Dear Councilman Holloway,
Pursuant to our conversation on 12/7/07, I am writing this letter explaining the circumstances surrounding an extremely unpleasant experience our daughter and I had with members of the Wicomico County Humane Society. It's important that I first lay out the groundwork.
Several months ago, a female dog belonging to our daughter and her boyfriend, broke her chain and ran away from the home at which the dog stays in Pittsville with our daughter's boyfriend. She was apprehended by the Wicomico County Humane Society and returned to them. The dog was only chained outside long enough to go to the bathroom and was brought back inside after enough time had passed to facilitate the bathroom break.
About 2 months ago, the boyfriends grandmother moved into the house in Pittsville after losing her husband and selling her home. About 1 month ago, the grandmother opened the back door and accidentally let the dog out. The Humane Society once again apprehended the dog and contacted the boyfriend. Our daughter responded to the Humane Society to pick up the dog at which time she had to pay a $100.00 fine and was told to chain the dog outside and provide a dog house. The purchase of the dog house was a stipulation of the release of the dog from confinement.
Since that time, the boyfriends sister and her two young children moved into the house and, as fate would have it, two days ago, one of the kids let the dog out accidentally. The dog was once again apprehended by the Humane Society. This is where things go downhill.
Our daughter went to the Humane Society on Citation Dr. to redeem the dog. She met with Linda Lugo who advised her that she would not release the dog. Lugo advised her that the dog was in "protective custody" for a period of ten days and that the dog could only be released to her under the stipulation that the dog would not be permitted to stay at the Pittsville residence. According the County Code, ss133-8-c states "The owner shall be entitled to resume possession of any impounded dog, cat or ferret upon compliance with the vaccination and licensing provisions of this chapter and payment of such sum for board and care as the animal control authority shall determine reasonable". The dog IS licensed and IS vaccinated yet Lugo would not release the animal until the end of the "protective custody" period and then only under the condition she stipulated.
I contacted Gail Bartkovich to see if she could assist me in understanding how Lugo had the authority to issue such demands even though the County Code seemed clear on the rights and responsibilities of all parties. It says nothing about protective custody of a dog never having been abused. It says nothing of the Humane Society having the authority to determine who can care for a dog and who cannot. Ms. Bartkovich forwarded me to June Sergeant of Rick Pollits office who quickly referred me to Lugo.
I called the Humane Society and spoke to someone named Sandy. I announced myself and stated that I wanted to talk to Lugo. When Lugo picked up the line, she was extremely agitated and asked me "Can I help you?!?!" I responded - Yes you can, ma'am, but please stop posturing as if you want to argue - I called to discuss a matter with you. She stated that she already knew why I was calling and that our daughter already knew what she had to do. I told Lugo that our daughter was going to get a large crate so that the dog could be crated for the brief periods of time between either our daughter or her boyfriend could come home during the workday the make sure the dog got bathroom breaks, etc. Lugo repeated to me that the dog would not be released until our daughter could prove that the dog would be staying somewhere else. At this point I asked Lugo what gave her the authority to determine where a dog resides. She responded by stating that there was another pa rt of the code that stated that any release of an dog was at the discretion of the Animal Control Officer. She refused to address the part of the code that I quoted above.
When it became clear to me that lugo was unrelenting, I called our daughter who was still at the Humane Society trying to get her dog. I advised her that it would be best not to create a scene and to just come home. She was crying and she told me that there was something she had to do. I later learned that she had signed the dog over to the Humane Society. Our daughter told me that Sandy initially told her that there would not be a fine but that after I called and spoke to Lugo, she was told the fine would be $250.00. Lugo told our daughter that I had no business calling there starting trouble. Lugo also told our daughter that because the dog ran onto school property, the fine could be doubled. My daughter asked "doubled"? Lugo stated, "yea, didn't you see the signs on the road that say Fines Doubled in School Zone?" our daughter told Lugo that she thought that meant for speeding tickets. Lugo told her that it meant ALL fines. What kind of sensible adult would say that? Lugo the began to pressure our daughter by telling her that she could avoid the fine AND the boarding costs of $110.00 by signing the dog over to them. She felt that she had no other choice and she signed the dog over. What's this? Question Lugo - get a bigger fine?
