While this post may seem like it's all about me, it's really about how petty vindictiveness is costing the taxpayers of Salisbury more money out of their already picked pockets. And how good people get smeared and labeled by everybody's favorite Mayor.
Barrie Tilghman has made a career in the past 2 years of blasting the Blogs and all of their negativity. She has created "The Dirty Dozen" along with former and one current Council Member and combined the two as offering nothing to the community and nothing but negativity.
While I can't speak for the dozens of "Dirty Dozen," I know a lot of the people Barrie Tilghman blasts have IN FACT given much to their community, state and nation in very positive and self-sacrificing ways.
For myself, I would like to state the following as a FACT. Back when I had issues with the Salisbury Zoo, my Wife and I still made an offer to sponsor animals at the Salisbury Zoo and purchase a Grandparent Membership. There were no conditions to our donations. We just wanted to support the animals and give our grandson something meaningful that we believe in.
The City changed the legislation creating a "not a friend of the Salisbury Zoo" status and sent ALL of our money back. Gee, a whole new set of rules just for little old me.
Then when the City was completely attacked by criminals with Graffiti, I personally offered to Urban Salisbury that I would pay for 100% of the clean up of ALL Graffiti throughout the City. My offer was denied and the Mayor intervened to have the City pay for it instead. I also walked the streets at nights for months in order to insure it would come to an end and it did.
That being said, I got a call at the last minute this past summer telling me the Jaycees were dropping the 4th of July extravaganza in which I stepped up to the plate and offered to pay cash, $10,000.00 to $20,000.00 out of my pocket to keep the event. It was too late, the Jaycees didn't tell me till 2 days had passed and the Fireworks Company had already relocated their equipment and event. But I let it be known I'd be there for them next year.
Most recently, hence the photo above, I knew City Clerk Brenda Colegrove was being denied by the Mayor every year as they would offer $1,200.00 in their budget for a new digital recording system, knowing it fell short of the actual cost of such a system and they wouldn't have to buy it. Barrie Tilghman is so dead-set against the public getting information easily that she's made sure for years that Brenda Colegrove and Kim Nichols, two of the hardest working and most professional people in all of Salisbury government, went without something that would make their lives a little easier.
Therefore, I offered to pay for the system, allowing Brenda and Kim the opportunity to make their jobs so much better and certainly more efficient. As you can clearly see from this letter, the City is refusing the accept my donation, (not that it's a big deal to me) simply because it has Joe Albero's name on it. At least I can take some satisfaction in knowing that if I hadn't stepped up with the offer, who knows when Brenda and Kim would have gotten this equipment?
My point to this whole Post is NOT what Joe Albero does for the City. It is about YOU the Taxpayers losing out because the City refuses to accept my donations. Everyone knows very clearly Joe Albero cannot buy/bribe the Mayor, nor would I ever want to try! They accuse me of being negative, but I've tried to do positive things and been refused. Why? Because I'm exposing what they don't want the public to know. Or pointing out when they are over the top in their behavior toward citizens. Or animals for that matter.
In the end it is the Taxpayers that pay the price for such ignorance and pettiness. After all, why accept something good from Joe Albero when she can just stick the costs to you?
More importantly, please do NOT allow this woman or anyone else say the Blogs, Joe Albero, or The Dirty Dozen are bad people and only negative! As I said, many of the people she bashes have fought in wars for us, raised funds for charity, and spoken out for you when you can't or are afraid to. In addition to the things I expose, I've also given pats on the back when earned, posted police press releases, and promoted community events like the Jaycees Christmas Parade, Movies in the Park, and Relay for Life, to name a few. And I post pictures of beauty from out my back door for people to enjoy. Now how the hell are those things "being negative"???
Barrie Tilghman is simply full of crap. I've even given her a pat on the back from time to time when she finally gets one right like the Westside Little League homecoming. But would she EVER do the same for Joe Albero? No, of course not. But that's okay because I have proven to be the better person each and every time, even when she's suing me. And I can live with that.
INSTEAD of making the offers, which you have never been taken up on! (Wonder WHY?) Just buy it and donate it! Just like the Fireworks... you made stipulations on your OFFER of a donation.
When have you ever given anything without strings attatched?
I went to Doverdale Playground last week ans New York Ave Playground and picked up trash- do you see me putting my picture of myself on the internet? NO! Because people who care give time and money with no strings attatched!
First of all,
Mrs. Colegrove has spent countless hours trying a variety of different digital units and still to this day has not informed me which one they chose. The unit had to be compatible to the system they're currently using, so I couldn't just go out and buy it. She has been VERY professional in her search and I commend her for that professionalism.
