As I can assure you Clay and his Family will be visiting this Site while he's home, take a moment of your time and send him a message.
The announcement came in very late that Clay would be arriving today. In fact, I believe he was supposed to return on the 28th. We got confirmation late this morning and many could not be there.
Clay, Thank You! While you're out serving our Country, we are enjoying the freedom you deliver us each and every day and for that I am personally grateful to you and your Brothers & Sisters in the Armed Forces. We are all blessed to have so many unconditionally supporting our Freedom and protecting those rights we live by. If we can only reach out to the few that arrive every so often into our communities, we're going to continue to show up and give thanks because we appreciate everything you're doing. Welcome Home and I hope it's a long two weeks!
If we can get 100+ comments on a sunken Fire Boat yesterday, let's see what we can do with this comment section?
GO HERE to see these stories on Blognetnews.com/maryland.
Thank you for joining the military that protects my family and our country we live in.
God bless you and your family, May you always remain safe.
Dear Clay:
Welcome home and we thank you for serving and protecting all of us, especially my family.
I wish I could have been there today but other commitments kept me from making that a reality. Thank you Mr. Albero for being there and helping us recognize our local hero's and giving us this chance to give thanks during a very special time of year for one and all.
God speed Mr. Groton and may God Bless America.
Clay THANK YOU!!! I knew all those years you attended school with my daughter you'd amount to a fine young man and you have. Thanks for keeping our family safe!
It was my great honor to be there today at the Airport; I do not know you, Clay, at all but wanted to be a part of having you know that you, as the others who come back here to the Eastern Shore, are truly our Hometown Heroes! Thank you.
Welcome back Lt. Groton, I wish you and your family (and Sadie the dog) a wonderful time together while youa re home for a visit. Thank you for your service...and your family too. There was such joy at teh airport today. Thank you for allowing the rest of us to share in that special moment and show our appreciation for the sacrifices that you and your family make each day as your serve.
Clay, Althea & Tom,
We are very grateful to your whole family for your commitment and sacrifice. Clay, we are very proud of you, and we are in awe of your service and courage. Thank you for serving our Country.
May you all be very blessed this New Year.
For what it's worth.
When one of our children joins the military and we are blessed to have them return, to see this young man on one knee talking to a boy scout, he has returned a man.
Clay, that was first class. Welcome home and thank you.
Lt. Groton, we rejoice in your safe return to your family & home. Enjoy your time off, you've more than earned it. Thank you for your noble service to our country & God bless you.
This is a fantastic reception that should be followed by all other towns throughout the United States. Welcome Home Soldier.
WB Lt. Groton.
I taught him swimming lessons in the shad landing pool. Very cool to see him grow up to be a productive member of our society.
Welcome back home and thank you for all you've done to keep us safe!!
I wish all our service members could get a welcome like this when returning home.
This is actually a positive thing you are doing, for today kudos to you.
Welcome home soldier!!!
Enjoy your time with friends and family,you deserve it.Happy New Year too!
Thank you, sir, for what you are doing to help the people of Iraq to experience the freedom of democracy that we take for granted here.
Welcome home Clay
Godspeed to you here
Godspeed to you there should you return
Godspeed to the friends you've left behind
Godspeed to the enemies you've left behind
Peace be with you and them
Welcome home Clay! I wasn't able to attend yesterday, however I do want to thank you for your service to our country.
May you and your's have the Happiest New Year ever.......
Thank you, Clay!
Thank You and may God Bless The Good Guys
Welcome home young man. Thank you for standing in harm's way, protecting American ideals. I'm sorry our government has put you in a place and position that many Americans don't agree with, but thank you for protecting our rights to disagree with our government.
AS A LEADER OF TROOPS have you given thought as to how many are watching you, awaiting your next action,anticipating your moves?
Have you led your troops in a manner beholden to the price paid by those before you?
Have you taken your doubts & concerns to GOD in Prayer? Have you asked him for guidance/help?
Let me tell you, I retired in 1970 after 27yrs. I left a large outfit in Japan in 1963. In Jan 2007 I got a call from California from a sgt that I last saw in 1963, He said " I watched you for three years in Japan--saw how you treated the men & women in the outfit, I saw how you led by example. You made a profound change in my life. after you left I too became a Christian. Tell me you can lead & that you are the goal in the eye of those who have the same problems as you .The words of the guy in my outfit in Japan mean more to me than all my medals & awards. Count your many blessings and know we are behind you 100% .
Welcome home from an old GI (1980- 1983) who never carried a loaded M-16.
bob pinto
Lt. Groton -
From a sailor to a soldier -
Bravo Zulu!
Andy Harris
Clay ~ thank you for what you do each and everyday to protect our freedom. God Bless You and Your Family.
welcome home clay! i miss you and your family terribly! tell them all i said hello and i wish you all well and a happy new year!! thank you for protecting and serving our country!
~Erica Bradshaw
Thanks for being a stellar example of young people today. Your dedication to the protection of our country and my family is deeply appreciated. God be with you.
Althea and Tom, thanks for sharing one of your most prized possessions with our country.
Mike's sis
Thank You So Very Much Clay
To know that you and others have made such a hugh sacarfice means the world to me. You and the service people and the services people prior have made sure that my daughter and i have not had to seen the horrors of war is truely a very unselfish act.
May God always bless you May God always be with you May you find comfort within God. I ask of this is Jesus name. Amen
From a shallow water Vet to a fine USA officer.
Welcome Home LT
Welcome Home Clay,
From the family member of a career sailor who served in WWII and Korea and of a career soldier who served in 'Nam, Thank You.
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