My feelings are these:
Lugo doesn't get to make law as she goes. Nowhere in the code does it say that she has the right to impound a healthy dog that has never been abused and keep it from its rightful owners for any length of time she chooses.. Lugo cannot pick and choose from the code the sections that suit her and ignore those sections that don't. Lugo doesn't get to raise and lower fines as if she were a judge. I didn't see anything in the charter that gives Lugo the right to be the Judge, Jury, and Executioner. There is nothing in the charter that gives citizens a right to challenge the decision of Judge Lugo. The re is simply NO due process when dealing with the Humane Society. You can't even get it into court without paying a lawyer to file a lawsuit. The only way it would get into a court room would be if they issued you a citation and you contested it. That's precisely why they try to convince you to sign the dog over and not take the citation. I fully understand that the humane Society needs to take custody of dogs running at large, but they must follow the proceedures created by our local legislatures as the County Code. They must NOT be permitted to disregard it as if it doesn't exist. In other words, impound the dog, release the dog to the owner once it has been proven it's had it's shots and is licensed, and fine the owner pursuant to the code via a civil citation and let the owner pay it or go to court. Period.
I look forward to the meeting you mentioned with Rick Pollit in hopes of bringing the Humane Society back to the reality that the business of enforcing local laws is a protect and serve mission, not a seek and destroy mission.
Thank you,
Robert Harris
Another "small minded" person in charge who likes to take their "authority" to some self imposed level.
For gosh sake... we're talking about a dog here. Not a child. Not an elder patient. Not even an abused animal.
I would have the director charged with theft. I'm sure there is some law on the books from many, many years ago talking about "the taking" of animals from another person.
Go find it and have her a$$ arrested.
Let's just hope that Linda doesn't euthanize this animals before things are settled and or resolved. I'd keep tabs on that as these people can be very spiteful.
I'll add. This woman is much like the former Zoo Director, Jim Rapp. Everyone seems to love them as they are allegedly so special. NO, they are doing their JOB and when it goes to their head like this case, they need to be brought back to earth or terminated.
You catch a bunch of sh*t talking ANYTHING against these people, like they're heroes or something. NO, they are NOT! They run a business people would line up to run. Are they underfunded? Perhaps. I will say this, however. I have personally been in there several times and NOT ONCE did any of the Staff make me feel welcome.
Of course, I am the only one willing to say it like it is. I was willing to do a ton of things for them and I offered to show animals weekly on this Blog for them and they NEVER once took it further. All they had to do was send me pictures and I would Post them. NOPE! I stopped trying. The people behind the counter act like they are in a different world and you are interfering with their time.
Therefore, I stay away. I have felt for quite some time that Linda Lugo needs to go and someone needs to spark that place up again. We'll see what happens.
You either love me or you hate me, just remember that.
I agree that this place either needs to be shut down or someone needs to clean house. First of all, when you walk in you feel like you are in a scene from the movie Deliverance.
I have had several experiences with these folks and they are nothing more than unprofessional, unqualified individuals.
It would be nice to know that if god forbid, you did need your local humane society for something that they had properly trained employees that could assist you.
It is very similar to the City Government, if you are not one of Linda's puppets, no matter your qualifications, you will not have a voice or a job. Go fight for legalizing something that might make a difference in your life Linda and get out!
It sounds like the only problem is that the dog manages to slip out the door. Some are pretty swift and tricky at it. It doesn't sound like the dog is a threat to anything but itself, running out and getting hit by a car, which isn't good either.
The longer they house the dog at the kennel the chance of it contacting a sickness from other dogs increases. Aren't they supposed to be about protecting animals?
Now if it's an ongoing thing and the dog has been picked up a dozen times I might understand, but twice?
Most of the people get positions at the animal shelter because they are animal lover. That doesn’t make them administrators. The Humane Society needs someone with administrative and people skills as well. This appears to be a good example of a little bit of authority going to ones head. Whoever oversees the Humane Society needs to jump in very quickly and stop this abuse now. Showing petty anger and a vindictive attitude are not skills of a good administrator. It is not in the best interest of the animal or the Society.
