The Mayor of Salisbury and the Salisbury Fire Department along with Paul Wilber's Office are in MAJOR Damage Control Mode over an alleged Hostile Work Environment Case against the City of Salisbury.
It turns out allegedly the NAACP is knee deep into allegations ONE Salisbury Fire Fighter has been severely discriminated against and in the typical Tilghman style, THEY WANTS SOURCES AND ANSWERS!
The Mayor allegedly believes that by dragging almost every Fire Fighter into Wilber's Office, they're going to intimidate anyone and everyone into answering just how deep a shit pile the City is actually in. This has been the tactic of this Mayor and administration for many years now and she'll play the game with the Fire Fighter and the NAACP into believing she's actually doing so for the good of those involved. BULLSHIT!
What Barrie is doing is trying to find out who's involved, how deep it is and just how badly the City will deny anything ever being wrong in the first place. If this weren't the case, Barrie would have gone to the Press and released this under cover, (so to speak) investigation in good faith. Instead, the entire Fire Department has been told to keep it quiet, as if she believes everyone there hates me and won't give me the heads up. NOT!
Anyhow, there is only one BLACK paid Professional Fire Fighter and Fire Fighters in Salisbury and around the area have flat out admitted to using the "N" Word around this person as well as one high up Official not only stating it himself, he's also used the word "Sp00k."
There have even been times in the past when a Fire Fighter was suspended by stating in a Parade, can you smell that? What? The "N" ers! The Salisbury Fire Department and other local Fire Departments haven't been very kind to black Fire Fighters and while this Blog Site has been the ONLY source locally to expose such CRAP, the Fire Fighters have retaliated with threats against me and one even came to my home threatening me on Thanksgiving and was ARRESTED for doing so and faces numerous charges.
Then of course there's the MAJOR cover up for the past few months in which even the State Police have neglected to expose the major accident in Hebron in which one woman was killed and that case has now been turned over to Davis Ruark and nothing has been said since.
It's fairly obvious that since it was turned over to the States Attorneys Office, criminal charges are inevitable. OR WILL THEY? Remember, we have experience with Barrie Tilghman and her bullshit games where she acts like she wants to help you and she actually turns against you as soon as she gets the information she wants from you. Denial will soon be obvious and NOT ONE person will be suspended or fired for treating a fellow Fire Fighter with such disrespect.
So the cat is out of the bag Barrie. Now let's see where this whole thing goes from this point forward. My advise to all of those Fire Fighters who might be in a difficult way throughout these interrogations, bring an attorney along with you, seriously! The City has NO RIGHT asking you questions without you having professional help from your own attorney. It could mean your career and she's looking to nail one, two, three, maybe even more as fall guys. Remember Olliver North?
Now that I've said something about this, you can expect heads to roll in a year or more so it won't look like Joe Albero had anything to do with it again, just like the Salisbury Zoo. Barrie Tilghman, YOU'VE BEEN BLOGGED!
Joe this is horrible to hear that it has gone this far. I would just like to say to all of those that have said those kinds of word to that race; you are a bunch of low lives. The men and women of these departments should act like a family and not children. What is so wrong that you feel the need to use that type of English? In my opion you should never be doing that. What does the term brotherhood mean to you? Why are you going to use those words? Everybody I am truly sorry if I seem to ramble but this boils my blood that people are just so ignorant and have to say theses words. I sure that through the course of my life I have let those words slip a few times but never to the one that I respect. Maybe that is it do you not have respect for the black men and women of the FD's. To all in concern with this matter (those that have been hurt by this term) I would like to say that I am deeply hurt by the fact that my so called brothers and sisters in the FD have wronged you like this.
