If you happen to get The Daily Times, the Fire Department recently has been on the attack against me with statements like the one above.
First of all, I have every right to be at these scenes and I also have every right to take as many pictures of whatever I want and expose whatever I want.
However, someone happens to believe they can threaten me, even in the Newspaper and scare me into believing IF I were to take pictures of any more scenes, they're going to do something about it?
Gordy, you need to take a few more baby steps and express to everyone what a "Cold Zone" is, okeydokey? Then you better educate the Police what a Cold Zone is and then you better have that "Cold Zone" marked in each and every incident.
That being said, I watched The Daily Times the other day, walking right next to a fire while I stayed back on the street, some 50 yards away and used a telephoto lens to get what I needed and everyone loved the pictures. Also standing by my side was 47 News. We respectfully stayed out of every one's way and always have.
So Gordy & See, SHOVE IT! I know it's more than likely you guys on here making most of those nasty comments, makes sense. The "good guys" know what I'm all about and the two of you, (plus a few) aren't kidding anybody. I wouldn't be surprised if the two of you were behind the Watch Desk, even going so far back as the Rachel Polk & Von Siggers days.
One last footnote. Chiefy See, you stare me down one more time like I'm some kind of gay meat for you, you and I are going to have some words. Try it again and I can assure you the entire public is going to know what you just did. I do not have to take your bullshit any longer and now that you have been warned, I consider it a threat whenever you do so. Don't hate me just because I'm beautiful. LOL
Mr. Albero,
As far as the photographs and remaining away from the "Hot zone", if the shoe fits.......... etc. if not, you are showing either your paranoia or else trying to sling mud and are slinging accusations that have no basis.
See the diffrence between Todd, Wayne, and myself is that we have a working knowledge of the fire Service and the respect of every department in this county. Unlike you Joe..
You do have the right to take all the pictures you want. Thats the great part of america. However, the incident commander has the right by law to keep YOU out of certain areas.
So please tell us what right you have to be there? Because you have a blog? Thats not good enough!
And by the way you posted your remark to Dave See, he should take that as a threat and needs to go to the proper people!
And you should not consider yourself a photographer.. a loser maybe!
After seeing this photo of the Daily Crimes' photographer I'm sure that is who the statement in the paper was directed. They would never forbid Joe Albero or either of the TV stations from taking photographs.
Yeah right, in my dreams. ROFL
This coment was not directed at Todd. It has your name all over it!
yea.. you belive alot of stupid shit.. so your title must be right..
They arent talking about Todd. Todd is issued a fire pager from SFD and also has fire gear to wear in the dangerous alarms.
Your just mad that you don't have the respect that the real photographers have around here!
I can just imagine the terrible fear the stare of one of these yahoos could be! HA HA! You wanna see some stares wait 'til they parade these guys before the media to explain how they paid $10,000,000.00 for maybe at the outside a $3,000,000.00 building. If I lived or owned property in the city I'd FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'd see me with a sign marching in front of the GOB!
If I remember correctly you are the one that the Hebron Fire Dep had to keep out of their accident scene that you always talk about. You also stated yourself that you caused a scene there having to talk to the president of the department along with MSP which in return told you to stay behind the TAPE!
Whaile at the same time another fire photography company was given the "EXCLUSIVE". Also that company in return gave copies of all the photos for the fire departments use.
So how does it look from behind that tape line?...lol..
first of all joe believe me i am not at the top and i firmly believe that you should stay away. You are only a nusiance and an obsturction to progress for wicomico county fire departments. What business do you have on a fire scene???unless you walk to the scene dont go because your car will be in the way i am sure of it... just stay away joe!!! what are you going to expose that noone else knows just say it... Second the cold zone changes per each incident therefore it would take time and staffing to mark that so the general rule is unless you are doing something constructive GO AWAY. On the shore we do not have the staffing needed to do this due to you helping with our monitary needs and support like that happens. So joe for your reference the cold zone for any incident on the shore starts a foot away from your front door so stay there. now you have an sure fact to go by.
Actually, Command has the right to make you go back behind the fire police line.