Ron Thomas
Reminds me of the Mary lady at the health department that makes the rules up as she goes or to suit her.
these people let the dog get out numerous times and three times and the humane society caught them all three times!?
One - two - three strikes your out!
DUDE, the first off God would not touch them because of their life styles. Second, they are there for one reason they love animals but not like you think!
Anonymous 10:53...
If that's what the code says thats one thing. The codes specifically lays out what the officers have the authority to do......And what Lugo did, she did without the authority of the County Code. She has been misinterpreting the code for some time in order to exercise more authority than the legislation intended. So....if one, two, three strikes you're out is what the legislation intended, it should be laid out in writing....and it's not. At what point do you stop govt. employees from abusing thier power. I have no problem at all with a civil citation and a heavy fine because that's what the code calls for.....not "protective custody" for a period of time to be determined by some overzealous govt. employee.
there is NO WAY the fines doubled signs apply to all fines. what an idiot!! that's why they are posted on the speed limit signs to begin with. she needs to get a copy of the maryland transportation article, then be fired if she really did make that comment!!!!!
it's so hard to make any judgements on 1/2 of the story... and at the moment, that is right where we stand on this one. It is ashame the humane society folks can't respond publically to letters like these.
Some questions:
1. The owner of the animal states there are no signs of neglect or abuse. (Self serving statement, not credible).
2. If the humane society picked this dog up 3 times in 6 months:
- how many other times had it escaped?
- What do the neighbors of this dog say?
- Why haven't obedience classes been recommended, offered?
- How is the humane society picking up this dog? Are people complaining? Is animal control sitting outside their house waiting for the dog to go running?
3. Many times, county law supplements COMAR. What does COMAR say about animal control officers?
4. Also, as a low level functionary, many times you try to use scare tactics before you actually take legal action. That is what I see hapening here.
There is lots more to this story. I'm not sure I really want to hear it... It just doesn't smell right/
I have heard some stuff about how that place is run....a late friend of mine used to work there and he clearly stated if you arent "one of her kind of people"(and I am not going into details-you figure it out for yourselves!)that you were an outsider in that organization and would be treated as such.What a power trip!Im sorry but you cant just run a place anyway you like.
SO what are they using those animmals for, I haven't seen any gerbals lately....ROTFLMAO!
Go back to Rehobeth Girls and girly boys!
Trust me I have seen things there and anom 206 and 123 are RIGHT!
I have dealt with Linda Lugo on several occasions and found her to be professional.
She had 'fired' a volunteer who had some mental issues, and when this former volunteer threatened my animals (who are not pets but working, expensive dogs - think 20K and up - who receive much better health care and nutrition than most children) because she didn't think they should live in top-of-the-line outdoor kennels, Ms. Lugo was more than happy to provide me with assistance to handle this attack.
As a result of her help, I was able to contact the appropriate authorities for assistance.
This 'fired' volunteer has since done jail time for stealing peoples' animals because 'God' told her to.
CONTROL YOUR DOG. You should be grateful no one has run over it yet.
I have seen her on WBOC, and she has got to be the worst PR person in the world. She is scary! Everybody knows that 'sex sells' with her as their PR person it's no wonder they have to euphanize so many animals.
It is quite obvious that penis envy could be an issue that she has yet to deal with, and whoever gave her a position of authority was probably beaten into submission and made to do so.
She's too freaky for me, and I get along with all kinds.
Joe your just not as cute as the little ladies who do the morning Delmarva Report, so she's not interested in giving you pic's of her dog's.
Maybe if you submitted a picture of a cute girl on Craigs list and sent it to her offering to post her dog's on your site, you would get a better response!
You all can forget any thing about Linda Lugo and her superiors. GARY COMEGYS is president of the board for the humane society. That in itself should tell you all you want or ever need to know.
Really? Prez of the Board? Does Bubba even own a dog or cat?
Haven't you ever seen his wife?
A few comments regarding the Wicomico shelter story...