Joe finally you have gotten me on your side looking in for a change. I had started to hate your work but you have brought up some valid points here. In my opion you have moved down on the list of ignorant. I mean that since you have now brought this to the table, wheter it maybe true or not we'll have to see, just proves that you have some kind of compassion for the FD members. But I am the type of person that doesn't believe it until he sees it. For once I am finally going to say great job nosing around this time. But don’t take it to the head you still do have some people in the FD that does not like you at all. I am now on the fence of my true opion about you but that may go either way. Thank you for your time- HELL'S FIRE
Did any of you see todays Baltimore Sun?there was a brief article about a black firefighter who had "planted" a noose with a nasty note in his station house,he was fired this week for other reasons,stemming from his failure to take some sort of EMT-1 courses that were required.
Lets see how strong the Local 4246 is and what standpoint they will take on this. Will they support "Fire Fighter" that filed this complaint? Will they support the "Fire Fighters that will possibly be persacuted in a wild witch hunt? Or will the Local site idol because they have no recognition or abality to help either one of the above mentioned? Has the local contacted their lawyer on this issue?
Hells Fire,
Thank you for that comment. I fully respect where you're coming from and hopefully by now you realize I'm no ass kisser by ay way, shape or form. I respect your position and my information is real. Sadly, I know what to expect as an end result. Barrie Tilghman and Co. never admit to "ANYTHING," never have. They have always gone immediately into denial mode and if you ask ANYONE who has fought the City, they can back that statement 100%.
It's easier to get rid of one than it is to discipline all those involved. However, IF they don't do the honorable thing this go around, I'm prepared to bring on my own fire and challenge the City on my own dime for the good of others.
"There have even been times in the past when a Fire Fighter was suspended by stating in a Parade, can you smell that? What? The "N" ers!"
Sounds like a volunteer to me. The career guys normally are not in the parades.
"Fire Fighters in Salisbury and around the area have flat out admitted to using the "N" Word"
What exactly can / are they going to try to do to Fire Fighters around the area?
Sounds like the same bullshit that is going on in the SPD. Why doesn't the FOP and the IAFF do something to get rid of the Mayor and her administration. They are ruining the image of public safety throughout the city. Why isn't the union doing anything for their people? So much for the "brotherhood" they keep preaching.
The IAFF union isnt " recognized " therefor they are no more than an employees club paying dues for nothing.
Another interesting fact I did not know until recently....black firefighters in Baltimore have their own union,Vulcan Blazers I think its called
The Black Fire Fightes in Baltimore do have their own union and thats fine. As long as you dont go yelling discrimination when the white fire fighters form their own union. Goes Both ways.
anonymous 10:42, YOU'RE AN IDIOT!
Joe your an ass!
Be careful, I may create a Union for asses and sue you. ROTFLMAO!
For anyone who is interested,here is a link on the story about the history of racial tension in the BCFD that led black firefighters to organize in the 70's
blutojthetotmom said...
For anyone who is interested,here is a link on the story about the history of racial tension in the BCFD that led black firefighters to organize in the 70's
10:58 PM
It would be extremely difficult for the one and only black firefighter in Salisbury to form a "union.?
You talk about a union that isn't "recognized."
How about forming a Fatass Union with Deputy Chief Fatso Hopeless, Gordo, and the Troll being their executive board.
Hell's Fire, one thing I've figured out about Albero is, he's basically a good guy.
I think where the SFD is concerned, he sometimes doesn't make a clear enough division between the bullshit leadership of the department, specific individuals he thinks have their heads up their asses, and the SFD as a whole, or at least the rank and file.
Maybe I'm not making much sense here, but I hope you can see what I mean.
My take on him is that he wants the good firefighters to work in a fair and respectable department. He stands up for that.
But he isn't going to cut the bullshit any slack just because it's happening under the SFD banner. In fact, just the opposite, he goes after it harder because of the hypocrisy.
Stop and think of all the support he gave 4246 during the election and the FF's during budget time.
Albero, I don't mean to speak for you, but this is what I've been able to figure out since reading this blog, so correct me if I screwed up. It's a shame some of your rants came out as they did, because I think a lot of people got pissed off (understandably), but the real message just wasn't coming across, getting buried under all the pissing contests.
Hope you'll excuse some of the language, but I tend to call it like it is. I did go back and fix my typos just so some jerk-off didn't spend 20 comments on them.
