Click on images to enlarge.
Yes, this boat has sunk twice in two weeks and the SFD still refused to pull it out of the water. The Dock Master told me it some how got caught up under one of the piers and as the tide rose the boat kept filling with water from heavy rains and flipped and sunk. I have owned boats for many years and let me assure you, I would never tie up a boat that would have enough room to slip under another dock and get snagged!
The last time, Fire Fighters were claiming it was a total loss, (two weeks ago) and as I saw pictures, the brand new motor the City just bought last year was above the water and safe. I guess it wasn't good enough the first time since the bilge pump failed, leave it in the water again and this time DO IT RIGHT!
Everyone knows from my past articles just how desperate See & Gordy have been about getting that new Boat. This should tell each and every one of you that they are so dumb, they simply put that boat that sunk just two weeks ago BACK into the water to finish the job! I wouldn't give these guys 2 cents for anything in the future!
So let me ask you Taxpayers of Salisbury, just how much of this CRAP are you going to take?
Oh, as for those Idiots who dared me to come close to any one of them, I did just that and every single Fire Fighter that was there was VERY respectful. I got in no ones way, took up close shots right along where they were standing and left the scene. Thank you Gentlemen for being so kind.
What about FINES? I used to live on the Bay in West Ocean City and boats would sink every year. The SFD Boat has now sunk twice, were they ever fined???? Oil & Gas pollute the river and the fines are VERY steep! I want to know if they were fined the first time and this time?
It can also be seen on 47 & 16 News. I wonder how they got there? LOL
If the habor master knew it saw it stuck under the dock and watching ti fill up with water why didn't he call for help or call the fire department?????
How was this a plan? If theye didn't have a boat ready to respond to an alarm you would be posting that also.
Who are you going to bitch about when the mayor is gone?
Boy if it weren't tied down to the dock the whole boat would be underwater! UNBELIEVABLE! I recently received my "letter in the mail" asking for some money. FU$K that! RIP!!!! SHRED!!! That thought is history! I can't believe it. I'm glad I didn't have a family member or friend in distress on the river in SFD's first due they would be FU#KED! Wonder what excuse it'll be this time. DEE DEE.
Look at em Joe they don't even have the balls to look at you! COWARDS! Look at the bald head bastard and crew. Hands in pockets and all! They should reconsider the 60footer. SFD is nothing but pussies! I'm just a GOOD OLE BOY
Look at em in the first picture looks like they are all huddled around crying and consoling each other how sweet. My boat is gone...no more fishin' trips fellas.
Looks like Insley and co. getting ready to go down and perform another recovery dive.
shot your eye out kid said...
If the habor master knew it saw it stuck under the dock and watching ti fill up with water why didn't he call for help or call the fire department?????
1:14 PM
maybe he is another incompetent city employee like you paid far min.
Makes you wonder how well they'll be able to care for a $10 mil fire station?
Ah, F-It, they'll buy us a new one.
Collapse comments
shot your eye out kid said...
If the habor master knew it saw it stuck under the dock and watching ti fill up with water why didn't he call for help or call the fire department?????
1:14 PM
Yep Look at all them overtime boys there sucking up on the city tax dollars. Can we demand the cost of this event? Enquiring taxpayers want to know!
I wouldn't be surprised if some medals were handed out for this event anytime Dru Bragg's around you know a purple heart is in the making.
Funny part is, remember, this is also the company that fell short of funds by $30,000.00 last year and the City covered their losses. UNBELIEVABLE!
However, it is NOT their fault. The stupid shit in charge of this boat at the Fore Department is as close to a retard as anyone I have ever known. This boat SUNK two weeks ago and they put it back in the water, IDIOT! I was told they have someone who is assigned to check on this boat regularly. Now let me as you this question, unless you're a Dee, Dee, Deeee?
How about early this morning too? Well, that is, unless you WANTED it to sink so you could send out donation envelopes so the Taxpayers could buy you a new one, right?
It's your call!
The fire boat did not sink two weeks ago. It took on water during another heavy rain and listed to the right. While this was happening the firemen were at an alarm where three persons were killed. A crew went over to the dock and pumped out the excess water and the boat was placed back in service. There was never any claim of a total loss.
This morning we experienced heavy rain again. While this was going on , the members of Station 16 and 2 were removing a very large man from a home on Maryland Ave. This took quite a while due to his size. This was far more newsworthy than a boat submerged. The man was very sick and SFD members used their skills to help him.
