"I am sick and tired of all you bitches bad mouthing SPD and their officers. You make these comments that SPD officers are racist, they lie, cheat, steal, and other offenses. Where is your proof. If you have it then take it to the PD and let them investigate it. You bitches make these things up to make yourselves feel better about the sorry lives you live. I have had the oppertunity to work with alot of these officers, and they are great officers. Yes there are alot of young officers, but they are great men, women, and officers. I don't know anything about this incident, but I would be there was a little more to this story. None of you know what happened out there and what he was arrested for. All of you get a life and start backing these great men and women who are protecting you while you sit in you houses thinking up more lies about the officers that risk their lives everyday in an effort to make you life safer. All of you bad mouthing any officers need to get your bitch ass off the sofa and try to do their jobs. Good bless all officers not only at SPD, but also at WCSD and MSP. There are people out here who love and respect all of you."
i do get out there and do what they do. it's clear that this was written by a spd officer, look at all the mispelled words and poor english. nice job. lmao. keep hiring the bottom of the barrell. you get exactly what you pay for. Right chief? Right Mayor?
This commenter is correct - any person who puts their life on the line for others is deserving of respect - Period.
BUT I think what this commenter is overlooking is that many of the criticisms that are said, written or posted about the SPD come from citizens who have had to deal with the poor attitudes of officers or their lack of desire to work with the public or just plain fed up with the amount of true crime that seems to go by the wayside here.
I can once recall (one of many calls) calling the SPD and asking them to report to my property where several young persons had gathered late at night and had no business being there. Being intimidated by the group I asked the SPD to report - they honestly asked me "what do you expect us to do?"
With this kind of attitude coming from the SPD its no wonder why people say the things they do about this organization! For the most part (and from my standpoint)no one is criticizing the individual officers. I think we are all grateful for any amount of protection we receive (whether it be small or large) but this organization seems to be forgetting the part about serving...ya know "to protect and SERVE."
Two closing points:
Why take any kind of evidence or complaints to the SPD....most problems stem from leadership in any organization and who can shut down Barrie's machine?
Can someone tell me when and how we can get Mike Lewis in charge of this organization? A friend who recently left the shore responded to this comment by saying..."If they put Mike Lewis in charge of the SPD there would be no one left to run Salisbury - they'd all be arrested!"
Can someone tell me when and how we can get Mike Lewis in charge of this organization? A friend who recently left the shore responded to this comment by saying..."If they put Mike Lewis in charge of the SPD there would be no one left to run Salisbury - they'd all be arrested!"
What do you expect them to do?Do these green rookies ever watch "COPS"????They come around and tell the group to disperse because they are trespassing-they ask to see ID's.If the group scatters when they see the cruiser,they get out and pursue them on foot and ask them why they felt it necessary to run when they saw police.9 times out of 10,its because they are "holding"-either guns or drugs or both OR they have outstanding warrants and know their asses will go to jail if they are ID'ed.If Lewis ran the city force,you would see no more large groups of thugs standing on street corners or in yards doing whatever it is they do,disturbing the peace,annoying the public.That is the exact reason I left Salisbury-I got sick of calling the police everytime I had to chase some junior inmate in training off my property OR not being able to get to and from my home because of a gaggle of them blocking the CITY street with their clandestine "business",and then getting no help from the law.
HA! I'm on a chair in my computer room! Not in my lazy ass sofa! Thought you had me for a minute there!
I have never talked about an officer. I do know that crime seems to be up. I'm not saying that we have "Bad" policemen. While the department has got their officer numbers back to normal, this city has grown by at least 40% and it's been a long time and we are overdue increasing the number of officers we need for public safety.
I do wish we could do something to encourage our city police officers to live in the city. If it means waiving there water/sewer and trash and whatever else it would take to have officers in the city. I would welcome an officer that lived next to me, I wouldn't care about the take home vehicle. The vehicle alone is a deterrent
I have no problem with some police. But you really got to be kidding me. You think officers really respect you and love you. That is why a wicomico deputy is getting chraged with the crime against his step daughter. That is why a OCPD officer is suspended for DUI. That is why a salisbury officer raped a victim. That is why the old chief of SPD has technically "vanished" him and 2 others. "There Plane Crashed" BULLSHIT...
That is why a FPD officer walks into the office and throws a weapon onto a desk and bounces off hitting the copier......
Hmmmmmmmm and you think theses officers give two shits some do but most dont.
That is why most all of the good cops left the SPD and there is one or two good ones left. That really needs to leave.....
well have fun thinking you are safe with all these Pilice officers around....
Got one last question will anyone leave there daughters with the deputy who is being charged??????
9:56...are you drunk?
I also didn't say that I feel safe here in Salisbury, however I'm not going to point fingers at individuals without facts.
Yes I do believe leadership needs a change. Crime will continue to increase as long as we don't hire more staff to protect an ever growing population.