I'll say this much, I'm glad Albero is dogging this. The fine men and women of SFD have taken too much shit for far too long. I hope to hell this busts something open. The department and the city as whole need a good housecleaning, starting with the top.
Oh my goodness, something has to be done for these fire fighters. No matter how you folks feel about Joe, take his advise and DO NOT go into Wilbers or Sees or Gordys or Barries office without an attorney. Don't talk to any one without an attorney. Pool your resources if you have to and hire one attorney to represent all of you, if necessary. Their game is divide and conquer. The only one that will lose is the firefighters. They are not your friends nor are they on your side. CYA ladies and gentlemen. Trust no one in authority. They will use you like yesterdays newspaper to cover their own asses. All of you, paid and vollies are fair game to them. They don't care about you, your families, your mortgages, etc they'll hang you out to dry to save face.
If your union won't cover you, dump the union and come together as you would in an emergency. THIS is an emergency. I feel so bad for all of you and am praying you all have the good sense to not do Barries bidding. Let your good conscience be your guide.
Joe, respectfully, I want to know what you would think if white fire fighters established their own union in Baltimore?
On another note I can understand the Hispanic/latino channel on TV because most of our programming is in English, but what about B.E.T.? Is White entertainment television ok?
I think BET is DESCRIMINATION. When I turn my TV on I see white people and black people. Why should an African American have their own programming geared towards them when I cant as a white man? Have you watched BET? Have you seen the stand up comedy that makes fun of white people for hours on end? How we talk, dress, act, etc..
SUppose I go on stage and make fun of black people for an hour? Yeah... You get my point.. Plain and simple, we are all americans and everyone should be treated equal. The only people who should have special privledges in this country are NATIVE AMERICANS..
May god bless every person on this Earth.
Hey Joe how many blacks have managerial positions in your company?
The only people who should have special privledges in this country are NATIVE AMERICANS..
Well thank you very much but, no thanks. We'll just take what was promised to us in treaties and be on our way, that will be fine. Anything more than that then we'd be obligated. No thanks.
Your sentiment is appreciated. If it matters any, we do have our own radio network. www.airos.org hear the truth from indians in indian country and around the world.
if the NAACP is "knee Deep" as you claim. Howcome, the NAACP is not out in the public on this issue, as they would be on any other issue of this magnitude?
Just curious
I have to agree with Donna. If anyone in this country has legitimate bitch it's the Native American.
The White Man:
We came
We took
We destroyed
Hey, guys. I know I come on here and rag about your spelling and grammar a lot. That is because some of the FF's that come on here are ignorant idiots. When you make sense and desire a civil discorse, I can take a few misspelled words and a bit of bad grammar.
I do appriciate the work the paids and vollies do to keep us all safe, and some of the people are right. Get yourselves a lawyer. Better yet, get someone from across the bay, that isn't in the pocket of Barrie Tilghman or a FOB. Good luck, and I WILL be praying for you.
Watchful Eye,
Do us a favor, if you are going to on someone else for their spelling and grammar, check your own first.
"discorse" should be "discourse"
"appriciate" should be "appreciate"
Practice what you preach my friend....
I never said the one black firefighter in Salisbury should have his own union-I was simply passing along a link to the BCFD story.
Nobody can make minorities sign up to be firefighters but who can blame them for not wanting to out themselves out-c'mon people still sport Confederate flags on their cars (by the way folks,we lost the war) and call black people "coloreds".And all the fire depts on the shore,regardless of how dedicated and good these men are,they are still a bunch of "good ole boys".Go into any firehouse on the shore and you will see all the Bubbas in that particular town on the force.Thats not an insult,thats just fact.Would YOU want to subject yourself to that if you were black?
Anon 2:11-Sorry, I have a sticky keyboard and didn't catch that. You all should know I normally spell just about everything right. Thanks for pointing it out without being an a$$hole about it.
BTW, does anyone know how to "unstick" the keys on a laptop? It's driving me nuts, and makes me look and feel like a retard when I am in my online discussion group for school.
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