I received a telephone call today from a friend who lives in Salisbury. While we were on the phone they told me that they had just received a package from the SFD. Oh, it's one of those donation packages. I said, what are you going to do with it. They said, can you hear this? (RIP) They tore it up and threw it in the trash.
Did any of you happen to catch the Special Meeting the other night on PAC14? Well, turns out Chiefy See was on his knees begging for a new Fire Station, (boy this guy's got balls) on the North end of the City. Debbie Campbell started discussing the fact that the Fire Department should have considered the DONATION and GIFT the Mall Owners gave to the City offering that Building for FREE to the Fire Department. She went on to say that we don't always have to have the latest and the greatest and the newest.
Chiefy See blew an O Ring on that one Folks. You HAVE to see the replay on that one, seriously. He tried to claim it wasn't true and that they weren't going to just give it to the City. OH CHIEFY, that's NOT what I was told. Looks like we're going to battle over that one. Rather than stuttering, then next time you should come back with FACTS and let's play ball. Just because you say it Chiefy doesn't mean it's true.
Look at the veins popping out on that bald head. At least the troll doesn't have that disgusting combover anymore. DEADBEAT!!
Well Joe I think you should listen to your own words.
Read the last sentance again and put your name in there instead.
I got mine in the mail today. Ripped it to shreds!
How about that delayed ambulance response today from Station 16 (downtown) because Station 2 was tied up? Took forever for them to fight traffic to get to Zion Road... Too bad no substation right off Zion Road, say like in the vicinity of the mall.... so now with Station 16 even further away, guess Delmar will have to continue bailing the city boys out of trouble.
Anonymous said...
How about that delayed ambulance response today from Station 16 (downtown) because Station 2 was tied up? Took forever for them to fight traffic to get to Zion Road... Too bad no substation right off Zion Road, say like in the vicinity of the mall.... so now with Station 16 even further away, guess Delmar will have to continue bailing the city boys out of trouble.
8:42 PM
Yep, piss poor leadership in the Salisbury Fire Department and the city of salisbury making piss poor decisions. Bring it on Delmar, show these people how to run a real fire department. Oh, has anyone ever asked if you guys would kindly take Gordy back. He has worn out his welcome in Salisbury. We're broke. He as spent every nickle or our volunteer funds.
One 24 hour period last week Delmar FD had no paramedic on duty. so the "City Boys" bailed them out on all their calls that day.
Nice try.
Anon 8:42
Still wouldn't have mattered. The north end Paramedic unit was committed to a call. The city only has staffing for 3 dedicated medic units at one time.. A sub-station being built won't solve the problems. The city has to staff it as well as build it...
Station 1 was built under the concept of the sub station.. The city did not increase employee spots they just depleated what they all ready had... Remember those six man engine companies? Now you only have 3 driver, officer, and 1 firefighter.
24 / 48 would give you 2 career staffed peices.
A new fire station on the north end as well as additional staffing is needed as new residences, businesses and traffic continues to increase.
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