I will wait a few weeks before I demand those numbers, (which is public information) and get last years numbers, let's see how much you guys are lying AGAIN.
You wish Joe! Annual find drive monies go to the volunteer corporations, you’ll play hell getting your hands on those documents.
There wasn't a Fire Fighter that I made eye contact with there that didn't say helo very kindly.
The only person that spoke to you was the city marina guy. Not one fireman spoke to you in the five minutes you were there Joe. Is it true chief See took you picture dick?
Now that was funny to see that.City camera,city camera.cry baby
Wow!The drinking started EARLY today for some of y'all,huh?I am still LMao over the rubber discussion
Turns out Anne Arundel now has its own fire boat drama: http://arundel.blogspot.com/2008/01/pork-as-protection.html
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