It was one year ago today it was OUT with the old and IN with the new on the County Council. Although, (IMO) progress has been somewhat slow, the Council has finally picked up the pace. Mind you, it's a whole different Ball Game when you're dealing with a straight up Council. Things have taken time to iron out the past and in order to make sure everyone is on the same playing field, one would expect a slow start. I look forward to the years ahead to see what good will become of this fine Council.
Beg to differ:
When 5 of 7 members abstain from voting on a very significant matter, giving no reason or explanation, it's the theater of the absurd, starring the Seven Dwarfs live and in living color.
And now they are disregarding the vote of the very same folks who elected them and at the same time approved the bargaining deal for the sheriff's deputies.
Is this another slow news day?
Joe: I also waited for this county council to come to the front, but I must say I am very dissappointed in some of their actions. The kids wanted a skate park, the parents wanted a skate park, but Joe Holloway says no! The kids have not shown that they really want one, and now they block the sheriff from arbitration for his troops! The PEOPLE have spoken we want our sheriff happy and his men happy. It has been a long time since we had a real law enforcement officer in charge.
Did they reelect their fearless leader for another year?
Anonymous said...
Did they reelect their fearless leader for another year?
1:41 PM
Yes they voted for their RINO, the County Clowns have no balls.
What is the deal with Joe Holloway, there are 6 others that vote on issues.
Get rid of them soon.
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