One last footnote. Chiefy See, you stare me down one more time like I'm some kind of gay meat for you, you and I are going to have some words. Try it again and I can assure you the entire public is going to know what you just did. I do not have to take your bullshit any longer and now that you have been warned, I consider it a threat whenever you do so. Don't hate me just because I'm beautiful. LOL
posted by joealbero @ 9:25 AM
I AM NOT SEE, GORDY OR A FIREFIGHTER for that matter. Just a plane jane citizen to start things off. Lets just say I have done some investigative work myself and found out some things on you Mr Albero that you might not want the public to know. I am so sick of you bulling up on these guys(firefighters,polcice,911 central).YOU are NOT the golden child that you make yourself out to be. You Mr. Albero are a LIER and all talk. Do you some kind of homophobia? You are always calling someone gay. Do you have the the desire to smoke some pole yourself Mr. Albero? Are you just trying to focus the attention off you cause you yourself want some pole. With that said, you can feel threatened all you want there is nothing you can do about it,so you can throw the thought of filing charges against him out. The State of Maryland does NOT have a "Common" threat law. The only law on Maryland books in reference to "Threats", is as follows. 1. It has to be done on School property, and with witnesses present (i.e police officer or creditable witness, not your make believe friends) 2. Any threat against a building. On the note of taking pictures, your exactly right . You can take as many pictures as your little heart desires, but... You can't put peoples pictures in the news, news papers, or public forums with out there permission,look it up @google.com MD.Law, Right to Privacy and invasion of privacy and tech. criminal stalking). As far as the cold zone goes Mr. Albero, that is for your own protection. YOU, Mr. Albero are not trained to omit agate the situation that is going on that the Fire Dept.(whatever one) is handling. It's the IC(incident command) that decides and makes the choice if you can get close. It's them that have to answer if something happens to you. Sucks you burned your bridges with a lot of the Fire Depts., cause no one in there right mind will let you closer than the cold zone. Good job on staying back though with Channel 47's crew. I commend you for that. Just wish you learned something from them, like how to report news. I give you credit you took good pictures but your no WB. I love his pictures, and yes before you say anything about him not being in the cold zone, he's aloud to be closer, he's a trained firefighter and he stays out of the way. So in closing go ahead and threaten the powers to be all you want just remember everything has consequences Mr. Albero. Have at it, just now I have dirt on you Mr. Albero and am not affraid to publish it. I wish you luck trying to do anything to me to cause it's all a matter of PUBLIC KNOWLAGE and I feel the public needs to know just what kind of man Mr. Albero really is. I am in no way threatening bodily harm to you or threatening you in anyway. I am just trying to give you some good advise here with this next statement. I strongly urge you to back off man if you don't I will, repeating I WILL EXPOSE YOU. Another reminder for you Mr. Albero if your head gets much farther up your ass you wont people to breath. Good day sir.
Todd Dudek has been doing it for years ... Now Pat and Wayne are there... can't stop progress...just try and keep everyone safe if everyone is respectful of everyones "space" (even use a long distance lense in some cases)then....
Whats good for the goose is good for the gander ...good on ya JOE.!Thanks for the pics
Mr. Albero,
You are quite welcome to take pictures on my scene anytime you wish. However if you are endangered or taking gross explicit photos or in the way I can and will have you removed. An emergency scene belongs to the fire department until which time we turn the scene over to another agency or have completed our job. In other words to spell it out for you, if your home is on fire I own it until the fire marshal is completed his investigation. If you think I’m wrong try me!
anonymous 11:18,
Do you really think you scare me with your threats? I am NOT the Mayor of Salisbury, the Police Chief, the Fire Chief, the Director of the Zoo or any other major title in the City, nor do I ever plan to be. My life is what it is and I have never had any issues exposing my past. So threaten me all you want, just be careful what you say and be prepared for any defaming damages you may bring on because I'm a whole different bear than anyone else you've ever come across.
I will show up wherever and whenever I so choose and IF I am removed, well, the City will deal with the recourse along the way and probably face some very serious financial losses.
I know, maybe I should shut this Blog down now that someone has scared me to death. ROTFLMAO!
Joe, respectively it is not defamation of character if it is true facts.Public record is public record and he can say all he wants about anything as long as it's facts and not his opinion and not made up. But judging from your post in the past you don't understand those laws and how they work. Have a good day and good luck to all involve in that comment. I kook forward to seeing what ever it is. have a great day all!
If it's public information, its public information.
