John Culver bought this Farm 3 years ago and actually planned on having a controlled burn on one of the two chicken houses this coming Saturday. However, as luck would have it, there's no electricity to this particular chicken house, yet they had a heat lamp with an extension cord going to it to a shed right next to it for their water pump. Their guess is that this is what caused the fire.
Sadly the Culver's lost 2 dogs in the fire and one is loose and hasn't returned to the property. I was told earlier on that this dog had been burnt too. There was also mention over the radio that one person got burned from this fire as well.
Four Stations came to this fire. Delmar, Laurel, Sharptown and Hebron. I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get this Post up. Blogger has been giving me a hard time loading pictures and I'm about to pull my hair out. If things start working better I'll have more photos to show from the fire.
An Off Duty Salisbury Fire Fighter happened to be driving by when he saw the fire and called it in over his radio. At that exact moment, someone was on the line with 911 telling them about it as well.
That John Culver is a good friend of mine from the Rotary Club. Sorry to hear he had this fire and hope he wasn't the one burned in it. Thta is if this is the John Culver who lives on Nanticoke Road.
A. Goetz
Man four stations for a chicken house fire? Is that over kill joe?
I bet not because you knew this person.
from the pictures it doesnt look like enough
First of all, I do not know this person.
Secondly, this is a rural area with no fire hydrants. I would expect additional Fire Departments at a fire like this.
I'll add, this fire is on a Monday at noon. I would not expect the amount of volunteers to be able to assist, like there were last night in Delmar.
I did find it pretty funny that Hebron was trucking down Rt. 54 instead of coming the MUCH shorter way in front of my home. ROTFLMAO! Look Guys, I can see you wither way, since my property borders on Rt. 54 as well.
I have asked Sheriff Lewis for a radar detector to clock these vehicles and a special Badge to ticked this in excess of 55 MPH. LOL
Again you prove you have no understanding of the fire service!
Oh yea.. You looked good standing out there on the road! We saw you trying to hide out there! Why didn't you walk up to the scene?
I respectfully kept my distance, alone with the camer man from 47 News.
I got what I needed without having to be told to get out of the way.
If you can't respect me for that, then I can't respect you as a Fire Pussy.
Your momma!
You were SCARED!
It's sad that people resort to childish threats of physical violence. Through all the ignorance you don't realize that you're only supporting his cause by the foolish posts and threats.
So the only reason to have more trucks at a call is for water?
Is that what your saying?
Hebron did not come down 54 for this fire. Log cabin to Adkins to Jersey. Get a life you moron. Why must you always try to insult the intelligence of the fire service? The equipment that came down 54 was infact Sharptown. Like i said yesterday...Get a scanner from radio shack and start listening instead of making up stuff and you will soon figure things out..
My Bad! LOL
Obviously I can't read about as well as you guys can't spell.
So they came all the way from Sharptown. Heck, Chiefy See lives right up the road from that Fire. I thought you guys said he could be there in a Jiffy? That must mean the Fire Fighters from Salisbury, (even though the FIRE WAS IN SALISBURY) can't keep up with the big boys elsewhere. What an embarrassment.
In case someone doesn't understand that last comment I made. The fire was IN SALISBURY but none of the Fire Fighters came from Salisbury to put out one of their own fires. They can't get there quick enough.
why is every fire or accident you post here you have to add "Major" to the title?
I'm glad you asked that question.
You see, these guys think they're BIG MEN, even to a point they think they were a part of 9/11 in New York. So in order to satify their ego's, I make everything MAJOR so they feel more important.
If I don't think it's that big of a deal, I throw a question mark at the end. Take a look back.
Call the 911 center and ask them to tell you what stations respond to that address and you will find out that it is outside of Salisbury's district. So again you need to get the FACTS straight as to who's territory it is before you go saying that Salisbury never responded to a fire in there territory. Thanks
It is a historical fact that many Delmarva Depts responded to the WTC on 9/11, whether you like it or not. They were cancelled driving thru Jersey, when it became obvious there was no one there to save.
that place might have a salisbury zip code, but it is not in sfd's first due. you do know what first due means, right?
you are so dumb! the 3 companies due were delmar, hebron, and sharptown. delmar command requested laurel for help. SALISBURY WASN'T EVEN DUE YOU DUMB ASS!! it doesn't matter what cities it's in it matters what fire station has quickest response time based on station location. there are territories set up for each station's fire district. if it was salisbury's due they would have went. please don't say shit unless you know what you're talking about!! god that's frustrating!! and the person burnt was John Culver..on his hands. get the facts before you try and report.
joealbero said... 3:46 PM
I have asked Sheriff Lewis for a radar detector to clock these vehicles and a special Badge to TICKED this in excess of 55 MPH. LOL
and at 3:55 PM
I respectfully kept my distance, alone with the CAMER man from 47 News.
Damn them firemen for logging on with your name and spelling words wrong. What A**holes. They will pay for that!!
Joe-Keep up the great work! I for one appreciate the news. It's more informative than the daily rag. And for those FF's that can't stand you, there's that many that can!
Actually Joe, the call was in Delmar's territory, and the initial dispatch was for Delmar, Hebron, and Sharptown to respond. Salisbury is only due there if they are special called, because the county goes by a weird districting system and not whatever is closest goes. It all depends on who the county chiefs have assigned to their districts as to who responds.
I would like to comment that this is a good story and some awesome photo's. Instead of trying to bust chops for Joe's form of jornalism you so thank him as I know some of you guys are going to copy these photo's. Especially the second photo which is really awesome. Somewhat symbolic of what we say in NYC with the good team work during a chaotic situation.
To the firefighters who served to taday at this incident thank you for your service. I mean this even though many, not all are real assholes.
