I'm writing this letter as a follow-up to the original relating to what I believe is an abuse of power by the Wicomico County Humane Society. I believe it is important to let the citizens of Wicomico County know how things have unfolded since then as well as what I've learned that could be important to them in the future. Before I begin, I would like to address the nay sayers who said things like "3 strikes your out", "if you didn't let your dog out, you wouldn't have a problem" , and "I can't help but think there is another side to this story because kids lie"....blah, blah, blah. The fact of the matter is that there are laws that govern the authority of the humane society, and any other animal control entity, and my point was that they were overstepping thier authority. No matter who likes it they were WRONG .......and here we go.
This morning our Daughter and I met with two members of the Wicomico County Council, County Exec. Rick Pollitt, and County Atty. Ed Baker. We discussed at great length the circumstances surrounding our recent dealings with the Humane Society and I learned that we are not alone. I expressed concern that there is no accountability at the Humane Society and that they can get away with pretty much anything they wish and the average citizen has no recourse short of paying an attorney thousands to challenge them in court. This is more often than not, out of reach to the average citizen.
I was armed with that part of the county code which relates to animal control - more specifically that part which outlines the rights and responsibilities of the animal control officials as well as the right of the citizens to redeem thier pets. As it turns out....just like I said before....as long as the dog is licensed and has had it's rabies vaccine and has not been deemed deadly, the Humane Society MUST release the dog to it's owner - Without any conditions. They can't make you buy a doghouse. They can't make you install a kennel. They can't require you to spay the animal. and the CERTAINLY don't have the authority to tell you that you can't have a dog at your house as they did in our case. The law which governs the animal control officers does NOT give them the authority to make these requirements. The only discretion the officers have is whether to return the animal to your home or to impound it. If they impound it you had a RIGHT to redeem it immediately as lo ng as it has had it's rabies vaccine and is licenced.....period. Not after a protective custody (as we were told) period since the County Code does not authorize it.
I learned that since the Humane Society is a non-profit organization and is not under the direct control of the county, the county cannot say "don't do this anymore". But they do control something that the Humane Society needs - Money. $304,000.00 annually to be exact. I was told that the County reserves the right to withold funding if they believe the Humane Society is not treating the citizens in accordance with the law and that it was a real possibility if things didn't change. I stated my position that there exists ample case law which states that animal control is an arm of the govt. and that the citizens are afforded the same 4th and 14th amendment rights relating to seizure of property and due process, as they would be if dealing with any other branch of the govt.
Rick Pollitt is a good person to deal with. He is definitely concerned about customer service and the way the citizens are treated. Toward the end of our meeting, he asked Ed Baker what he thought. Ed Baker stated that although he was going to have to look at the code a little more, he believed that the Humane Society was wrong in the way it interprets the code.
Immediately after our meeting, another meeting was held with the same county officials. This time Linda Lugo was present along with Gary Comegys. Before I go into what took place during this meeting, it is appropriate to mention another unfortunate incident alleged to have occurred at the Humane Society very recently.
It seems as though a family lost a female lab and her two puppies. I'm not sure of the circumstances surrounding thier disappearance, but the incidents that are alleged to have followed are appalling. It was relayed to me as follows. The family that lost the dogs placed an ad in the newspaper, printed flyers, and went door to door in an attempt to find thier dogs to no avail. They called the Humane Society and when no one answered, they left a message describing the dogs, where they live, etc. They continued to look for the dogs without results. They tried to contact the humane society again and once again got no answer. They did not leave another message since they believed they would have gotten the first message and would return the call when they got a chance. After getting no response from the humane society after another week or so, they went to the humane society to check thier inventory. Upon thier arrival they found the two puppies and declared that the pupies w ere thiers. The officer stated "no, they belong to us - they've been here for more than 6 days" . The family expressed disbelief that the puppies would be found without the mother at which time they learned that the mother had been EUTHANIZED! The family was in shock. They wanted to know why no one returned thier call. Lugo stated "You never called". The family asked for all pertinent paperwork relating to her dog being euthanized but had not received it. My understanding is that this is far from over. Who could believe that this family did not contact the humae society after everything else they did to find thier dogs. It was necessary to mention this because pointed conversation about this incident took place during the meeting that followed ours.
