
This morning I found these two deer carcases left on the road side once again. Hunters absolutely need to act more responsible and stop pulling this kind of crap. My only hope is, when and if the Police catch these people doing this, they fine the crap out of them so others get the message. The first two photos were on Jersey Road and the bottom two were on Spring Hill Lane.
Joe those guys are not hunters, but they give us hunters a bad name. I agree 100% with Joe if you see this going on call the police. Or better yet remove the deer bones to keep animals off the roadway, get a tag number, or a picture, let's post them here and hold these people accountable. All of my bones and hide go into the woods or field edge AWAY from the public view, but where I can see the foxes and Bald Eagles from my stand spot, or view area. This is just unacceptable.
i think we should skin the hunters and leave their decaying bodies on the side of the road.
What gives people the audacity to do this sort of thing? This is ridiculous behavior! I have been hunting all my life and I was taught to respect the deer and the land more than this sorry excuse for a hunter. Have some respect not only for the deer and the land but people that have to live in this world with your dumb a@#!
There has also been findings I seen on West Snake Road in Delmar Delaware. I have witnessed this several times too.. Come on.. This is not good for young children to see.. take it back in the woods.
well on the positive side they are feeding the buzzards.
Wow takes a real hunter to put down a 150 lb deer with a 30-06 and a scope.
My father gave up hunting when he got into his 60's. He always said it was much more enjoyable to ride around and watch them feed.
I do agree the herds need to be managed to keep from too many accidents. Some people aren't just hunters, they are killers.
Let me get my rifle and I'll give ya 3 minutes to run as fast and far as you can, boy that's real sport huh?
I agree with the person who says these people are not real hunters. I myself hunt and do not dump my deer along the roadside, even if you feel the need to dump their deer somewhere at least dump them back in the woods so that the animals that eat that find of thing would have something to eat as well. Just dumping them beside the road is so disrespectful, but please don't call these people hunters, they are probably the same ones that poach deer at night illegally as well. They are NOT hunters.
Only firemen do this kind of crap. Just ask them. They brag about it all the time.
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