Our daughter responded to the Humane Society to pick up the dog at which time she had to pay a $100.00 fine and was told to chain the dog outside and provide a dog house
Lugo advised her that the dog was in "protective custody" for a period of ten days and that the dog could only be released to her under the stipulation that the dog would not be permitted to stay at the Pittsville residence.
The above quotes make me suspicious that the daughter has misrepresented something or you've not understood things clearly. I doubt seriously that Ms Lugo would order anyone to chain a dog outside. Chaining dogs usually creates behavior problems.
The fact that the chain broke makes me suspicious as well. Either the chain was inadequate or it was worn due to the dog spending a lot of time on it. Why bother having a dog if you're just going to chain it out back?
Why not take the dog out for its bathroom breaks? This is a much better approach for the dog and the owner as it provides human contact with the owner as well as direct supervision. It is also a good form of exercise for the owner.
A ten day custody period makes me wonder if the dog didn't bite someone or have some other aggressive contact with a person or another animal. A ten day quarantine is required for any animal that bites another one or a person. The location of such quarantine has to have approval of animal control or the health department and is to be at the owner's expense.
There are two sides to every story and we're getting one that seems to have some holes in it.
For the comments regarding the director's sexuality, some of you really need to move into this century. I'm straight and I've never had any negative dealings with anyone at the named shelter. That goes back to well before Linda's time. The place is clean and well managed.
Anonymous 2:07
Lugo told me PERSONALLY that the dog was in "protective custody" for ten days. And NO, the dog has never bitten anyone or made any aggressive gestures. This was designed as punishment to my daughter.....don't you get it? $50.00 impound fee + $10.00 per day boarding + $250.00 fine = about $400.00 more than young people can afford around Christmas time. That fact, along with the fact that they kept telling her "it would be cheaper to just sign it over to us and we won't charge you anything" means that a judge will never get to review the facts.
And for your further information, the animal control officer told my daughter that the dog should have been chained outside with the dog house. My daughter responded "it was cold and snowing that day! Was I supposed to leave her out in that?" The animal control officer responded "people do it all the time." My daughter told him that she wasn't about to do that and he replied that if it was possible that people inside would let the dog out accidentally, she should have CHAINED THE DOG INSIDE UNTIL SHE GOT BACK. So much for that theory of yours.
You're skeptical and that's your prerogative. But I know what Lugo said directly to me and YOU have no idea what your talking about.
I don't know anything about this situation other than what I have read here, but I do know that Linda was a huge help to me last year when I was struggling with my dog. She went above and beyond (as did Sandy) to help me through and I am very grateful for what they did
take a look at their PC's and you would change your mind!!!
Them telling your daughter "it would be cheaper to give it up" makes me think perhaps they wanted the dog themselves for whatever reasons.What breed is it?Maybe one of their friends was looking for a particular kind of dog,but something is sure rotten here.I wish y'all the best of luck in fighting this Mr.Harris!!!
I hope you will fight it, Mr. Harris.
Dogs occasionally get loose, especially if kids are around. This happens with the best of owner care and diligence.
It's upsetting enough to the owner without having to deal with guilt trips and undue pressure.
There are so many animals out there truly abused, and so many in need of homes.
This was the wrong way to go on the Humane Society's part.
BTW, your daughter had a good idea about the crate. Mine used one and her dog felt safe. Plus no messes in the house while she was at work.
Mr Harris,
Did she tell you why the dog was in protective custody for ten days? She has to have a valid reason other than to punish your daughter.
Crate training is far better than chaining and should be done with any dog. Fencing the back yard in is far better than chaining as well.
However, chaining is better than getting splattered on the road.
I still suspect we're only hearing half the story. Be cautious when defending your own children as they're notorious for leaving out details. I won't lump that behavior exclusively on children, adults do it all the time too.
I had a dog that we chained outside long enough to do his duty, and when I was working in my garden. He would #1 on the pole his chain was on, and eventually, the acidity of his #1 would cause the chain to rust through. Sometimes you don't notice it or think about it until the dog "escapes". I still have a dog to this day, and I have to say, ALL my dogs have been inside dogs, except when it came to their duty.
Please try to think these things through before you post something like that.