During the meeting that followed ours today, a councilman who was present asked Lugo why she hadn't given the family the paperwork relating to thier dog that had been euthanized. She stated that she could not release it without a subpeona. The councilman asked..."where in the law does it say that you require a subpeona?". Lugo stated....should I mail it to them or will they pick it up. The councilman stated "I'll come get it myself that way I know they'll get it" Lugo was questioned about the law and about making it up as she went along. It appears that Gary Comegys took the position that the humane society is in the business of rescuing animals or something to that effect. But I think the best part of thier meeting must have been when Lugo got frustrated and stated something to the effect of the following - (Watch your eyes and ears now, it appears she's quite the proffessional lady) "Have you ever picked up the phone and theres a guy on the other end saying - You took my mother fucking dog. You better give my fucking dog back." My understanding was that she did NOT abbreviate. Speaking this way at a meeting with other professionals. During the meeting, Gary Comegys was asked if he was opposed to having the Animal Control function to operated under the direct supervision of the Sheriff's Office and he stated that he was not opposed to that. I was not at the second meeting but this was relayed to me by one of the attending council members.
This is how I see it:
The humane society seems unable to determine where code enforcement ends and animal rescue begins. They are each necessary, but the officers cannot twist and manipulate the law in order to give themselves the authority to retain custody of an animal to which they have no property rights. The animal control function should be under the direct control of the Sheriff's office to ensure accountability. There is currently no accountability and no mechanism available to the average citizen to challenge a decision illegally made by an overzealous humane society employee. There should never be ANY organization which has any authority at all over the citizens that is not under the direct control of our elected officials. I believe Linda Lugo is about to bring a world of hurt to Wicomico County if it is determined that the humane society is being operated so poorly under her command that through derelection of duty someones family pet was euthanized. I believe that Lugo should resign and that since she is not an employee of the county, Comegys should lead the board of directors in the call for her resignation since he was present during her profane ranting which must have been an embarrassment to everyone present. I know of one more incident much like the one listed above but will not get into specifics out of respect for the dog owner who still suffers. I'm sure many more will come out as time goes by. How many more horror stories must the citizens of Wicomico County endure before those responsible are held accountable?
Know this. As we speak, efforts are under way which will explore in great detail, the possibility of relieving the humane society of the animal control function. Any steps taken in this direction will be steps toward educated, professional animal control as well as accountability under the authority of an elected official.
Ladies & Gentlemen, it's important you share YOUR story with us here. Good or bad, we need to know and see just what kind of accountability is necessary at the Humane Society. Do you feel welcome when you walk in the door? Are people curtious when you come in? You know the drill,. This is your opportunity, even if it's a story about a friend who doesn't have a computer, I want to know what's going on out there. So please take the time and share it with us. You can always remain anonymous or you can send me your story at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com .
Any surprise that Comegys is connected with yet another entity that totally abuses power and ignores Wicomico citizens?
Who is "Bob Harris" (do you mean Andy Harris)?
Does Andy Harris live in Wicomico County?
Does it truly matter who Bob Harris is?
In the very least, Bob Harris is obviously a taxpaying citizen in Wicomico County. One in which he gained the interest and respect of County Executive Rick Pollitt.
I lost my cat back in April and went to the Humane Society the day after to report him missing. And I still check everyweek, but after hearing this it does not give me much hope that if they found him, he probably did not have a chance.
They should put Linda Lugo in the Humane Society and if she's not claimed after six days "put her down" after all she's already got her k-9 name "Butch"
under the direction of the sheriff's office??? are you kidding me? since when is the sheriff's office responsible for loose dogs? i think they have bigger fish to fry. no wonder the crime rate is so high if we are tasking our police with this medial chore when we have "animal control" officers that REFUSE to come out and do their job
I told you she was like this and yes sometimes a persons sexual prefferance makes a differance, she is out to proove she is someone like Rosie O and the rest of them.