That being said, bring it on. However, anonymous #2, how do you know it's a "HE"?
Anon 11:18 for someone that is not in the fire dept or has nothing to do with them you sure do know their lingo. That being said, I must ask, are you some kind of fool? You have done nothing but add fuel to Joe's fire. Threatening him with exposing his past is a joke to him. I can hear him laughing now. A threat to him is like steroids to a body builder, he just comes on stronger.
Way to go ace. So much for peace on earth.
Joe says...
One last footnote. Chiefy See, you stare me down one more time like I'm some kind of gay meat for you, you and I are going to have some words. Try it again and I can assure you the entire public is going to know what you just did. I do not have to take your bullshit any longer and now that you have been warned, I consider it a threat whenever you do so.
What is that little twerp going to do to you. I heard him tell someone you were cute. Someone did mention on here that he hangs out a Lollipop Lane. I think the HOMO has a crush on you. I see he doesn't have that bad comeover any more. I bet his boyfriends miss pulling his hair these days.
So Gordy & See, SHOVE IT! I know it's more than likely you guys on here making most of those nasty comments, makes sense. The "good guys" know what I'm all about and the two of you, (plus a few) aren't kidding anybody. I wouldn't be surprised if the two of you were behind the Watch Desk, even going so far back as the Rachel Polk & Von Siggers days.
Yes he was I used to work for him and he told us to say what ever we wanted about those two women and he even tried to turn us against the volunteers at station 2.
So Gordy & See, SHOVE IT! I know it's more than likely you guys on here making most of those nasty comments, makes sense. The "good guys" know what I'm all about and the two of you, (plus a few) aren't kidding anybody. I wouldn't be surprised if the two of you were behind the Watch Desk, even going so far back as the Rachel Polk & Von Siggers days.
Yes he was I used to work for him and he told us to say what ever we wanted about those two women and he even tried to turn us against the volunteers at station 2.
Anonymous said...
They arent talking about Todd. Todd is issued a fire pager from SFD and also has fire gear to wear in the dangerous alarms.
Your just mad that you don't have the respect that the real photographers have around here!
10:37 AM
And is this legal?? Who assumes responsibility and liability?
Anonymous said...
I AM NOT SEE, GORDY OR A FIREFIGHTER for that matter. Just a plane jane citizen to start things off. Lets just say I have done some investigative work myself and found out some things on you Mr Albero that you might not want the public to know. I am so sick of you bulling up on these guys(firefighters,polcice,911 central).YOU are NOT the golden child that you make yourself out to be. You Mr. Albero are a LIER and all talk. Do you some kind of homophobia? You are always calling someone gay. Do you have the the desire to smoke some pole yourself Mr. Albero? Are you just trying to focus the attention off you cause you yourself want some pole. With that said, you can feel threatened all you want there is nothing you can do about it,so you can throw the thought of filing charges against him out. The State of Maryland does NOT have a "Common" threat law. The only law on Maryland books in reference to "Threats", is as follows. 1. It has to be done on School property, and with witnesses present (i.e police officer or creditable witness, not your make believe friends) 2. Any threat against a building. On the note of taking pictures, your exactly right . You can take as many pictures as your little heart desires, but... You can't put peoples pictures in the news, news papers, or public forums with out there permission,look it up @google.com MD.Law, Right to Privacy and invasion of privacy and tech. criminal stalking). As far as the cold zone goes Mr. Albero, that is for your own protection. YOU, Mr. Albero are not trained to omit agate the situation that is going on that the Fire Dept.(whatever one) is handling. It's the IC(incident command) that decides and makes the choice if you can get close. It's them that have to answer if something happens to you. Sucks you burned your bridges with a lot of the Fire Depts., cause no one in there right mind will let you closer than the cold zone. Good job on staying back though with Channel 47's crew. I commend you for that. Just wish you learned something from them, like how to report news. I give you credit you took good pictures but your no WB. I love his pictures, and yes before you say anything about him not being in the cold zone, he's aloud to be closer, he's a trained firefighter and he stays out of the way. So in closing go ahead and threaten the powers to be all you want just remember everything has consequences Mr. Albero. Have at it, just now I have dirt on you Mr. Albero and am not affraid to publish it. I wish you luck trying to do anything to me to cause it's all a matter of PUBLIC KNOWLAGE and I feel the public needs to know just what kind of man Mr. Albero really is. I am in no way threatening bodily harm to you or threatening you in anyway. I am just trying to give you some good advise here with this next statement. I strongly urge you to back off man if you don't I will, repeating I WILL EXPOSE YOU. Another reminder for you Mr. Albero if your head gets much farther up your ass you wont people to breath. Good day sir.
