With just over 5,000 hits already today, looks to me like there's not too many people traveling and there's not too many people shopping either.
I can tell you that as I get older I'm not too interested in any kind of gifts. The Albero household is fortunate enough to get the things we "need" when we need it. That's another trick in life. You should look in your shopping carts when you're heading to the register and say, now what in this cart are items we NEED? You'd be amazed at the amount of things you could easily pull out of the cart and put back.
Americans are so spoiled with getting whatever they want, not need. The next thing you know you're foreclosing on your home and saying, I don't know how this happened? Dee, Dee, Deeee! Like I said in a comment the other day. Making money is easy. Managing money is far more difficult and MOST, yes, you heard me, MOST Americans do not have a clue as to how to manage their money. Heck, just look at your leaders in the City. Comegys, See, Shanie, they can't manage their own money, yet they've been hand chosen by this Mayor to run your finances. As Dr. Phil says, "How's it working for you?"
Getting back to Christmas. I have three items under the tree for my Wife. One of them is actually for my Wife and Grandson combined, I cheated on that one a little bit. However, it will make the two of them very happy, even though its mainly for the Grandson. The other two items are very small but they're something I know she'll very much enjoy and be proud of. As for our children, we bought them one gift each but they're very practical and will go a VERY long way. I'll tell you what they are tomorrow.
Nevertheless, Christmas shouldn't be about loading up the floor underneath the Tree. However, in America, that's exactly what it has become. Again, one of the reasons I stay successful financially is because we live well below our means. So will it be one of those, MY HUSBAND GOT ME THIS AND THAT kind of year? NO! However, you just ask my Wife the day after Christmas who the greatest man on earth is and she'll still tell you it's her Father. I'll always be a close second and I'm very proud of that.
And here you are still going,you cannot even write a CHRISTMAS message without trashing someone SCROOGE!!May the Ghost of CHRISTmas past visit you!!!
A few minutes ago I was in BARBS CARD SHOP near GIANT FOOD buying a Christmas Card for the "THE WIFE".There were 2 young ladies ahead of me using their credit cards.When I got to the cashier I turned to the rest of the line and said I am sorry but I am paying in cash. Wished them Merry Christmas and left with everyone laughing. MERRY CHRISTMAS HARDHEAD
merry christmas joe!!!! and i hope you keep us informed of the local issues and keep shootin it str8 in 08.
I agree one hundred percent. Yhis era of materialism has to end. Why do people think they need so much stuff?
Join the "Buy Nothing Christmas" movement.
I jsut loaded the family gifts in the car in preparation for the trek to my Mother and Fathers tomorrow morning. I have one largish box (a boat bag for Mom) and a regular grocery bag with small things in it. It seems too small amount of "stuff" but every gift was chosen with care and love. I think everyone is backing off this year-gas prices, the economy, the uncertainty of the world. I am making a meal for one of my best friends. He doesn't get home cooked meals much and I know he'll appreciate it as his "gift". It's all in how much thought goes into it. On that note, here is my gift to you all; Be happy, love well and stay safe. Merry Christmas!
And a sidebar to Jen Albero: I know what you're getting for Christmas! :P
I detest all of the commercialism and materialism that has become Christmas. We took our grandson out with us delivering gifts and encouraged him to make gifts for those people that are special to him. If I don't live to see another Christmas, this will be the happiest since my children were small, learning the same lessons. If you could have seen the joy on that boys face when the gifts he made were opened and the gratitude of the recipients. It just doesn't get any better than this. I hope he never falls into the shop and spend trap.
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