I want to make this VERY CLEAR. Someone's sexual preference is none of anyone's business. IF anyone wastes their time writing a comment just as a dig, I'm rejecting it, unless it has to do with something you saw there at the Humane Society or it effected you personally. Other than that, I'm deleting any comment of the sort.
anon 7:59:
Actually, animal control in most areas of the country does fall under sheriff's office or local police angency control.
My experiences with the Humane Society were positive. I adopted a dog there 2.5 years ago and I found the process professional and without problems. While my dog was there, she was upset and it appeared they tried to help her by putting her near the puppies and finally having her share a pen with another small dog.
I also was allowed to walk the dogs and found there were regular volunteers that make this a regular practice. Over a two week period of visits it always seemed clean and under control. I have been back a couple of times just to see the dogs.
I do think they could have a more effective reception area. The last couple of times I went, there was not someone ready to welcome people. It can be unclear if one can go in the back to see the dogs.
As sad as the family dog being euthanized, I have found in my work that voice mail is not an adequate way to communicate an important message. If my dog was missing, I would be there in person, or at least make sure I spoke to a human. I am sorry for the family, but leaving one voice mail didn't work and I find it hard to beleive the organization would have purposely ignored such a message.
btw, I agree tha offensive posts regarding Lugo need to be removed.
Doesn't this sound familiar...the way the mayor is treating the citizens?
The proposed measure would likely be that the animal control officers report to the sheriffs office instead of the humane society.
When turning in animals and giving donations, I've always bypassed the Wicomico County Humane Society and gone straight to Worcester County. Their facilities might not be as nice, but they are much nicer to the animals and the people that work there are much nicer.
The last dog I adopted did come from Wicomico though. I was told it had been scheduled to be put down the very next day. They hadn't had it very long and it was still a puppy. Of course that was 10 years ago now.
Wicomico County's Humane Society has needed changes and accountably for a very long time.
Joe- its nice to see your back on track and going after something that needs going after! The Wico Humane Society is terrible. They'd rather kill an animal than get it adopted or returned to the owner. They do whatever they want with no oversight, and they'll tell you so.
I do have my own horror story. My neighboor found a stray dog. He was in need of some minor medical treatment and a good cleanup, and since we both already an abundance of pets already, he was brought to the pound. We worked frantically to find someone to adopt the dog, and little more than a week later we found someone. Called the pound on Saturday, got voice mail and left a message. Called again Sunday and then Monday morning and did the same thing. Went over there Monday after work, and was told that the dog had been killed by them earlier that day. We asked those people- DONT YOU CHECK YOUR VOICE MAIL MESSAGES??? Their reply is that THEY GET TO THEM WHEN THEY HAVE TIME, BUT IT MIGHT BE A FEW DAYS LATER! I went off on them. I said you make sure you kill the animals on schedule that you dont take a moment to check your messages first in case someone is calling in about one of them??? Is is Monday!! A ton of people could have called over the weekend!! I was again told that THEY DONT HAVE THE TIME TO DO ALL THAT!! It was all I could do to leave there without doing something I might regret later!
Did you expect Linda Lugo's foul language to offend Gary Comegys? I believe this is the only board he is on that he actually shows up for meetings.
We adopted a dog from the humane society over 20 years ago when they were out on Marine Road. He was the best pet and friend my kids had while growing up. Back then those working at the humane society were as fine as they come. Polite, courteous and more than willing to be of assistance. Times have changed and so has the level of professionalism and customer service, both are becoming non-existent.
The only thing i could say is i have had many good experiences with the HS and Linda, but...... they do need to hire REAL control officers who know what they are doing......The bozzo's they have there now need to go....
and they are to gun-ho on putting animals to sleep,
and really Joe Linda's personal life shouldn't be the issue here, i know her to be a nice person, and she has never done me wrong.
The author of this post and her family are not particularly responsible pet owners, so I can understand the Humane Society being frustrated with them, and I think some of the obvious fury in her attempt to get Lugo fired is her embarrassment at being called out on this.
Being the Humane Society director for Wicomico County is a thankless job, but Lugo has made it infinitely worse for herself by effectively making up the rules and regs as she went along.