Boats have incidents at the harbor frequently and today was just our day. The boat will be used again and I'm sure that something was damaged. We are not getting a new boat as of now. Thats a long way off. Thank you for your concern and for listening to the facts.
No Joe, the boat did not sink two week ago. It merely took on water and leaned to one side. After pumping off the water the boat was fine. At no time did Chief See or anyone else say the boat was a total loss. In fact I seriously doubt it will be a total loss this time. Insurance will cover the damaged components and hopefully it will return to service in a short matter of time. But, you tell the story how you Joe.
I should have thrown your ass overboard when I had the chance. You know you’re about a goofy looking fucker Joe.
It’s your story tell it the way you want. The boat did not sink two weeks ago moron.
I saw the photos two weeks ago, I'm a boater and I don't give a shit what you say, you guys are LIARS! The boat sunk two weeks ago and you put it back into service? Did you replace the bilge pump? I'd like to make contact with the Insurance Company as well and let them know the real story and collect photos from two weeks ago.
I'll tell you what, send me photos from two weeks ago proving the boat did not sink and I'll post them. The ONLY thing OUT of the water was the motor, LIARS.
As for me being goofy looking, so what? Are you jealous I have the Wife and Life that I/We do? To stoop so low as to call me goofy looking and remain anonymous, get a grip dude. Maybe that's your problem, you're gripping the wrong thing because no woman will have you? LOL
16 volunteer said...
I should have thrown your ass overboard when I had the chance. You know you’re about a goofy looking fucker Joe.
1:55 PM
Oh boy. Big tuff comments. Way to go making threats again.
Another reason the citizens should trash their donation letters.
Oh, by the way, commenters were stating it was a total loss, not me. I was the one saying it wasn't and the anti Albero Blogger even admitted I was right.
Dry Dock said...
The fire boat did not sink two weeks ago. It took on water during another heavy rain and listed to the right. While this was happening the firemen were at an alarm where three persons were killed. A crew went over to the dock and pumped out the excess water and the boat was placed back in service. There was never any claim of a total loss.
This morning we experienced heavy rain again. While this was going on , the members of Station 16 and 2 were removing a very large man from a home on Maryland Ave. This took quite a while due to his size. This was far more newsworthy than a boat submerged. The man was very sick and SFD members used their skills to help him.
Boats have incidents at the harbor frequently and today was just our day. The boat will be used again and I'm sure that something was damaged. We are not getting a new boat as of now. Thats a long way off. Thank you for your concern and for listening to the facts.
1:51 PM
How convenient for the boat to take on water while the paid men were on alarms. Not once, but twice. My... maybe you guys should run out and take the boat out of the water everytime you have an alarm. Skills my @ss!! IDIOTS!
Tough Guys!
You keep threatening Albero and he walks right up to you and proves he's a bigger man than any one of you and now you coulda, shoulda, woulda. I like his words for you guys, pussies.
This is nothing Joe, I worked in a harbor repair shop for 32 years. Guaranteed the vessel itself is not hurt nor is the engine. Fresh water will not harm the engine if pulled down immediately. The fire departments only losses would be the electronics in my opinion.
Oh boy. Big tuff comments. Way to go making threats again.
Another reason the citizens should trash their donation letters.
2:00 PM
Writing anonymous again Joe?
Boat Mechanic,
I agree with you 100%. The problem here is the Idiots in charge of the Fire Department allowing this to happen two times in two weeks.
Since you are in the business, you know there are fines that follow this situation as well. It's an environmental disaster, according to the EPA. I don't personally think it's as bad as they treat it but obviously it is very harmful to the river.
Look at all the other boats in the harbor in the background shots..their all still above water floating along just fine heavy rain and all. That far boat is a piece of shit and SFD knows it. SFD is purposely letting it sink over and over again so the insurance will write them a check for a new one or let it get so fucked up that they have to go in front of the counsel and ask for a new one with the stamp drive money or all that surplus money
No, I do not write anonymously. I'm not afraid of you pussies, so why should I have to do so?
You just don't get it, little men. Again, there's just a few of you assholes that get on here and start the shit.
I wonder what See & Gordy are doing right about now, as a matter of fact?
Face it, there are people out there that are disgusted with many of you and I want you to think about what I'm about to say to you. Why do Y(OU write under anonymous? Are you afraid of me in some way, shape or form?