"If Lewis ran the city force,you would see no more large groups of thugs standing on street corners or in yards doing whatever it is they do,disturbing the peace,annoying the public..."
You are confusing a highway cop and a street cop m'am. Two totally different approaches to police work.
Actually TIM, crime in the city has gone down. You can get the stats whenever you get off your high horse and stop pointing fingers.
Highway or street,its all policing...even though it may be a different type of policing.I cannot see a WCSO officer passing up the chance to bust someone if they saw them leaning into car windows on a street corner.The gangsters running the streets of Salisbury KNOW that the cops arent going to stop them or even question what they are doing unless dope falls right out in front of them.
What needs to happen at SPD. 1st new chief, 2nd change up managment, 3rd better pay for all, 4th follow the policies and prodecure manual and weed out the incomitant officers, hire a better grade of applicant which will be able to be done with competive pay. Look at what the former chief of Princess Anne did for that department.
Totmom, Have you ever been a cop? Its unfortunate but the biggest problem in the city is that there isnt enough officers! They cant possibly stop and question everyone leaning into a car! Give me a frickin break, I see people on here all the time saying they are being harrassed by the cops because they stopped them!
Anon 8:11, that 4th step needs to be taken by ALL departments, fire, police, ems, most businesses dont follow their procedures!
kstar, remember that the person who answers the phone is not an officer! You are getting the "What do you expect us to do" from a dispatcher!
Anon 9:56, These are the officers that make the rest look bad...so take it easy on the good guys!
Doesnt matter what they do, there will always be a hater!
No,not a cop.There isnt enough money on the planet for me to do that job.I do not "hate" cops in general-I just despise lazy and/or crooked cops.A retired chief deputy officer that I know told me himself that part of the reason so many drug dealers go unchecked in some cities is because the police are getting paid off.Im not saying thats happening in Salisbury but considering the terrible pay its certain to be a temptation to some.
totmom....go to church street and ask the drug dealers who is more lilkely to bust them, city or county or state! It would be interesting to see "how many drug dealers KNOW they wont be busted by the city"!!
1:20 you are a moron. City is the main agency that patrols that specific area. The only other I see over there is few select troopers. Really, totmom go do that so 1:20 can be called a liar. Go even father and ask which specific officers they are more aware of and are more afraid to get locked up by.
...and totmon just sit back and enjoy life and just worry about yours. Quit talking about things you know absolutely nothing about.
I DO know what I am talking about,from personal experience,OK?I lived in Salisbury (city limits) for 2 miserable years.Do you have any idea how many times I called the police because some butthole was selling dope on the corner or creating a disturbance?What do you think happened?NOTHING.My sister lives over by Bennett and her car has been broken into AGAIN today and she didnt even bother calling the police this time.She is getting a car alarm and when it goes off,she is going to sic her rather large dog on the thief.Im not saying all police are bad or corrupt-I just think it was a safer cleaner place to live when Chief Dykes ran the show.
Why would you live in a neighborhood around drug dealers? There's a point here... but I don't think I have to say it.
WHY?Because we couldnt afford to rent a house in a nicer neighborhood AND we didnt realize how bad it was until we were there a week or so.It was the same street my aunt lived on 20 yrs earlier and back then it was a decent working class area.As it was our rent was $750 a month.We didnt have the 1200 or more a month to live in one of the quieter neighborhoods,OK?I did what the police always preach to people to keep their neighborhoods clean,I called and reported illegal activity instead of turning the other way to keep the peace.I risked my safety to do my part but the police didnt hold up their end of the deal.We cant all afford to live in perfect neighborhoods-not all people in "hotspots" are criminals,some are just stuck there because the slumlords have hiked rents so high they cant live elsewhere.And as crime gets worse,more homeowners sell out to those very slumlords-its a cycle.
I live in a very rural area now where I dont even have to lock my doors but I havent forgotten the good people still "stuck" back in the old neighborhood.
It is very hard to stop thousands of criminamls with less than 8 officers working the whole city at once. You say the police did nothing? Do you want them to just walk up and arrest them? Unlike drug dealers police have to follow what is called the forth ammendment. A phone call stating that someone is dealing drugs does not constitute probable cause. Which is needed for a search. Which could lead to the arrest.
Help from the community is necessary. Blame is not.
So totmom what do you do for a living?
Like my profile says,I am now a stay at home Mom-my husband works very hard so I can stay home with our daughter-before she was born,I was a telephone operator.Thanks for asking
Should have guessed. Living off the hubby.
How exactly am I living "off" my husband?I DO have a job,a very important one at that!Does your wife have to work????I guess I need to stop living "off" my husband,get a job outside the house and pay a stranger to raise my kid so I can make more money to buy more sh*t that we could live without!Gimme a break!
Quit criticizing everyone elses jobs! Until you get off your can and try to make a difference in the world shut up.
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