Secondly, I have made donations to the City, you're just not aware of them. Between my personal time cleaning up one neighborhood, donations to the Salisbury Zoo, I raised quite a bit of money from Corporate Sponsors for the Night of the Living Zoo as well. More than anything, my time dedicated to this Blog for the good of the Citizens of Salisbury. I think your statement is out of line.
You have the right to your opinion, I respect that.
You dont respect anything!
Your full of BULLSHIT!
"You dont respect anything!
Your full of BULLSHIT!"
I'm sorry Barrie, what was that again? I couldn't hear you properly.
Keep up the good work Joe,
Unfortunately ,some deeds never get noticed. If I may I want to leave you with my absolutely favorite poem:
' I did a favor yesterday..;
A kindly little deed....
and then I called to all the
To stop and look and heed.
They stopped and looked and
flattered me
In words I could not trust,
And when the world had gone away
My good deed turned to dust.
A very tiny courtesy
I found to do today;
Twas quickly done, with none
to see
and then I ran away...
But Someone must have witnessed
it, For truly I declare-
As I sped back the stony path
Roses were blooming there !
Keep up your good work....you do have a lot... to contribute.
It doesn't look like he had any strings attached, besides his name. He can't force corrupt, vindictive, city officials to accept his donations. If he had bought the fireworks or the recorder, he would probably have them sitting in his garage right now because the city would have just returned them to.
ONCE again you have proven my point. You gave to the Zoo becuase of your wife. And you did not give the money you helped raise it. When have you ever given anything to anyone or anygroup with NO STRINGS ATTATCHED. I think this is an honest question and goes toward your character. I hope I am 100% wrong and you are a good guy, but all I see is a troublemaker using the threat of his money to do good?
"And you did not give the money you helped raise it."
I don't know where you get your information but I started my donations with the Zoo when they received the Beaver. My guess is that you weren't around the Blogs when I told that story some time ago. I couldn't believe how inexpensive it was to sponsor an animal for a year.
Nevertheless, you're wrong. I have made personal donations to the Salisbury Zoo.
"When have you ever given anything to anyone or anygroup with NO STRINGS ATTATCHED."
When have you ever heard of any donations I have offered that HAD strings attached? I didn't say, I'll clean up all the Graffiti Downtown if you give me free taxes for a year! Come on now, you're being ridiculous!
"I hope I am 100% wrong and you are a good guy"
Well, thank you. I hear that from good people from time to time. Considering you are 100% wrong, I'll take that as a compliment.
I also donated equipment for the surgery on one of the old Jags at the Zoo. I have video to prove that too, remember Mayor? The only strings attached there were the strings to hang the lights over the table the surgery was done on because they didn't have what was necessary to do anything there.
I feel like donating my foot in your ass!
You said you only made the offer of donating to have the graffiti cleaned up! You never did it.
And the Zoo donations are because your wife worked at the Zoo.
Anywhere else? Have you given to the fire department, the Salvation Army, the local schools? Are you in the Rotary, Redmens, Knights Of Columbus, Moose? Do you do any good for our commuinty other than tearing it down?
While I agree that Joe does have, um, a flamboyant pay-attention-to-me style, I very much took this post at face value.
That being, if the mayor doesn't like a person, that person's generosity will be turned away regardless of the cost to others, whether it be Mrs. Colegrove's time or the taxpayers' pockets.
I see no strings attached to the offers Joe has made. I agree that good deeds should be done just to do the deeds and not for the recognition. But as much as Joe likes attention, this post was really more about the cost of vindictiveness to others. (Perhaps the title wasn't really the right one to express this.)
This goes hand in hand with the mayor's disgraceful behavior to the Jaycees volunteers at the Christmas Parade. A lack of leadership, graciousness, and class.
"And the Zoo donations are because your wife worked at the Zoo."
SO, what's the difference? I gave and made donations and I also volunteered my time 2 years in a row for the Night of the Living Zoo. I forgot that too.
"Have you given to the fire department, the Salvation Army, the local schools? Are you in the Rotary, Redmens, Knights Of Columbus, Moose? Do you do any good for our commuinty other than tearing it down?"
I have served as Vice President of the Jaycees, just not here. I'm too old, (sorry to say) to serve with them any longer. I was in the Crofton Jaycees. I was also in the Moose Club as well. While serving in the Crofton Jaycees, we raised more funds that ANY other Jaycees, (at that time) group in the entire United States.
