Dings may seem quiet here in Smallsburry but if you dink it's because of our local law enforcement, you'z vrong. Da BOYS are taking back da streets Soprano style. Dats vright, dink about it. Yuz guyz neva had it so good. So da nex time yuz sees deze guys, dank em for me'z and tell em Butzo said hello. Fagetaboutit! Ahhhh, when I wuz in my yute, early 20'z, doze wuz da dayz. Da next tax increase will be picked up every other trash day collection, if yuz know what I mean? We'll be seein yuz den.
OMG!He looks like Uncle Junior!
Who is it?
I personallylike the two gentleman in the pics.
It is none other than the King of Wicomico County, Henry Parker in picture 2 and Slumlord of all Slumlords, Bob Cannon in picture 1.
Is Henry Parker related to Susan Parker who is an editor at the Daily Slime?
The lady with Bob Cannon is Pat Hannon's wife? Or was? Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm.
The lady standing next to Robert Cannon...give the man a break
Thats really low guys, these men have given a lot....
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