Ladies & Gentlemen, last night the City held a special meeting on PAC14 before their Work Session. Councilwoman Terry Cohen had sent John Pick a message days ago asking him for the balances in the Contingency & Surplus as well as the General & Water & Sewer Fund. In order to be able to justify many of the topics that were going to be discussed, these numbers would be extremely important for ALL Council Members to know.
WELL, John Pick came back to Councilwoman Cohen with the following. The General Fund has a balance of, $53,457.00. The Surplus Fund was $3,268,709.00 . The Water & Sewer Fund was around $11,000,000.00, GET THIS, AS OF 6-30-06!
YOU HEARD ME, those figures are of JUNE 30, 2006! The City has YET to reconcile their BOOKS and there's NO WAY they can have the rest of their work completed if they can't give current numbers.
Now if I were the CFO of the City, I'd be FIRING everyone possible and get started on a new Staff. However, that's NOT what this Mayor wants. She wants everyone confused. She wants everyone left in the dark. You DON'T give these kind of answers to your City Council, Mr. Pick.
This is December 18, 2007, NOT 6-30-2006! If I were you Mr. & Mrs. Taxpayer, I'd fire that woman Mayor so fast it isn't funny. I'd throw out Louise and Comegys and Shields is just a no brainer. It's time for a new Council and a new Mayor, unless you like this kind of blind accountability? SUCKERS!
I am a city resident who campaigned against them, displayed signs, donated money, talked to anyone I could about the wrongdoings etc. etc.--does anyone have suggestions on what else we can be doing to get these crooks out of office?
This absurd situation should be discussed in detail at the next city council meeting -- please tell that "auditor" (Gary something) to stay home.
Did you say 2006? That information is a year and a half old. The audit still isn't done and the council majority and administration try to convince us that it isn't important. Bunk!
Again, why isn't this the front page news item in the Daily Times? Why isn't there a roar of discontent from the electorate? Businesses would not survive if they were run like this. Homeowners can not survive if they ran their personal accounts like this. But this city can mismanage our money any way they see fit.
A disgrace. BUT: will we remember come election time?
The Times doesn't run the story because the paper exists soley to raise revenue for larger Gannett flagship papers. Also, the fresh off the truck reporters, plus the fact that the Times likes everyone bashing the hell out of each other makes the whole mess terrible disservice for anyone who lives in town and has half a brain.
The Daily Times = Intern Journalism
Anonymous at 1:47
The Daily Slime is so pro Tilghman/Scheme Team that we don't get any "bad news" about Sprawlsbury.
Like why the audit is still not done, that the City won't give current info to Cohen or Campbell in their Councilmanic capacity, the foreclosure on Shanie Shields home, Comegys' bankruptcy and child support citation, etc., etc., etc.
But when Barrie bashes someone, then it's front page news. Ya gotta love Greg Bassett.
Barrie, hear this loud and clear: the citizens vote "no confidence" in your ability to administer this City. You have proven your incompetence in so many instances.
"No confidence" -- you must resign.
The more confusing the money situation is the easier it is to steal it! Remember the 5.5 million?
And she drives a $50,000 Volvo; wonder where that money came from?
She and the rest of them not only need thrown out of office but most likely belong in jail!
Judging from what I've watched unfold on PAC 14 over the past year plus, I'd say the solution to this whole situation is simple: Fire Comegys, Smith, and Shields (or better yet, lock them all up in the same kennel where their damage can be confined), then appoint Debbie Campbell as Council President and Mrs. Cohen Vice President. THEN you would see some competency and a lot more accountability as well.
As for the "Mayor". . .well, I really don't have time today to discuss drunken circus clowns.
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