Joe doesn't hate you guys, he an the citizens would like to see accountability in the fire service.
Joe keep up the good work!!
Mr. Albero: The fire was in Delmar's first due territory. It was reported by a Delmar Fire Officer who happens to work for the SFD. Step up your meds dude and learn the facts.
Anon 3:42 how about giving it a rest. Joe did something good here. Joe just so you're aware the area the fire was located does in fact have a Salisbury address but the Delmar Fire Department has had this area as part of their first due response area for many many years. In fact their district goes as far south on Jersey Rd to the Little Burnt Branch. Just North of the 4-way stop at Naylor Mill Rd.
Where on Jersey Road was this fire. Salisburys area ends at the bridge on Jersey Road between Naylor Mill Road and Burnt Branch. Probably in Delmars area and that is why Salisbury did not respond
Anonymous said...
Your momma!
You were SCARED!
3:59 PM
I've taught 11 year olds who were more mature than that. Grow up, little boy, and quit playing with your fire trucks. Also, I noticed that the fire was in SALISBURY, yet no mention that SALISBURY Fire Department showed up. Things that make you go HMMMMMMMM.
John Culver is a good guy, I'm sorry to hear about his misfortune. I know he was planning a controlled burn for a long time and it was either too windy or other weather conditions delayed it. His farm is right around the corner from me and I know that in my case I have a Salisbury addy but Hebron is the first responder for ES. Can't we just forget the BS pissing contests about who has the right to be there and just be thankful that there was no more loss of life than there was? poor doggies, but at least John and his family are OK.
Anonymous said...
It is a historical fact that many Delmarva Depts responded to the WTC on 9/11, whether you like it or not. They were cancelled driving thru Jersey, when it became obvious there was no one there to save.
5:34 PM
If you say so Bozo!! The were never dispatched to the WTC on 9/11 and the freelancing idiots that dispatched themselves should be reprimanded and pay the expenses back to the county taxpayers.
Reminds we of when Gordo and Clowns self dispatched themselve down south for Katrina. They should pay these funds back to the city and county taxpayers. It was good networking on Gordo's part to go down their and help out his buddies.
Allow me to correct myself. I think there was a delay in posting some of the posts, so I didn't see the bit about Salisbury not being on the first due. Please forgive me. I guess I thought Jersey Road was part of the city (or at least part of Jersey Road), and I'm not trying to be a smartmouth.
Additionally, this is what I call "appropriate response". Like Joe, I would not have been surprised to see more trucks, especially tankers here because this place is in BFE (Bumf*$k, Egypt). I was sorry to hear about the doggies, as well as Mr. Culver's hands. At least he will be alright.
Congrats on a job well done, and I hope you went to Greene Turtle and had a couple of brewskis. If you couldn't becaue you were on duty, I hope you tossed back a couple of cold Cokes, and I mean this sincerely.
Finally, not every Fire Fighter is an Asshole, it's just the ones that are are very loud about it. I'm glad that some of the "Good Guys" are coming on here and adding things to the posts and message boards. It shows that there are some people within the Fire Department that want to have an honest discorse about issues. We may all get heated at times, but we all need to realize that we are all on the same side, that is, the good of the community.
On a seperate note, those are awesome photos Joe!! Much better than those crappy pictures that Wayne Barrall takes. He can't carry your jock strap when it comes to taking pics. Keep up the great work
Teacherlady said..."Finally, not every Fire Fighter is an Asshole, it's just the ones that are are very loud about it".
Funny you said that. I feel the same way about teachers.
I went to one of the Anti-Albero blogs for the first time today. So immature, and they are congratulating each other for getting the post through in here under Jim Rapps name. Some people obviously never left grade school.
Anonymous said...
7:44 AM
Garbage Gentleman said...
Teacherlady said..."Finally, not every Fire Fighter is an Asshole, it's just the ones that are are very loud about it".
Funny you said that. I feel the same way about teachers.
8:08 AM
WELL, anon 744, with as dry as it has been, and the amount of grass, it could have been very easy for the fire to get out of control, and become a brush fire. All the chicken houses I've seen are these long buildings that take a lot to manage. Also, add in the fact that it was Sharptown, Hebron, Laurel and Delmar that responded, and the Culver's are lucky it didn't spread to another chicken house.
Garbage Man, your cheap shot at Teacherlady was uncalled for. The only thing she said was that she had taught 11 year olds that were more mature. If you weren't taking a cheap shot at her, please clarify your statement.
It would seem that SOME people on here are trying to give credit where credit is due. If that offends, I'm sorry.
For you jackasses out there, please grow up.
Sorry Dude or Dudette,
It has not been dry lately, for the record. We just had an inch and a half of snow the other day in this area and it's been raining on and off each day since. Not much but I can assure you, everything was wet, so you know.
The surface may have been wet, I'll give you that. The winds have also done their fair share of drying things out quickly after the moisture had been absorbed. Surface wetness will dry up quickly when the heat is on, know what I mean?
Either way, a good job was done by all. Human life was spared. A controlled burn was scheduled anyway this is actually better because the firefighters had to actually perform to get the fire under control instead of controlling the fire from the onset. Stop bashing one another. These photos show the obvious, that all firefighters from all areas are trained well enough to work diligently together to get the job done. I see no evidence of a power struggle in these photos, just men making every effort to preserve what they can and prevent further damage. KUDOS to all, for a job well done.
I stand corrected, Joe. The day you showed that pic of it snowing its ass off in Delmar, the only flakes I saw in Salisbury were the Mare and her 3 flying monkeys.
One thing that you failed to see on the scene, joe, you know, way back there on the road, was the 250-500 gallon desiel tank that started out near the burning chicken house..
damn, how did you not see that..
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