The family with the lab that was put down is a pack of fools. To think that one voicemail message is going to get special attention when your dog's life is at stake is absurd, and then to wait almost a week before checking personally is utterly irresponsible.
Lugo may be a power mad martinet, but that doesn't relieve the letter writer or anyone else from being responsible pet owners. A lot of this war against Lugo is because the letter writer's family cannot maintain a safe and secure environment for their dog which keeps escaping, and she wants to make it someone else's fault - (ie Lugos.)
Mr. Albero,
I respect the fact that you want to keep things clean on this article but I must say that I have personally walked in the door where I saw two women kissing and hugging behind the counter. It was very evident they both worked there and they made me feel extremely uncomfortable. It didn't seem to bother them one bit that I was there either. So my experience has not been one in which I'd recommend the Humane Society to any one of my friends or family members. I hope that was clean enough to publish?
That was fine, thanks for sharing.
As to the sexual orientation issue. I don't believe hugging and kissing at work in a public area is appropriate for any couple, regardless of orientation. As a member of a same-sex couple, I know I am in the minority and that me touching or kissing my partner in public is offensive to some people. Out of respect for others, and my own safety, my partner and I do not touch in public. I think it is unfair that other couples can hold hands in public with no comment, but I and my partner would disturb others, but that's just the time and society we live in. Change comes slowly and I am greatful that we are allowed to live together publicly in relative peace. I hope by being a productive, law abiding and decent member of society I can change people's minds, but I know that takes time.
To the poster who said the family of the lab & puppies were a "pack of fools"~ Don't be so hard on them! They were doing everything they could to find them. I would have assumed that a message left would have been checked and a return call made since they had the dogs. No phone call, no dogs is what the family probably thought. Shame shame shame on the Humane Society for being so quick to euthanize these animals without bothering to double check that the owners had called. And some would say the owners shouldn't have let them get loose, but things do happen. You have to admit that there is a HUGE problem at the Humane Society. Thank you Joe, for bringing it to our attention!
I myself am a dog owner of 2. They are so spoiled & are like childern to me. They are kept inside and everyday they are there to greet me at my back door when I get home. But there are those times that my hands are full, and my big dog likes to slip out the back door. I Cant blame her, she wants to run around. Who wouldnt if they were inside for most of the day? She'll take off for a rabit. But always will come back. Every once in a while will be gone a little longer, but thats when I search the neighborhood. This in no way does not make me a irresponsible pet owner. I try my best but she wants to play. She's a dog.
I thought that the Human Soceity was spose to keep the animals safe. That would be the first place I would call if She was not to return. I would expect if I left ONE message for someone to return my call!!! That is what they are there to do. Resuce animals, & Help you.
I probally would call a million times though. But I still do beleive they should return every phone call related to inncidents like that.
I have personally been in there to look at the dogs. It is a very un-inviting place to go. You almost feel like your a big incoveince to them. It sounds like Change is needed.
Gary Comegys is Chairman of the Board with the Humane Society. I heard recently that he fully agrees that the Sheriff's Department should take over the Humane Society. I then came to learn why. It seems Mr. Comegys wants to relieve the City of Salisbury of any funding they put up to support the Humane Society.
There are alot of things that warrant closer examination about the humane society- like how many animals are they killing every month besides these people's dog? How do we get that information? I would bet there would be alot of wide eyes if that was published.
I respect the fact that you want to keep things clean on this article but I must say that I have personally walked in the door where I saw two women kissing and hugging behind the counter. It was very evident they both worked there and they made me feel extremely uncomfortable.
I had a disturbing experience while in the humane society recently. A little old woman brought in a humane cage/trap and set it down. It was clear that she had rented or borrowed a trap from the humane society to catch this animal. They asked her for a $25 surrender fee which she gave them. Then I heard her ask if they thought they would find a home for this cat, who was a clearly terrified, healthy looking, gorgeous animal. They said quite abruptly, no this cat will be put down- this type is not adoptable. I thought this woman who brought the cat was going to cry- evidently no one told her that if the cat was slightly wild it had no chance and would be put down immediately. I think if she had known, that cat would still be running free. Very sad that in Wicomico county we can't offer free spay and neuter practices like Baltimore and other areas are doing to humanely control unowned animal population, without killing them. Or at very least to inform the people who think they are rescuing the cat so it can get a home rather than the surprise ending once its there.
