Well, I have taken the long walk twice already this morning to the mailbox in the hope that I'd finally get my Sunday Daily Slime. Needless to say, I've wasted two trips because there is NO freakin paper!
I did happen to go on line and viewed Joe G's forever long article about Downtown and all the stupid studies that will prove Downtown is the place to be and you're going to make millions if you move there. Of course they made no mention of my purchasing 300 W. Main Street. Then again, they're not nick named the Tilghman Times for nothing. The lights were dim and the clatter of high heels walking through the Plaza, blah, blah, blah! Then what Joe, I popped out of the bushes scaring the shit out of the woman in high heels and said, have you got a minute for a few questions? Joe G, Daily Times. LOL
Anyhow, although I use the DT for material on this Blog, it just doesn't seem to be worth the aggravation walking to the end of the driveway all the time and that bummer feeling of, it's cold as sh*t out here and I walked all this way for nothing again? It may just be time to give up the ghost and call it quits with the printed copy any more.
Tell me Folks. How many of you still get a printed copy of The Daily Times? By the way Folks. Once I post this, the DT delivers to my home within 15 minutes. They send a special vehicle, (at times) just to make sure I get my paper because they know what kind of damage these Posts do to them. I'm NOT trying to hurt them. Just expose I pay for a service just like all of you but I don't get what I'm paying for.
I still get the paper, but this morning I just went to get it and nothing in the box. The Baltimore Sun was there but no Daily Times. It is truley sad to see that the Sun can get here but the Times can not. The Sun(Baltimore) and Time (local).
A reader of this Blog in Pittsville just wrote me and said they didn't get their paper this morning either. This could get very interesting!
8:09 Am Paper just arrieved to me in Salisbury.
from what I understand, they were having major press problems last year... *worse than now*, and had seriously considered dropping the print version. There is no profit in the print version, whereas there is tons of profit in the online version.
Looks like they have chosen to continue to print for now.
When you get it, you will LOVE the main article.
I got it 15 to 30 minutes after I posted the article. It always works that way. LOL
9:45 still no Slime at the farm
Farm Boy
You need to wash your mouth out with soap. Grandma
All I have to say--LYNNE CATHCART, a CITY WATCHDOG? My dog is a better watchdog than she is! She must be campaigning for City Council.
Oh lord not Lynn on the front page AGAIN, say it isn't so. Glad I didn't bother to go out in the cold to pick mine up yet. I see it out there and it might just stay out there for a while longer LOL
Lynn Cathcart didn't run again so she could spend more time with the grandbabies.
Yeah. Sure. Right.
Lynn Cathcart is spending time at nearly every city council meeting, sometimes bent over the table before or after, yakking it up with Louweasel Smith.
Smells more like Lynn Cathcart took a sabbatical to let Louweasel get in, after Lousweasel duped Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen, Tim Spies and their supporters so Cathcart, counting on fading voter memories, could reappear to run against Campbell.
Look at what she cares about: Annexations. Yeah, Lynn Cathcart said yes to everything without understanding a thing, and screwed the taxpayers.
Unity on the council. Yeah, Louweasel's mantra. And "their" idea of "unity" is to rubber stamp without question what the mayor wants.
I ran into Terry Cohen a few weeks ago and thanked her for what she and Debbie Campbell are trying to do, but told her I didn't know how she stood it.
She just smiled and said, "It's a pleasure to serve. I just remember I'm here for the citizens."
Damn if that doesn't say it all!
No way in hell would I ever cast a vote for Lynn Cathcart over Debbie Campbell. For whatever petty gripes people may have with Campbell, she has ALWAYS impressed me as being on OUR side, the CITIZENS' side. She has no money, power, connections or ego trip going about this position. She's simply fighting for a better place for us to live and to have our government work FOR us, instead of AGAINST us.
Cathcart? Well, that picture of her with the premier landlords of Salisbury said it all.
My wife looked at the front page and pointed to one of the older men and asked, " Is he the one whose blog you read?"
It was an oversight they left you out of the list of watchdogs. Why not ask them? (*chuckle*)
Yeah, LOL, I wondered that, too! Joe, you should have been there as a city watchdog. Oh, yeah, right, you make them accountable for their actions, and they don't like that!
You give them money?
For what?
They didnt mention Joe on their list of "watchdogs" so they lost all credibility.What happened to reporting news accurately and objectively? Damn talk about "tunnel vision"!
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