Dear Parents and Guardians,
This week we have had incidents of individual and group related activity on the school campus. All of the students involved have been disciplined. As a result of these incidents we have increased the security, lighting and the administrative presence at future basketball games. If we continue to have issues, we will limit spectator access because the safety of our students is our goal.
Additionally, the school community has reviewed and recommitted to the policy for lateness. I am sure that your student has told you that if they are late for class, they have to get a late note to get admitted to class. The staff is monitoring students who are in the hallway during class time and every student who is not where they belong is being held to the Wicomico County Board of Education Code of Conduct. This accountability for student where abouts has reestablished that this is a learning institution where student safety is our main concern.
Beginning Monday December 17, 2007, all students must be off campus by 3:15 PM unless they are under the direct supervision of a teacher, coach, or advisor. If they have a late practice they must leave school or report to a designated area. All students in violation of this policy will be disciplined according to the Wicomico County Board of Education Board of Conduct. Your student's safety in our school is our top priority.
The challenge for James Bennitt High School and all schools in Wicomico County will continue to be how to educate all students while reducing the negative influences on our student's lives. I welcome your thoughts and suggestions for community involvement to keep our student on a positive track.
Lori Batts
And I love how they put "individual and group related activity"... that's GANG activity, people!! The gangs are fighting, and have brought it inside the school!
There was a strong police presence there yesterday. My daughter was afraid to enter the building for fear of what might have been happening.
The administration has let it get outta hand to the point it is today. No Kid left behind is bs. You might as well get a squad of deputies assigned now.Dont blame it on the teachers as u dont support them anyway.
I have never blamed teachers, it is not their job to raise other peoples kids, it is their job to educate them. I have also always been an advocate of a Joe Clark type system, just ask worthless Tom Fields. I don't believe nor do I support the No Child Left With a Mind program. I do support kicking those out of school that have a track record of trouble. As Joe Clark said "throw the miscreants out" They don't want to be there to learn and the school won't suspend them because they get more money for the more kids enrolled and present in school. The school system is broken, not the teachers. Actually, I think the teachers are broken. Broken hearted that they can not be the teachers they once aspired to be. If the state would get a backbone and tell the feds to pound sand maybe you teachers could do what you were actually hired to do, instead of being referees and babysitters.
Why don't you give credit where credit is due. The new principal is taking a stand and doing the right thing here. Its not the school's fault that there are gangs in our community. What else would you want them to do?
Why would anyone blame a teacher for gang activity? Lets put the blame where it belongs, right at the feet of Barrie Tilghman and Chief Allen Webster who made every effort to assure the citizens of Salisbury that we have no gangs. How many times did they make this statement? How much longer are we to believe those that run this city? Barrie continued to deny gang activity even after Dan Dougherty and the States Attorney's office put on the gang forum at the civic center.
Everyone has a choice. Choose to keep your kids home, raise and educate them yourself. Then you won't have to worry about gang activity in school.
great for bennett high. i say don't let any students at the sporting events. let the teams play with no audience. if the kids can't behave, oh well. it's ridiculous the county has to pay five deputies at time and a half ($35.00/hr minimum) just to play a high school basketball game. unbelievable!! wake up people!!
Anonymous said...
Everyone has a choice. Choose to keep your kids home, raise and educate them yourself. Then you won't have to worry about gang activity in school.
4:27 PM
Look, Jackass, what about the people that can't homeschool because they work, and can't afford swanky private schools? What are they supposed to do, genius? Have a bunch of dropouts??
Jesus, think before you post!
""The challenge for James Bennitt High School and all schools in Wicomico County will continue to be how to educate all students while reducing the negative influences on our student's lives.""
Um...Did anyone else notice the PRINCIPAL mispelled the schools name?Just checking!
They do need a Joe Clark-but look at what the public did to Joe Clark-they branded him an "Uncle Tom" and a racist(!)and persecuted him because he was sick and tired of the good kids with potential being victimized and held back by the bad ones.He also spoke out against parents who did not involve themselves in their childs education and he was the bad guy????
blutojthetotmom said...
""The challenge for James Bennitt High School and all schools in Wicomico County will continue to be how to educate all students while reducing the negative influences on our student's lives.""
Um...Did anyone else notice the PRINCIPAL mispelled the schools name?Just checking!
They do need a Joe Clark-but look at what the public did to Joe Clark-they branded him an "Uncle Tom" and a racist(!)and persecuted him because he was sick and tired of the good kids with potential being victimized and held back by the bad ones.He also spoke out against parents who did not involve themselves in their childs education and he was the bad guy????
< Actually it was Joe who mis-spelled the name retyping the article. Click on the actual letter and you will see it is spelled correctly.
As far as gangs in schools go, something does have to be done and soon. I have a daughter who will be in HS in about 5 years. I certainly hope it gets a lot better by then. Bad enough they are finding guns and knives at her elementay/midle school! These students should not be tolerated and booted out!! Maybe jail time for some of the students should happen. These HS students need more dicipline in their lives. If their parents wont do it, let the police do it.
Totmom, I don't think Joe Clark cared what people called him. The man was hand picked because they knew he took no crap from anyone. He turned a ghetto school back to a school with pride and spirit.
I told Tom Fields he needed to take a Joe Clark attitude, when he was principal at Wi Hi, his only comment was Joe Clark got fired. His concern was his career, not the students.
Let the ACLU be damned and let the teachers run the school as it was meant to be run. These little primadonnas will survive the discipline and be better people for it.
Do you know what would be really funny? What if JMB was home to Wicomico county's only ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) program, so that JMB was a magnet for hispanic and asian children. Then these kids could run rough shod because they are already their own community of like speakers who can communicate freely with little to no oversite. Then a bunch of them, say MS13, could run up in a classroom, drag someone out, and beat them up. Wow, it's a good thing JMB isn't the home to the county's only ESOL program.
Now if they would only make the students follow the dress code. The girls go to school half naked and when something happens the parents will blame the school instead of the parents or the child. Look at how these girls are dressing to go to school, you would think you were at the club or the beach!!!
"group related activity?" Sounds like the chess club! Give me a break and let's quit denying we have a gang problem.
Final Frontier
As for grammar--The misspellings are probably Joe's typos, but the original is still riddled with elementary school errors. The most glaring is the repeated use of the plural pronoun "they" to follow a singular antecedent such as "your student."
And, this woman probably has more than one advanced "education" degrees!
The ESVA admitted they have a gang problem. If they have a gang problem in Cape Charles, what have we got here? A bunch of gangsta boy scouts?
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