The answer to that question is, yes, you are.
OMG! WTF do we have here? Don't these idiots check this boat regularly? How can this boat be ready to respond as someone indicated, if it is at the bottom of the river. DUH!! or should I say DUMB! WTF are we paying you idiots to do? Oh I know... play all day on the internet looking at porn and bashing Joe and his blog.
If it was up to me that so called fire chief would be in the unemployement line.
Look at ALL the other boats still floating, without excuses!
Here you are a Government Organization with funds all over the place, yet you let this thing slip on purpose over and over again.
NO MORE TOYS! STOP MAKING DONATIONS FOLKS, until these Idiots get some new RESPONSIBLE LEADERS that will care for what YOU pay for.
I agree with 16truck. Those idiots have a plan in their twisted minds and the idiots on the council give them what ever they ask for.
Good observation to to 16truck.
They post under anon because you will go after them for not agreeing with you. We have seen it done in the past!
I have the perfect solution Joe, promote Larry to fire boat captain, permanently assigned to fire boat duty. This will ensure the safety of our marine fleet.
Their to damn lazy to come down and check the boat.Plain and simple!It's not a priority to them.
Look at that bald headed TROLL standing on the dock around all his friends. NOT!! Joe, he must have known you were going to be there with the camera because he is wearing a hat to hide that bad combover. The city would be much better off sending that redneck into early retirement. Oh yeah, don't forget to take his fat followers with him.
You couldn't have said it better than that! I hope there is no emergency on the river anytime soon.
Oh, give me a break, See doesn't want them posting on here. Of course, See is scared shitless right now because Jon has a legitimate lawsuit against the City and Fire Department.
I'm too smart for See, Dee, Deeeee! Hook, Like & Sinker, right Chiefy?
He's not holding anyone back. However, here's living proof that if what you say is true, See has no control over his men and women and should be terminated.
I wouldn't even worry about the fuel/ pollution from the boat Joe cause the river can't get much dirtier. I'm more worried about the SEWAGE in the river thanks BT!
I say get rid of all the paid firemen and paramedics and start all over. This time the city needs to thoroughly screen these rednecks to assure they don't get a job in this city. We deserve better.
Larry Dodd is a excellent choice for that position! Larry is awesome and deserves better than that piece of shit station wagon
Well my responses seem to be shutting their mouths, for the moment anyway.
They have no good arguement here and it's sad because MANY of the people you see in the pictures I have provided are VERY good people.
I can assure you of one thing as well. IF they posted comments on this Blog they are man enough to use their name. Well, that is, with exception of See anyway.
I have the perfect solution Joe, promote Larry to fire boat captain, permanently assigned to fire boat duty. This will ensure the safety of our marine fleet.
2:20 PM
If that goofball had anything to do with it the friggin boat would sink once a week.
Chief Combover has everything under control. ROTFLMAO!
Ladies & Gentlemen, LOOK how they treat eachother!!!!!!
BROTHERHOOD? Nope, PUSSIES is more like it.
Larry's in a league of his own Joe. Talk about the king of back stabbers Larry's the one. Why do you think all of us hate his gutts?
Larry needs something better than that piece of junk station wagon.
Why, because Larry threatens all of you because he's better educated with a Masters Degree?
It has always been well known that leaders like Larry get held back because the Retards running the show there have NO education and they're scared to death of him.
I can assure you, Larry Dodd probably never complains about the vehicle he's in.
Once again, you pussies bash one of your own and no nothing of BROTHERHOOD.
Throw those donation envelopes away Folks, seriously. Don't give that Fire Department a dime! IMO, they need to get rid of many people in the SFD and start all over again. It has been done many times in the past and the last time the Mayor SCREWED with the Fire Department, there weren't any Blogs around then. NOW, I dare her to even try it.
know, sorry.
I like Larry. He's one of a kind. Very intelligent and organized..squared away individual. I know for a FACT that Larry does NOT like the vehicle he drives..he's said it himself..if you don't believe me ask him.
I have been discussing this years donation to the sfd with my wife for a week now. Joe, I know you take a lot of crap from this City but you do deliver information no one else does and after this article we have chosen not to make a donation this year. The fire department isn't worthy of my hard earned money. I do not recall a story two weeks ago about the first time this boat sunk? Obvioulsy they admit to it though and that's all that matters to us.
Keep up the good work Joe.
Salisbury finally has it's own episode of Gilligans Island right here on the river!