I have had two good experiences with the Humane Society, both with Linda Lugo. Five years ago, we had to have our beloved dog put down because of an incurable illness. Anyone who has had to do that knows the pain you feel. As a matter of fact, I am welling up just writing about it. Several days later, my mother called the Humane Society asking if they had any dogs of the same breed. She was told that generally, the type of dog she wanted was not adoptable when they came to the HS, but she would see what she could find. Mom started the adoption paperwork and left it "open" as to the specific dog. Several days later, about 10 or 15 after our dog died, Linda called stating she might have just what we were looking for. Mom went after work to look at the dog, and she took me out there to do the same. I was in love. No one could replace our dog, but this one could try to fill the void. We adopted her. Linda called our vet to check us out, and found out what kind of owners we would be, and we were able to bring her home right away. She is still with us, going strong and healthy.
My second story is not quite as upsetting. I had to go to my mother's place of work to get some paperwork for her (she was out on a long term illness). As I came out of the building, I heard this meowing/crying going on nearby. With the help of another woman, I located this adorable black kitten, who was feral and frightened. I picked him up, and was going to try to find him a home, but no one could take him. I called the Humane Society. They told me to bring him in. I did, but I was very afraid they would put him down, they assured me that they don't have to put a lot of cats down because they can send them to other sanctuaries, and besides, kittens always go fast. I gave them my number and told them to call me if he got adopted, and if he wasn't adopted within a couple of weeks, I would come back for him (it would give me time to prep my dog for a cat). About a week later, someone from the Humane Society called me to tell me the kitten had been adopted. They were so kind to us in our hour of need, it is hard for me to believe this. If it is true, there needs to be better oversight.
As for the person who can't be public with their partner--I hope that changes soon. I hate seeing couples "suck face" out in public, as my husband and I never have or will do it. If people don't like seeing you hold hands with your partner, they can kick rocks. They don't have to look at you. They should be glad that there are people out there not afraid to express their feelings. Good luck.
I have read with interest all the post regarding the Humane Society. I feel neither one way OR the other. However, each person that has posted should "volunteer 1 day for 8 hours and then the next week send in a reply. I was involved 2-+ years ago at the Humane Society. For the most part, you see the same people year in and year out bringing in unwanted puppies and kittens. They think it is the Humnne Society's job to dispose of their unwanted litters. No wonder they have "an attitude". As I said, GO there and volunteer and then come back and post!
He(or they) who pay the bills makes the rules.If Lugo and her staff do not want to answer to the county then perhaps the National Humane Society can make up the 300k of funding.The county should most definitely have the final say in how things are run if they are paying for it...
My son and his wife have a lot of cats, they took one of the cats to the humane society because they were told they would find a good home quickly.
A few days went by and they received a call from their daughters friend( who worked their part time) that they were going to put the animal down.
They went back to the humane society and told them they wanted the cat back if they couldn’t find a home for it.
Linda Lugo refused to give the animal back. After about 10 phone calls she agreed to give the cat back for a fee. She had been fixed and was up to date
with all her shots when they took her to the humane society.
The only thing lina lugo was interested in was how my family found out they were going to put the cat down.
She kept asking who told them.
Hi there to the person who had the humane society call if the kitten was adopted, here is a story for you. My father had a cat and some kittens show up on his steps. Already having cats he could not take in anymore so he gathered them up and took them to the humane society. When speaking with the lady behind the counter they said they would try to place them in homes, my father also paid (PAID) for there shots. Guess what two days later he called to check on the kittens and you know what they killed the kittens that night. The humane society will never get another donation from him or my family.The least the could have done was tell my father that they would not live and my father would have gone another route in finding homes for the kittens. We all love animals and all animals sould be given a chance!!!
