A few weeks ago the City Council held a Work Session in which everyone came to a unanimous decision referencing annexations.
Debbie Campbell stated she felt the Council need to have a FULL DAY Work Session referencing annexations and the Council ultimately agreed. However, as the past two week have passed, GET THIS! Louise Smith chose to take it down to a half day, rather than an entire day. But Wait, it gets even better.
Even though Debbie Campbell brought the entire subject to the table and asked for a full days worth of discussion, Debbie has a regular Work Schedule and would you believe the ONE DAY when Debbie Campbell CANNOT be there, they chose that day to be the day to hold the Work Session! I know for a fact that Debbie has requested changes in these kind of meetings when Shanie & or Gary couldn't be there, so why not an exception for Debbie?
I have personally seen just about enough of this BULLSHIT! Louise Smith is purposely sabotaging Debbie Campbell knowing elections are around the corner and they want to use her lack of attending meetings against her. I FIRMLY believe Barrie Tilghman, Gary Comegys, Lynn Cathcart and others are behind this charade and the people need to stand up to Louise and STOP this behavior NOW!
Look Louise, (YOU IDIOT) Debbie is the one that came up with the idea and now you want to drop her out of it? Then you picked a Wednesday, when Debbie clearly asked and everyone agree during the Work Session that a weekend would work best? YOU chose a day when the Public nor Debbie could attend?
YOU people need to do something about this woman Ladies & Gentlemen and that includes the rest of the Council and Mayor. I can only do so much!
Well, if our representative, Mrs. Campbell, is being deliberately excluded, we should get all our points of interest and concern to Mrs. Cohen, and then all attend to make sure the public's voices are heard! I think a full-house attendance for this meeting is in order. What is the date and time of the meeting? I will make sure to attend.
Louise Smith gets her orders from Barrie, and this is right out of her play-book.
It is a disgusting, malicious display that truly shows the depths the FOB's and Louweasel will go to to get rid of anyone who opposes them. If I was Debbie's employer, I would make sure she got the day off so she could attend. I would also tell her not to tell the rest of the council till the last minute, and like a minute before the meeting starts, sashay in. I bet you Louweasel and Co. would sh*t bricks!
lfjxubhAnd this is the America I did more than 22 years defending as a Marine? These people should be castigated and not allowed to play their games anymore. We do need to fill that meeting room on the Wednesday and wear signs of protest even though signs are not allowed!
A. Goetz
Signs are not allowed but T Shirts are.
If the meeting is so important, why doesn't Debbie take a vacation day and show up?
Read the writing on the wall:
Salisbury is in desperate need of good leadership.....
I don't think it's as easy as taking a vacation day. Debbie travels all around the country helping to make housing affordable for people.
She walks the walk, while the blowhards of the council just talk.
now you must be fair...weezee isn't smart enough to sabotage anything or anyone...on her own, at least.
Unlike Gary, Debbie actually has to show up to her job to get paid and unlike Gary, she doesn't have unlimited time off to attend meetings that are deliberately scheduled for when she's out of town.
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