11:18 AM
The first sentence is an absolute lie, we all know this is a member of the Fire Service, just check out the grammar it is obviously someone who is uneducated. I can't believe the person is that stupid to think the people haven't already tried to "expose" you. It's already been done you dumb ass.
Fire Chief said...
Mr. Albero,
You are quite welcome to take pictures on my scene anytime you wish. However if you are endangered or taking gross explicit photos or in the way I can and will have you removed. An emergency scene belongs to the fire department until which time we turn the scene over to another agency or have completed our job. In other words to spell it out for you, if your home is on fire I own it until the fire marshal is completed his investigation. If you think I’m wrong try me!
11:29 AM
David See, that is the only way you would be able to own a home. Remember, you are the one that filed bankruptcy and don't pay your bills you deadbeat.
He can't own a house the real way if he doesn't pay his bills.
Case Information
Case Number: 020300002901994Claim Type:REPLEVIN
District/Location Codes: 02 / 03Filing Date:01/27/1994Case Status:BANKRUPTCY
Complaint, Judgment, and Related Persons Information
(Each Complaint, Hearing, Judgment is listed separately, along with each Related Person)
Complaint Information
Complaint No: 001(SEE, REBECCA) Vs:(SEE, DAVID B )
Complaint Status: BANKRUPTCY
Status Date: 04/11/1994Filing Date:01/27/1994Amount$0Last Activity Date:04/11/1994
Related Person Information
Connection to Complaint: ATTORNEY FOR DEFENDANT
Address: 126 N DIVISION ST
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801
If Person is Attorney: Attorney Code:001392Attorney's Firm:
Connection to Complaint: ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF
Address: 231 E. MAIN STREET
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801
If Person is Attorney: Attorney Code:000724Attorney's Firm:LAW OFFICES OF C JANNACE
Connection to Complaint: DEFENDANT
Address: 8255 ARDEN DR
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801
Connection to Complaint: PLAINTIFF
Address: 2 SPRUCE ST #2B
City: DELMARState:MDZip Code:21875
Case History Information
(Each Event listed for the case is listed below in chronological order)
Date: 01/27/1994Comment:INITIAL CASE FILING
Date: 01/27/1994Comment:I;02011994;CLK;DEF;PETITION FOR SHOW CAUSE ORDE; ;PLN
Type: TRIALComplaint No.:
Date: 02/01/1994Comment:TRIAL SET FOR: 04131994;TIME: 0130P;LOC:03;ROOM:01
Date: 02/01/1994Comment:SHOW CAUSE HEARING SET;02231994;0130P;LOC03;01 ;SHOW
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Date: 02/01/1994Comment:NOTICE OF INITIAL TRIAL (ATP)-D1
Type: SERVICEComplaint No.:001
Date: 02/04/1994Comment:REGL;01271994;DEF;SV-SERVED
Type: BANKRUPTCY ENTEREDComplaint No.:001
Date: 02/11/1994Comment:BANKRUPTCY ENTERED
Type: MOTION FILEDComplaint No.:001
Date: 02/14/1994Comment:S;02151994;9G0;PLN;OBJECTION TO SUGGESTION OF BANK ;50
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Type: HEARING SCHEDULEDComplaint No.:001
Date: 03/02/1994Comment:HEARING ON MOTION SET;04061994;0130P;LOC03;01 ;MOTN
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Type: COMMENTComplaint No.:
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Date: 04/11/1994Comment:NOTICE OF OUTCOME OF MOTION FILED - 50 (ALL)-G1
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Date: 04/11/1994Comment:NOTICE OF BANKRUPTCY FILED (ALL)-S2
Type: TRIAL DELETEComplaint No.:
Date: 06/22/1994Comment:TRIL;04131994;0130P;03;BY SYS;45 DAYS PAST TRIAL DATE
The complete case file must be obtained from the District Court in which the case was last heard.
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