Mr. Harris,
10-62 at (pinwheel66 at yahoo com) for info relating to this 11.
It's amazing how quickly the nasty, ugly sides of people come out when attacking someone. Yes, she's a lesbian, beyond that, the lewd comments and innuendos are uncalled for and reveal more about the author than Ms. Lugo. Personally, I neither like nor dislike Ms. Lugo, I don't know her well enough to form an opinion. She was helpful each time I or my family went to the shelter, however, she did recommend something for a pet "with issues" that I thought was not appropriate and have ceased contact with the shelter as a result. As for this incident, I believe there are two sides to the story and would like to hear first person statements to form an opinion.
Even I am ashamed I allowed certain comments to go through on here but let me assure you, I deleted a TON of them. I don't mind people blowing off a little steam but some of them were so over the top as personal attacks I deleted them immediately. Just so everyone knows, Joe
My question to this tirade against the Humane Society and the tale of woe regarding the dog that repeatedly got loose is how long was the dog running loose? I am fairly sure that someone called the animal control officers to come and pick up this dog. After the recent incident in Willards there probably is an alarmist attitude about larger dogs running loose in that end of the county, not only that, several breeds of dogs, being larger dogs and with reputations for aggression, have a tendency to cause alarm in folks who see them running loose. Dogs do accidently get loose, but usually you can see somone trying to catch them. Mine have gotten out a couple of times and they were not let "just run" until they decided to come hom on their own. We were actively trying to get control. It is unlikely that the animal control officers were parked outside the daughters home just waiting for the dogs to be accidently let out, not once, but two or three times in a few months time.
I am sure that everyone who goes to the Humane Society for whatever reason can or does come away smiling, but, this is no reason to resort to personal attacks on someones race, religion, nationality or sexual orientation. I think it takes a very small individual to resort to personal attacts against someone when they don't agree with them. There are ways and means to address greviences with an individual and an organization if someone feels wronged. This is the route to take not slander or defamation.
I have had several dealings with the Humane Society. Both of my "boys" came from there and they are now happy members of my family. It was obvious that one of them was mistreaated or abused prior to my adopted him as he was fearful and skitterish but now he is a very loving and friendly individual.
The people who work at the Humane Society, both psid and volunteer must have a love of animals or they wouldn't be there. When they have to put a dog or cat down for whatever reason it is heartbreaking. Some of what they see is heartbreaking as well. Beautiful animals abused, injured, mistreated, sometimes sick as well. Then there are the puppiers and kitten from unwanted litters where folks were not responsible enough to get their pets spayed or nutered and when the unwanted litters arrive off they go to the shelter. (At least that is better than dumping them beside the road) It is not a job I would be able to do, I would want to bring them all home.
I like others, feel sure that there is more to this story than what was posted. I also suppose that this post will never make it to the blog since it doesn't agree with Joe Albero, doesn't defame someone's charactor, nor does it contain foul language or infamitory statements.
I could care less about someones sexual orientation but if gay people receive preferential treatment by ANY organization,its discrimination.I personally do not know if this is the case,all I know is what a former employee of the HS has said.Not everyone on the Shore is homophobic.....
I'm with TotMom. I couldn't give a rats butt what their personal sexual preferences are.
If I'm running a business I want honest, hard working, caring people that come to work everyday, are on time, make me money and to help keep good customers satisfied
As long as they serve the taxpayers with respect and give the best care possible to the animals,they would be welcome on any endeavor of mine anytime.
I guess I can do a YHate.com quote, this is a hate free message.
blutojtotmom -
You are relying on one sided statements. I've heard of homophobia leading to discrimination but never heard of heterophobia leading to it. Perhaps it has on the odd occasion but I suspect your friend was giving a somewht biased POV. FYI, not everyone that works or volunteers at the Wicomico County Humane Society is gay. Far from what some of the posters here would have you believe this is not a requirement for employment there and the inuendo ought to be left out of the discussion.
It has also been my experience that when people resort to criticism of other people's physical appearance that they are often closer to Gollum than Adonis in themselves.