Your credibility referencing Larry Dodd falls short because you're anonymous.
As for the other commenter, thank you. This is a Saturday, early afternoon and the numbers are through the roof, as well as the comments. Obviously people are listening.
I can tell you don’t know Larry like we do Joe. He’s no kind of leader around the fire house that I guarantee you. Let’s see who follows him, hummm nobody. No followers, no leader. Masters degree’s don’t cut it running the line Joe, he’s straight up a pussy.
Larry for fire boat captain.
Great, more junk in the river. Don't eat the fish.
Larry's nickname at Station 2 is Laptop Larry because he stays on his laptop all day
This is a Saturday, early afternoon and the numbers are through the roof, as well as the comments. Obviously people are listening.
No there is just a couple of us sittin around posting,just look at the names.
An interesting column I found while surfing the internet.
Fire Service and the Internet.
Friend or Foe?
William Carey for Tin Helmet
I believe that the sole contributor to the loss of honor, brotherhood and
loyalty is probably the most used instrument in the fire service; the Internet.
When I started, you knew of another department's fire by either being at the
fire or by word of mouth, in detail, from someone who was there working. If
there was a problem on the fire ground, or a problem among persons, it was
usually handled by those immediately involved. With the Internet the fire
service has the ability to have photographs and comments of a fire
immediately posted for the viewing public, long before units on the scene
have begun to go in service. Forum boards allow immediate posting of fire
ground radio transmissions, almost verbatim, along with periods if immediate
questions, thoughts and speculation. Most fire service news has become a
matter of cut and paste instead of quality composition and follow-up articles.
No sooner is a story no matter the subject matter, posted then members of
the fire service adds comment to a relevant forum. Simple thought provoking
comments turn into fiery arguments where one firefighter (or groups of
firefighters) wages a faceless battle against another firefighter, in an effort to
prove each other wrong, to prove that his department is better, that his
tactics and strategy are far superior. The ease of entering into this fray is
made best by having internet access available nearly everywhere we go, at
almost 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
20 years ago, if I heard about a fire ground problem at Station __'s fire, if I
wasn't there, or didn't know anyone there, and I wanted to interject myself
and my comments, I'd have to call that station personally, or go to that
station myself. Now, if I read about a firefighter having to bail out a window
in Everett, Massachusetts, I can, in seconds, make my thoughts known to
everyone in the little time it takes to post on the Internet. Mind you, I have
never been to Everett, have no knowledge whatsoever of the fire, fire
conditions, fire building, fire department and firefighter, yet I can post my
comments immediately as if it were a department press release. Look at the
idiocy posted today. "Brothers" not even on the same coast, passionately
concerned about a department in my county not having an ambulance.
"Brothers" not even living in Charleston, New York or Boston, are posting
spirited thoughts about how each of these departments should be operating
in light of past incidents. I would be sensitive to their words if they were
actual members of the departments involved; yet the majority of them are
not. Just like nearly every wireless conversation before it, what might have
started with good intent and honest questionings, has quickly turned into a
simple ideology versus ideology in a schoolyard bully manner.
There is no honor, brotherhood and loyalty anymore in the fire service, in
one collective body. One "brother" can immediately attack another "brother"
based on what he perceives as a fault, with little, factual support, and other
"brothers" join in on each side, like sharks being attracted to chum. I am not
saying that the Internet completely is at fault, but what I am saying is that
generations ago, some of us remember the adage, "if you don't have
something nice to say, don't say anything at all." With the ease to compose
and send messages, to anyone and everyone, it is almost addictive being
able to say what you want, even though you may have no relevance to the
subject at the time, aside from being a "brother". My childhood best friend,
who is a chief officer, had two working incidents recently that were
successfully handled. No one was injured, firefighters that is, or killed. The
property loss was kept to a minimum. Being in a volunteer department, he
and other members operated as best as possible considering staffing, units
responding, mutual aid and such. Yet on a local forum, a "brother" took my
friend's department and operations to task, not because he was there, but
because he perceived many ideas all based on listening to a scanner and
making assumptions. This "brother" posted his thoughts immediately and as
expected, other "brothers" added to the fray. And yet not one of them took
the time to call my friend's department and ask their questions. Fortunately
my friend has the better character to not even register to post a reply, being
confident that he, as well as other chief officers, from mutual aide
departments, knew what happened and that all went well.