I am a former shelter volunteer and was President of the Board of Directors for Accomack and Northamption Regional SPCA. Here is my perspective:
County vs Donations/Shelter vs Pound: We struggled with this dual role for years and finally voted to end our contractual relationship with the counties, thus ending our "pound" function, and decided to become a real shelter. The loss of funds were a real challenge but the SPCA has survived. Many of us feared a county run pound would be a horrifying place and wanted to keep the pound function if only to control it. I was not among those.
The Humane Society here needs to be just that and let the county run a pound and have the animal control officers. Yes, it costs money, but not much more than they are paying now, except for construction costs. $300k a year would probably take care of most of the salaries. Maybe more.
You do see a lot of terrible stuff in the shelter and you do develop a real disdain for the public. That sort of burnout is an unfortunate side effect. I can tell stories that you would wish you could un-hear once I finished. A heart breaks a thousand times a week in a place like that.
However, that is no excuse to play God. That is not an excuse to intrepret the law the way you see fit. It sounds to me like Lugo needs to go - she has gone past what you need from a competent shelter manager. My own SPCA and our staff & directors constantly frustrated me in terms of the roadblocks they kept adding to the adoption process. The requirements got so ridiculous that only those promising to build a mansion for the dog and feed it caviar had any hope of getting it adopted. Meanwhile we just kept squirting em, bagging em and stacking them in the freezer. That sounds graphic, I know. But that is what happens. You see enough of it, you either become callous or you have an emotional breakdown. It sounds like Linda Lugo has become callous and needs to step down.
to anonymous 9:48.....
you're right....nothing excuses a pet owner from being responsible, but that isn't the point here. Impound the dog, contact the owner, release the dog to the owner and issue a civil citation. that is the course of action required by the county code. If my daughter had received a civil citation and her dog had been released to her AS REQUIRED BY LAW, we wouldn't be having this round of discussion. She would have picked up her dog and paid the fine. Instead, she was coerced to sign her dog over to the humane society in order to avoid large fines that could be doubled because the dog ran away in a school zone. When you're wrong, you're wrong. BUT when a self appointed maker of animal laws imposes her will on the citizens without the authority to do so, citizens have a right....no...an OBLIGATION to do what's necessary to make it right.
The fact is if more people had the balls to stand up and do something other than bitch and complain about things they know to be wrong, the mayor of Salisbury would have been recalled already and Louise Smith would be a bad memory. Sometimes we forget that the govt. works for us. They owe us a decent days work for a days pay....and it is WE THE PEOPLE that hold our govt. accountable. If no one makes a stand, they will run wild and walk all over you. When it became apparent that the Humane Society was not held accountable by our system of checks and balances, I decided to do something about it. And one way or another something is going to change there. Citizens will be treated with respect and in accordance with the law. The way it's supposed to be.
I'm Bob Harris and I approve this message lol.
I have never had an actual "personal" experience at the Humane Society but know for a fact that Linda Lugo is not in the business of helping and saving animals. She is in it for the title and for hiring friends. And again, I know for a fact, that if you are not her type you are not made feel very welcome. My thought was why hire "the outsiders" to begin with but I guess when you are desperate you have to do what you have to do.
I also know for a fact that employess that are far from qualified are assisting in areas that they have no business in. I have had to put an animal down do to old age and illness and I know that the vet better know what he or she is doing or it could be bad. An employee that has worked there for 2 months and has a high school diploma would certainly not qualify as someone that should be euthanizing animals. And yes it happened.
The place is like Romper Room. Granted most offices have their share of drama, Linda Lugo has no business doing the job that she is doing nor does her partner. I have personally walked in to deliver things and seen very inappropriate behavior between individuals.(as Lugo looks on, mind u) It is not only a business, it is a business that is open to the public every day. The sad part about it is that most of the folks that are there and have been there are/were good people that were allowed to do as they pleased so why wouldn't they. I have heard Linda speak to her associates and it is no surprise to me that she would speak to other professionals in such a way. She needs to start by respecting herself and then maybe she could be successful at something. But running the Humane Society of Wicomico County would not be her cup of tea.
Best of luck to all those involved.
I have never dealt with the Wicomico Humane Society but I do have two dogs, both Labs.
My animals are a part of my family and I am fortunate to have the means to have them both microchipped.