Anyway, As Mr. Harris so eloquently pointed out I don't know this story. The reality is he doesn't either. All he has is one conversation with Linda Lugo. The balance is what his daughter relayed to him.
I dunno about you, but way back when I was still young enough for my parents to get involved in my affairs that inovled trouble you could bet your bottom dollar they were going to go in and get the other side before bringing out the posse in my defense. There was a good chance I was going to be told that it takes two to tango.
In dealing with children including my own it has been my experience that almost without fail all of them when involved in any form of conflict will paint a picture leaving them as the little innocent darling and the opponent as the devil incarnate. Deeper probing usually would find reality to be somewhat distant from their stories.
What I find interesting is that the dog was given a ten day holding period. This has to be done for a reason. It is not the humane society's or animal control's duty to punish anyone. That is the court's duty. Lugo is well aware of that as are the humane officers and arbitrarily holding a dog for ten days is going to subject them to legal action.
Ten days, oddly enough, is the amount of time involved in a post bite quarantine.
The dog ended up on school grounds apparently. Were children present? All it takes is for the dog to jump on one child in play and scratch them and all bets are off. If the child is seen by a health care professional the injury is reported to the health department. If the parent makes a stink to animal control the results are the same. In fact all anyone has to do is think the dog has scratched their child and off it goes.
As jph pointed out, why was it animal control that picked up the dog? If my dog were to escape I would drop what I was doing and go find it. I would hope that this would be over before animal control was summoned. If I put my dog out on a chain only long enough to relieve itself then I ought to be in tune rather promptly to the fact that it escaped and set about to find it promptly. Evidently this isn't what happened with this dog.
Anonymous 8:26
Point taken-cant believe everything you hear but I also wanted to emphatically state that not ONCE in any of my posts here did I say anything about anyones personal physical appearance-like yourself,I think that is junior high bullsh*t and I ain't no beauty queen myself,so I do not crack on anyone for their physical attributes.Just wanted to clear that up.
Tim Chaney et al
One thing that needs to be taken into account is that the position of animal control officer puts one in a position of confrontation from the outset on the rescue of someone's pet. People get bent out of shape when they have to pay fines. Have a look at an episode of COPS to see how bonkers some folks go over speeding tickets.
As the shelter acts as a holding area this puts shelter workers in the position of being on the receiving end of the same confrotational events.
As such this means that often times people come in with both barrels blazing. Having witnessed all too often how today's youth can have some serious attitude problems I have to wonder how things went. Bear in mind Mr. Harris' daughter might be quite civil. I can see where this all went pear shaped rather rapidly due to someone's attitude. Not necessarily Ms. Lugo's either.
I suspect Ms. Lugo was already on the defensive when Mr. Harris' phone call got put through and that may reflect why she appeared to him to be spoiling for a fight.
As mentioned previously, none of us have a real grasp for what transpired between his daughter and the shelter workers, Ms. Lugo, or animal control officers. For that matter we've no idea of the mood surrounding the two prior events. Mr. Harris himself wasn't there AFAIK and doesn't know very much other than what his daughter claims to have trasnpired.
To paraphrase your comment, if I'm running a business I want clients that come in and are polite as well as aware of problems they may have created themselves. I want them to understand and accept the responsibility for their mistakes. If I run a tire shop and they've neglected the pressure in their tires or failed to maintain front end alignment I expect them to accept that it isn't my fault that the tires wore out prematurely and they've run into added expense. If I run a shelter and I have to keep an animal under protective custody for ten days I don't want to hear any bitching about the bills piling up that I cannot afford because it is Christmas.
OTOH unlike most or all of the posters here I know Linda Lugo and many of the shelter workers. I cannot testify about their promptness as I've no knowledge of it. However, they all care quite passionately about animal well being. Contrary to what has been implied here they dread putting animals to sleep and they don't use them for any untoward purposes. They are also quite fair in attempting to place them in homes.
I've also seen them deal politely with people across the counter. Under varied circumstances that many here wouldn't approve of I'm sure. It isn't easy having people bring in their mistakes day after day dumping them on the shoulders of the shelter staff. Having to choose who dies and who might be adoptable is an unpleasant task. Harboring a little bitterness toward the human race is a bit difficult to avoid when they're the ones ultimately responsible for the situation.