We, the fire service in general, look very good at the oddest times. We put
on good funerals, and we are good at "never forgetting" and making sure
"everyone goes home", but with not even the slightest hint of disrespect to
all and any of the fallen firefighters in the American fire service, we would do
well to change those phrases. Make "Never Forget" into "Remember
Why" and change "Everyone Goes Home" to "I will go home".
Turn the focus, in the fire service, not on your "brother" but on
yourself. Turn the focus from not being a part of the fire service,
to "how do I represent the fire service".
During the Civil War, when General Thomas Jackson was in the Valley, he
never told his subordinates what his plans were. The men marched for days
without knowing their course. But they followed; they obeyed. They
concerned themselves only with what they had to do at the moment, and not
about what Johnston or Ewell were doing. At another time, a color bearer
from the North was seen retrieving his colors near the end of a battle. Some
of Jackson 's men were remarking on the bravery of the man when Jackson
rode up. After being told what his men said, Jackson replied "I don't want
them brave. I want them dead." Granted these are quite old examples of
being concerned with you, focused on "I" and duty. The impression I hope
you understand is that, today, it is far easier to become distracted,
concerned with the other firefighter, the other department, instead of our
own self. Personally, I don't like using the term "brotherhood" in the fire
service anymore. I have seen how friends are treated for being a volunteer
or a paid guy. I have seen how a friend was called a scab for volunteering in
my county yet being hired to work in D.C. I have seen how a current career
firefighter, and former volunteer, led a drive formally labeling all volunteer
departments in my county as "rival organizations". I have seen a longtime
career member called a "puke" and yet this man was a longtime volunteer
before being hired. I have seen firefighters judged based on the number of
responses their department does, alone. "Brotherhood", to me, is in the
catchphrase list along with "crew resource management" and "enclosed
space firefighting." The internet is a great tool, most valuable to the fire
service for learning as much as possible about this trade. But it is being used
too much to define the firefighter. Loyalty, brotherhood and honor are being
defined by what social clique you are identified with in the World Wide Web.
Focus on the "I". Not the selfish "I" but the "I" that you can make the biggest
impact on. When I came in for my shift, I didn't care why the FDNY didn't
inspect a building, why Boston wears running pants and why Charleston uses
booster lines.
I am concerned with: Are my guys here? Is everyone doing okay? Has the
rig and tools been checked? What does the driver need? What will we drill on
tonight? What rigs in the battalion are out of service? What are we going to
do for dinner? Doing housework and paperwork.
I can only say it works for me. I think "loyalty", "brotherhood" and "honor"
would be more valuable if we were more concerned with the guy or gal riding
across from us than the one in some other state.
I may sound hypocritical writing this, but I believe that many individuals in
the fire service would benefit from being off the computer for a good month
or so. Imagine what you could do with the time.
Oh, as for those Idiots who dared me to come close to any one of them, I did just that and every single Fire Fighter that was there was VERY respectful. I got in no ones way, took up close shots right along where they were standing and left the scene. Thank you Gentlemen for being so kind.
You mean we were acting professional!
Your credibility referencing Larry Dodd falls short because you're anonymous.
As for the other commenter, thank you. This is a Saturday, early afternoon and the numbers are through the roof, as well as the comments. Obviously people are listening.
Your stupid joe...
Both these post were made by anon post and you say thanks to one and the other dont hold water...
You are talking out of both side of you mouth again...
NO MORE TOYS! STOP MAKING DONATIONS FOLKS, until these Idiots get some new RESPONSIBLE LEADERS that will care for what YOU pay for.
2:16 PM
Yea we took a fishing boat and made it into a fire boat with the hard and dedicated men and women of the SFD.Thats the only thing that you paid for is the boat and equipment the rest was are hard work to make it what is today.We will pull the boat back out fix it back up and with the dedication and hard work from the men and women of SFD and get it back in service we are not getting a new boat so Joe get facts!
"Larry's nickname at Station 2 is Laptop Larry because he stays on his laptop all day"
At least he's on a laptop and not sitting on other boys laps, like you.
We all know why many of you joined the Fire Department. OOOOOWEEEEEEEEE squeel like a pig!
shot your eye out kid,
Thank you. You are now ANOTHER person who has admitted to being a Fire Fighter. Are you getting all of this Mr. Records?
One thing is for sure anything that is wired, batteries, gauges, GPS, and other computer components are all fried and what isn't ruined the salt water and crap in the river will eat what is left.