Hmmm, let's see, could I have helped the Salisbury Zoo any more if I was on the Zoo Commission? Seemed to have worked in EVERY venture I have ever been involved in.
Yeah Buddy, I've done my time and I'm still out there giving. Try and knock me all you want, you're going to lose every time.
Why arent youin any of those clubs anymore? Jaycees I undestand you aged out(OLD FART! - LOL) Why not join some of those groups here on the shore where you live?
I Agree with the other guy you should do some actuall postive hands on community stuff. Arent you like rich? and unemployed? We need help at Christian Shelter Everyday!
Try this JOESPH! Volunteer to Salvation ARMY to ring bell for 3 hours at CENTER at SBY. Advertise hell out of it on your web site then see how many come give you donations! That will shut all these IDIOTS up! I will come and give you $25.00... thats my pledge!
Anonymous @ 10:06 AM & 10:36 AM & 12:02 PM
Please provide evidence where he donated something with strings attached. I would love to see your insider information.
I volunteered at the Zoo in the past. Does this mean that I am no longer entitled to donating money to it? Does this mean that my donations are worth less than yours?
OK. Since you asked Joe offered to pay for the Fireworks with strings attatched! Ask him what they were and lets see how honest he is!
anonymous 1:38,
OMG, you're so right! There were strings attached!
Let's see. #1, admission had to be FREE!
ANY and ALL donations had to go to the Salisbury Zoo!
Is there anything else I forgot?
If you do the Salvation Army kettle, I'll donate too! I already do anyway, but I'd love to see how much you could raise and shut up some of your critics. You are over the top and in your face sometimes, but I'd rather that than those people with snake eyes and false smiles who can't wait to betray you.
Any of you been to the Zoo lately?They are not in a position to turn ANYONES money down.
Also,the Mayor would be wise to learn-NEVER look a gift horse in the mouth
Anonymous @ 10:06 AM & 10:36 AM & 12:02 PM & 1:00 PM
Please tell us what other strings were attached.
Also how is donating to the Zoo not considered charity just because you know someone that worked/volunteered there at one time?
Brenda Colegrove is most likely one of the hardest working people for the city.
I'm so sorry Brenda that your minute request has been turned down.
You are worth whatever you think you need to do your job faster and with utmost accuracy.
If Joe rings bells I'll come take photos. :) I'll also make yet another donation to the kettle drive. It is one of my favorite things about Christmas.
Some folks just have to see negative in everything.
Joe's wife worked for the zoo long before she met him.
They met.
They married.
Joe got involved with the zoo.
End of story.
Yet in someone's fantasy this constitutes foul play.
I for one know of Joe's generous nature. When I was down on money, Joe and Jennifer came forward and helped me out. They didn't loan me the money, they made a deal with me that benefited all of us. Probably more me than him. He didn't have to accept what I had to offer, but he was willing to help someone out that needed it.
Also, as for Joe's nature of being a trouble maker. Okay, he jumps on a story, he puts up the story to the facts that he has been given. I again for one, know of a story that Joe did that was not the story that he was lead to believe. Instead of getting on here and bashing Joe, I called him, gave him names and numbers to call to get the facts straight. He did just that. Joe has his contacts, but when he found out that certain people were giving him information to prove their case instead of giving him the correct facts, he backed off. Did he do a rebuttal on the story? No, I am sorry to say, but he did not proceed with the story as he had written that he would. Do I have hard feelings towards him for not doing a rebuttal? Again, no. Am I an A** Kisser, definitely not. Not to Joe or anyone else.
I have known Joe and Jennifer for a while now, and they are good people. If someone has a problem with Joe, then state the facts, stop the nonsense of name calling and threats. You will get a lot further with Joe if you take him on with a high mentality level instead of ignorance. And do definitely leave Jennifer out of it, she does not deserve your ignorance.
There are other things, but sometimes things are better left unsaid for the world to know, and keep it to the parties involved.
Thank you Joe and Jennifer.
Reggin said...
Try this JOESPH! Volunteer to Salvation ARMY to ring bell for 3 hours at CENTER at SBY. Advertise hell out of it on your web site then see how many come give you donations! That will shut all these IDIOTS up! I will come and give you $25.00... thats my pledge!
12:31 PM
I've been pulling my hair out all afternoon trying to track down this poster. I'm not talking about his real name, I'm talking about his screen name. Joe, I think someone got one over on you. Please look carefully at the name, and if you see what I see, please post that you do. If you have already noticed it, tell me to mind my own business.
John Robinson. Not to worry, we're onto him.
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