The sad fact is that a shelter has to deal with this sort of decision making process every day. Some days more than others.
No kill shelters are a farce unless you've got large numbers in the community to foster unwanted animals for long periods prior to finding suitable homes. Otherwise the shelter fills up and others are turned down. Those animals either get dumped in the country or taken to the next county for someone else to deal with.
Lacking a large support group, the no kill shelter then becomes a warehouse for the 'lucky' few for an indefinite period of time. Unadoptable dogs accumulate filling cages that might be used by adoptable dogs. Dogs held for extended periods in shelters accumulate behavior problems due to lack of one on one attention as there are only so many hours in a day and shelter workers can't just sit around and pet the dogs and cats.
I have first hand knowledge of just these sort of things happening.
Mr. Harris and a couple others here see these escapes as just some common mishaps. I disagree. If they'd have been more attentive perhaps the dog wouldn't have been out long enough for animal control to find it.
If your dog urine is rusting your dog chain you need to take a bit more time to check things periodically. Chaining a dog, BTW, is a good way to have it snare a leg. Chains can do some pretty nasty stuff to flesh and bone. A stout plastic coated cable is much lighter and less apt to snare a leg and not so rust prone or wear prone. An over head cable can readily be rigged clothesline fashion with a second cable on a trolley running on the overhead cable to allow the dog a good running area with the cable off the ground to avoid entanglement. All one need do is monitor the clips at the ends.
I know Linda Ludo and many of the staff members at the shelter. To all of you that think you could do it. You have no Idea what it takes to be the JOB and I am talking about day after day countless hours of care that these animals needs to live. the time that goes into these animals and that is what we are talking about here animals. not who linda cares for in her life, to waist time complaining about a fine for your dog running and that is what your dog was doing RUNNING. you should have learned after the first time. you should be lucky that your dog was not hurt or killed. and as far as high bills at christmas time get over it we all have bills its life. dont get animals if you can not pay for them. HERE is something for you lets say your dog was hit by a car and was taken to a vet, that is a payment. my guess would be that Daddys next comment would say something like. Linda didnt get to the dog in time to keep it from being hit in the first place.I think we are forgeting what is important here and that is care for animals that cant be cared for by there owners. I personaly know that vet, food, meds, and shelter are offered by Linda and her staff, everyday. And that is a job that she does very well. to the few of you that have nothing better to do, try living your life and stay out of others.
One little thing its (REHOBOTH) and we can handle the term FAGS "girly boys" go back to the trailer park JIM BOB and Im sure that many will agree, with men like this in the world I can see why there lesbians.
i have to say that i think this has spun entirely out of control. i agree with all of the comments pertaining to how many times the dog had actually been apprehended; if you can't manage the animal, don't own one!! it's as simple as that. just because someone has a bigger set of balls to do a job that many wouldn't dream of, there is no need to blame her for the miscare and negligence to keep the animal safe and out of harms way since it had been several occasions of it escaping. the other argument that is completely redundant and completely uneducated is pointing fingers over "lifestyles". it seems to me that most of you are only concerned with the employment of homosexuals at the humane society...GET OVER IT....we're here, we're queer and going nowhere. if straight people have such a huge problem with gay people, then they need to stop giving birth to gay babies! find something new to bitch about and learn to accept people for who they are and not judge their work performance based solely on your BIGOTRY!!!
Robert you are a fool for writing this letter. Your relatives dog ran free at least three times (possibly more), and was apprehended each time. It seems as if you are just trying to blame others for your families incompetence as pet owners. I enjoy the lame reasons behind each pet escape. I also appreciate how you make the Humane Society out to be an enemy of community. In reality it is your daughter that is the criminal.
Obviously, the dog is at risk under your families care, and more than likely a hazard to people in the surrounding area.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse either. All fines are doubled on school property and if your daughters dog bite a kid on school property, you would have been f###ed.
anon 5:23,
Your comment was so ridiculously stupid that I have no choice but to take the position that you are incapable of intelligent debate. Thank you - come again.
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