I also did the same thing with my donation envelope, tore it up and threw it in the trash. Not because they want a new boat or that we have an over priced firehouse (Got Hosed, get it?)
I refuse to give anymore money to a city that can't manage what it already has.
"maryland paramedic
I can tell you don’t know Larry like we do Joe. He’s no kind of leader around the fire house that I guarantee you. Let’s see who follows him, hummm nobody. No followers, no leader. Masters degree’s don’t cut it running the line Joe, he’s straight up a pussy."
Are you keeping tabs Mr. Records? Please, just look at all of these comments of so called Brothers in the Fire Department.
I can appreciate your sticking up for many of the men and women in the Fire Department but you can no longer deny such HARSH statements about other BROTHERS in the Fire Department being anonymous commenters and people who aren't a part of the SFD.
You & I can argue this point till years end or longer but like I said in the past. I have been doing this for a long time and I know who is who. I just hope you and other good people on the SFD can get rid of these assholes holding many of you back from the proper recognition you deserve.
I'm not a firefighter i'm simply a passerby who knows Larry. Larry is scared of fire though.
ROTFLMAO! You are a complete Idiot!
How dare you talk about Bryan Records or any other Records they are good people and the most recognized in the dept! I enjoy drinking beer with them to!
Morris Batdorf
Sta 16
Which one of the four Mr. Records might you be refering to Joe? That's not a crew I'd screw with if I were you nor would I believe either hangs out at your site. Nice try Booger!
I speak of Bryan Records and I have NO problem stating that. I respect Bryan and while he made comments on here last week referencing he did not believe many of the anonymous commenters on here were actual Fire Fighters, I believe he is wrong.
I have never, nor would I ever, disrespect Bryan as I do know what he and his Family have given to the SFD, unlike many of you.
I'll close with this satement. If there ever was a man you'd picture in your mind as a FIRE MAN, the image of Bryan Records comes to my mind. Honorable, fair, honest, reliable, trustworthy, kind and has no problem speaking his mind and USING HIS NAME!
Freaking Maryland Paramedic, what a Pussy!
The reference to Retards has been used several times here. I do not find this amusing or appropriate. Carry out your assaults on each other, but leave that reference out of it.
Old gray posting on SBY news now that's a classic. Is blogging a sport now like baseball?
Crystal, you're right, forgive me for doing so. Joe
It is more than obvious that Mr Dodd is not well liked here. His Masters degree proves nothing. A persons character and substance is what people admire. This is what some people just do not understand.
I enjoy drinking beer with them to!
Now thats is some funny shit there.
crystal clear is a RETARD!
I'm sure those firefighters in the picture would treat you with respect if you do the same. They have a job to do and you felt that you had the same. Life is too short for all this bickering. I know that neither side is as bad as what has been portrayed here. Please try to get along. An unfortuneate incident happened and its being corrected. Thank you.
I see JR is back! Figures he's pop up on a Coast Guard kind of Post. ROTFLMAO! Wanna tell that story again? I wonder how it will change this time?
I did and always will Church Lady.
I should clarify that better, actually. I did on the scene and I always will on the scene. They are there to do a job and I respect that and always will. The ONLY time I have had an issue is with a Wanna Be Fake Chief in Hebron who told me I couldn't take pictures. I respected his wishes until I got the OK from Davis Ruark on the scene. Even then, I never compromised the scene and stayed plenty clear away from the taped area.
One of several down falls to plague Salisbury FD has been requirement standards for officer promotions. Chief Brezler opened up fire officer promotional examinations to fire & EMS personnel. With that also came the cross training of fire/EMS personnel in order to rotate our people, lowering the chances of burnout. Unfortunately, someone like Larry who has a college education excelled during the testing process. Larry was assigned to the medic unit all of his career until one day he’s now a lieutenant on the fire side. Truthfully how can this person lead a group of firefighters who have been doing it two or three times longer than he? Truth is he can’t and that’s his down fall.
I respected his wishes until I got the OK from Davis Ruark on the scene.
That's fine and well Joe, fact is it's not Davis Ruarks scene. The scene belonged to Hebrons officer in charge until they turned it over to the police.
I respected his wishes until I got the OK from Davis Ruark on the scene.
Davis Ruark really doesn't have anything to do with it Joe. The scene belongs to the fire department until which time they turn it over to the police.
