Mayor Barrie Tilghman told the County she will not give Sheriff Mike Lewis a Parking Pass in the City of Salisbury.
On many occasions, Sheriff Lewis comes into the City in an unmarked Dodge SUV to take care of business. One day, County Council President John Cannon noticed Sheriff Lewis putting quarters into a Meter and said, don't you have a Parking Pass? Sheriff Lewis replied, no.
That being said, Council President Cannon went through the proper channels to ask for a Pass for Sheriff Lewis and the Mayor denied the request. Now let's see, Brew River is in the County, isn't it? So is Market Street Inn, right?
I'm not at all suggesting that Sheriff Lewis would ever be on the lookout for Mayor Barrie Tilghman but if it were me, let's not even go there. County Council Members get these Parking Passes as well as the City Council. I guess now that Barrie has joined the Hillary Clinton Team, she thinks she's above the law and can't be touched? How quickly she forgot what happened to her Daughter.
This could be Political Suicide for Barry Tilghman, that's for sure. In the very least, there's a sky blue Volvo that I'm confident all County Deputies will now have tattooed in their brains while driving down the road, day or night.
The County owns the property the GOB sits on so I am wondering why County personnel have to go through the witch to get a parking pass. Can someone educate the public on this one?
But I thought that the City just got a half interest in the property for $1.
Ewwwww. Someone PLEASE get that woman a BRA!!!!!
Anonymous said...
But I thought that the City just got a half interest in the property for $1.
12:39 PM
If that is the case then the One Ton Gorilla and the 7 dwarves need to be thrown out of office. Why give something away to BPT and the city when they are constantly trying to take over the county. We are some stupid people when we continue to elect ignorant asses like them.
The City put up $1.00 but no contracts have been signed or agreed upon as of yet.
I bet she use to be a Hooters Girl in 1960's
Doesnt Mr.Pollitt have some sway in the matter?Maybe he can lean on the city a little and obtain the permit.The Mayors pals can park anywhere on the plaza,blocking traffic-but the Sheriff cannot get a pass?Bullshit!Someone with more clout than her needs to clue her in on how local governments work TOGETHER!
Louweasel can get a handicap parking permit but Mike Lewis can't get a parking pass? When he comes in to town it is for business NOT bullshit. Just in case no one has noticed Mike Lewis doesn't stand around with his hands in his pockets wasting time, he is always on the move getting things done.
Next time that Volvo is parked anywhere it should be towed, just because it is there.
Don't worry it's New Years weekend, Barrie will be somewhere DRINKING and DRIVING. Chief Jack n Coke can't protect her forever.
Anonymous said...
Ewwwww. Someone PLEASE get that woman a BRA!!!!!
12:47 PM
How Dare You! I can't believe you people would even think to say a thing like that! Imagine the gall of you people!
Don't you think your asking a lot of a bra.....to hold those things back?!? Those things could punch a hole clean through a kevlar vest and you expect a bra to keep them in. Those babies are .50 caliber - bare minimum. She should be required to register them with the ATF. They could go off and poke out an eye from 15 paces. And Lord have mercy on us all if it's cold out. If I was a jeweler, I might try to harness the energy stored inside of them and try to split diamonds. If we could harness that much energy would would have harnessed the worlds largest source of renewable energy.
6:11---now that's sum funny shit...
Her and a lot of her minions, former minions like Howdy Doody are well overdue for DWI's. Cuff them,, book them, and get that ugly mugly mug shot.
This yet another pathetic move on behalf of Salisbury government.
The Sheriff Does not need one nor does any law enforcement officer. The Maryland Transportation article clearly states that while conducting offical business, police vehicles are not required to pay meters or be restricted by any parking regulations. The Sheriff was just being poltically correct in paying the meter. The parking meter troll nor any officer would not dare put a measly parking ticket on his vehicle or any other police vehicle. This happened before with one of the meter trolls who has since retired. She quickly got the message after she got stroked.
Anonymous said...
Her and a lot of her minions, former minions like Howdy Doody are well overdue for DWI's. Cuff them,, book them, and get that ugly mugly mug shot.
7:18 PM
Howdy Doody would like to be cuffed and stuffed. Ask Bubba ;-)
This picture made me throw up in my mouth a little.
It made me poop myself...
They don't even give city PD officers parking permits. They have to borrow one to go to court. Supposedly it's a computer program problem and city doesn't feel the need to fix it.
And isn't Barrie looking really haggard these days, face drawn, hair all messed up, lips tight, bags drooping...somethin' must be bothering her big time. Any ideas?
Maryland Vehicle Law
(a) Subject to the conditions stated in this section, the driver of an emergency vehicle registered in any state may exercise the privileges set forth in this section while:
(1) Responding to an emergency call;
(2) Pursuing a violator or suspected violator of the law; or
(3) Responding to, but not while returning from, a fire alarm.
(b) Under the circumstances stated in subsection (a) of this section, the driver of an emergency vehicle may:
(1) Park or stand without regard to the other provisions of this title;
(2) Pass a red or stop signal, a stop sign, or a yield sign, but only after slowing down as necessary for safety;
(3) Exceed any maximum speed limit, but only so long as the driver does not endanger life or property; and
(4) Disregard any traffic control device or regulation governing direction of movement or turning in a specified direction.
(c) (1) Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, the privileges set forth in this section apply only while the emergency vehicle is using audible and visual signals that meet the requirements of § 22-218 of this article, except that an emergency vehicle operated as a police vehicle need not be equipped with or display the visual signals.
(2) The privileges set forth in subsection (b)(1) of this section apply only while the emergency vehicle is using visual signals that meet the requirements of § 22-218 of this article.
(3) (i) The driver of an emergency vehicle may not use flashing lights or a bell, siren, or exhaust whistle while returning from an emergency call or fire alarm, except that fire apparatus carrying standing firemen may use flashing lights that are visible only to the rear.
(ii) The driver of an emergency vehicle, while parking or backing the emergency vehicle, may use flashing lights within 100 feet of the entrance ramp to a:
1. Fire station; or
2. Rescue station.
(d) This section does not relieve the driver of an emergency vehicle from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons.
Park your marked Sheriff's patrol unit in front of a friggin' meter and go into court without feedin' it and see what happens. I have personally been given 2 citations several years ago. The first one I took to the last Sheriff and got reamed. I was told to pay it. The second won I got while in court longer than expected. I just payed it. There aren't enough parking spaces for all the police cars which are at the court buildings at the same time. The County govt. should seriously consider setting more aside. The mayor of Salisbury SUCKS donkey choad.
second won? whew.....second one.
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