Captain @ 16,
Who brought up promotions? This Post is about a boat sinking, respectfully. It has brought out and challenged BROTHERHOOD once again as some of the Fire Fighters have once again gone on the attack against Larry Dodd. Now it is being broadened to former promotions?
SFD fire lieutenant,
I was told to speak to Davis Ruark because the man who CLAIMED and LIED by stating HE was the Fire Chief in which Davis stated I could do whatever I wanted as long as I didn't go inside the tape lines. I then spoke with the State Police making sure I was stepping on no toes and finally I confronted the Idiot who claimed he was the Fire Chief and stated that if he did NOT want me to do so, I would not. He backed down and gave me the go ahead to take pictures and as I called him the Fire Chief in my Post, I came to learn he was NOT the Chief and he had lied to me.
I did everything I could to make sure I stepped on no ones toes and you know what, I didn't have to do any of it. I have the right to take as many photos as I want, period. That's just not my style.
One problem Joe you got Chief See's bad side!!! ROTFLMAO
I want another beer! Oh and by the way EGH! Everyone Goes Home
Morris Batdorf
Sta 16
This post started out as a issue with a sunken fire boat and quickly turned into a personal attack on one of your own. The other night it was an attack on another volunteer who did what he thought was best about saving someone's life. You brought his family into it. His innocent wife and child who did nothing to you people. I hope the public is watching this blog carefully and reconsiders its support for the fire department. These terroristic threats are incredible and should be dealt with appropriately. These people making threats and slanderous comments are cowards. My donation letter went in the trash and I will do what I can do to make sure this administration is not re-elected. My donation wil be saved for a campaign fund. What happened to people of integrity like Paul Martin?
the photo of you from the after the fire program was taken by patrick davis who is a member of sta16
JR is back making nasty comments again but I refuse to post them because they're so nasty.
Funny, you call him out and he's like a perfectly tuned watch, he comes out swinging with nothing but nasty words and ideas.
Well, Patrick Davis takes great photos, eh? LOL
To tell you the truth it makes you look fat with your man boobs
slow news day fat fuck!
Come on JR, tell us an updated Coast Guard story.
Wouldn't it be better to be able to go to todays incident and have them welcome you. Instead of the tension and knowing your not welcome. Your going about this news thing backwards. Its like mowing the lawn by pulling instead of pushing. If you want the real story you have to establish a relationship with the involved party. Be objective and honest. The best news reporters like Dudek, Bill Reddish and Harrington have a good relationship with many groups. They get the real scoop and a heads up because of this. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. The Washington Post outsells the Enquirer 20 to 1 because its factual and newsworthy. You could be a huge asset to area if you chose to go the right way. Your wasting your talent and you should reconsider your style. Best Wishes.
Is there an environmentaly impact? Most boat have fuel, oil, etc!!
Who's paying for this?
I have quietly disagreed with you,Joe, thinking you can be too rude, over the top, using crude language... I have thought many times " Ah,man give it a rest on the SFD and that boat."
Go ahead and say "I told you so." This is unbelievable poor judgement and sore lack of abilities where it is needed.
However,please remember the good guys still remaining and accomplishing the good things we expect out of that fire department. They are , IMO, mortified at this event.
Bob Pinto
I am and outsider looking in and I have an extensive background in the field of psycology. I have followed the posts by Maryland Paramedic and it is obvious that this person has a history of homosexual tendancies. Extensive research has revealed that his hatred and anger is a result of being spurned by a member of the same sex. Individuals with these profiles have been found to be stalkers with an extensive criminal background as well. Some have also been classified as homosexuals with a touch of pedophilia. With that evaluation your nickname will now be Maryland Pansy. I would strongly suggest you make an appointment with your Psychologist as soon as possible. If you have any concerns with these statements please contact me at your earliest convenience. I am not that difficult to locate.
John Hall
The mare was on a drinkin binge and went out for a joy ride. Forgot and pulled the wrong plug! LOL!
What I see interesting in this pictures is the lack of lines. Now granted most boats on this river are not mored correctly with 8lines total. I do not see any spring lines on the port or starboard sides. All I can tell is that SFD used 4 lines in the 4 corners. I asked a friend of mine that is a volly at 16 about this and he stated that they only use 4 lines to tie the boat up. I do believe that the boat is under control of the special opperations team. I think that the person incharge of the boat and that team has some questions to answer about the moring of the boat. Who ever ties a boat up with only 4 lines should be held accountable for their actions.
Dude about 5 years ago we were out on the Wicomico River at Nithsdale and there was a boat wedged up under the dock that we stopped and untied the lines a little looser-names were Randy and Karen something or other-- think they were realtors--must be a symptom of the nouveau riche to be half-assed boaters!!!
Just thought it interesting to see that both TV stations did stories on the sinking (and the story is on WBOC's website too), but absolutely NOTHING about it at all on the Daily Times website....things that make you go "hmmmmm?"
I hope the fire dept can get the boat up without a total loss.
Just thought it interesting to see that both TV stations did stories on the sinking (and the story is on WBOC's website too), but absolutely NOTHING about it at all on the Daily Times website....things that make you go "hmmmmm?"
11:56 PM
WTF,I don't see anything on there websites!
Wow 100 comments! Keep up the great work Joe!
Again, the Fire Department leadership is starting to "make the case" they need that $800,000 Fire Boat. I don't think the taxpayers would have a problem if they dry docked it for repairs then put it back in the water.
As far as the person who said it was a former fishing boat that was retrofitted--what the hell does that have to do with the price of tea in China? So what, it's old. So what, it was retrofitted. Gentlemen, it's called MAINTENANCE. You have someone check it out regularly. I bet if it was your car, you would have it in the shop everytime it so much as skipped once. You don't deserve my hard earned money if you can't take care of what you have. I know I have to. Because we are taxed to death, I couldn't afford a new car when I was driving and going to school. I drove a 20 year old sedan until right before I got married. I traded it in for a hatchback that was 12 years old and had more than 200,000 miles on it. I had it until earlier this month, when I totaled it when my husband hit a patch of ice and totaled it. My point is this--as much as I wanted a new car, I knew I couldn't afford it, so I took care of what I had, until I had to get something else.
You fire fighters think the taxpayers are made of money. I, for one, will no longer subsidize your carelessness. Get the rich that would gain some benefit from your $800,000 fire boat to pay for it. I, for one, would not gain one thing from it. I will not pay.
They're just setting everyone up for the kill. You see, they come out with this $800,000.00 price tag, like they came out with a $14,000,000.0 price tag on the original new Fire House. Then they drop it by $4,000,000.00 and everyone goes, GREAT WORK! NOT! It's all BULLSHIT! What will the Taxpayers do when they come back with a $300,000.00 price tag, $200,000.00 of which will be paid out by Homeland Security? The Taxpayers will be left with the rest, yet we the taxpayers paid out Federally for the other $200,000.00 as well.
They can't care for the one they have, enough is enough. Their spending spree is over and anyone politically who back this spending in the FD will be kicked out of Officer from here on out. You'll see.
I'm not normally into the conspiracy theory stuff, but this is either the worst mis-managment of a piece of tax payer owned equipment or everyone is right "there setting us up for a new mega expensive boat" that we don't need. Hell the Allen Fire Dept. has a nice boat and they are VOULUNTEERS. Can we justify spending this much money for it getting used what? less than six times a year. A new engine/ambulance/turn-out gear or other equipment YES YES YES becuase it's a worth while investment. GORDO AND SEE have the idea that my wife has if it's on sale we must buy it whether we need it or not. If they get most of the money from the feds than why not bilk the tax payers out of so more money.
OMG!Apparently this issue sparked alot of comments!I had to come see what it was all about!I think if I ever had 100 comments ANYWHERE on my blog,I would think I was hallucinating!
Don't you think they would have some top of SOP to prevent this BS from happening... I think everyone on the Shore, Watermen and the Ladies also, from Kent Island to Wachapreague, VA got a GOOD LAUGH at these LANDLUBBERS... Something like this might happen once... but never never never Twice in a few weeks . Hey how about this slogan for them
"SFD NAVY Will be there....Just give us time to bail out our boat"
I'm having a hard time understanding why it sunk the first time. Rain is not an adequate answer. All of the other boats in the harbor are still afloat, why did this one sink, yet again? Why does it have a starboard list? Someone commented earlier this was the problem the first time, these photos show it to be the problem yet again, it's listing to the starboard side. Why? If it's an outboard there would be no bilges to pump. Didn't you all pull the plug when you moored so it could/would drain? Who taught you all how to tie a boat up at a dock? Where are your hull bumpers? Where are your spring lines? Good lord, who captains this boat? Whoever it is, YOU'RE FIRED, should be the next thing you hear from your superiors.
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