All animal shelters are required to scan animals for chips that will identify their owner. Spend about 40 bucks at your vet's office and you will be able to recover your pet without hassle.
A chip could have saved this family from this terrible experience. Just a thought.
you could see a rabid animal runnin' down the street & if it's not between the hours of 8 & 4, Monday through Friday, there's no way to contact the animal control office.
I've always been of the opinion, there's someone for everyone & that includes the animals living with people. It's not always a good match & generally most are ignorant about an animal's requirements.
As for people & people, a good "match" is very hard to find.
I am the SPCA poster - posting again. Thanks Joe, for the front page spot.
Some points here that I would like to address:
1. The one poster was correct in that you do need to be properly trained to do euthanasia. The animal needs to be certified as dead. The brain gives out right away - you can actually see the light in the eyes go out - however, the heart can continue to beat for a period of time after the shot has been given. Dosages are generally calculated based on the weight of an animal - but that weight is often a guess. I apologize for the descriptiveness, but people need to understand the process.
2. Ketamine is an extremely controlled substance. I would sincerely hope contact with it is severely limited.
SPCA poster-you are soo right about Ketamine-not just any HS volunteer or staff member should have access to it-on the street it is known as "Special K"
i just hope all this uproar does not effect the well being of all the animals in the shelter and those coming in soon, but i will say a complete overhaul of the way things are being handled there along with staff included.
I did at one time work at the HS. At this time i do not but i do still have some ties there.Now let me tell you what i know,Mr Harris i understand your little girl,s dog was running at large once and was picked up by animall control and she got it back,then there was a second incident and she got it back and there was a citation issued didnt mention that did you then there was a third incident,now picture all of this is taking place in front of an ellementary school between the school and the house is old rte 50 where the average person is driving at a speed of 40 to 50 miles per hour this dog is in the road dodging cars trucks while the children in the school are watching screaming the dogs going to get killed remember this is at least the third time.now you tell me who is the responsible person? In responce to the lab story these people actually waited two weeks before they called the HS and the lab in question was seriously high heart worm positive.My question is are these people responsible pet owners,one to let your dog run in traffic,and to not care enough about your dog to have a heartworm test done.Now to the issue of attaking the private lives of these individuals,well i wonder if all of the people who have posted here with negitive issues are people who should not even own a pet to start with and i really would like to know how many skeletons they really have in there closets that really should be brought to the public EYE.
Honesty......lets look at the real facts here.
It doesn't matter HOW many times the dog got loose. The law says that the animal control officers ONLY have the right to impound the dog. They MUST notify the owner within 3 days and the owner has 3 days from the date of notification to pick the dog up. The owner of the dog is ENTITLED BY LAW to redeem the animal once it has been established that the dog has had it's rabies shots and is licensed. What part of that don't you understand?
It doesn't matter how Lugo or any other animal control officer felt about it. It doesn't matter if the dog got loose 100 times. It doesn't matter if the dog had heartworms. The law must be enforced without the emotional input from the employees. The employees MUST comply with the law.
Release the dog to the owner and issue a citation. That's what the law says.
Police officers don't get to make up or change the law as they go along and neither does any other branch of the govt. The humane society can't seem to enforce the county code while carrying out it's function of animal control without twisting the law to satisfy the "shelter" function. They are two completely seperate functions.
The law is clear about what animal control officers have the right to do and the humane society completely ignored the law.
and Honesty....if you want to be truly honest, look at the law. You cannot make a point in this case based on your emotions. The law must be followed.
The fee schedule for fines dished out to pet owners that have their dogs running at large is as follows.
First time $100
Second time $500
Third time $1000
There is no provision for doubling it in a school zone. Mr. Harris alleges that this was threatened:
Our daughter told me that Sandy initially told her that there would not be a fine but that after I called and spoke to Lugo, she was told the fine would be $250.00. Lugo told our daughter that I had no business calling there starting trouble. Lugo also told our daughter that because the dog ran onto school property, the fine could be doubled. My daughter asked "doubled"? Lugo stated, "yea, didn't you see the signs on the road that say Fines Doubled in School Zone?"
See http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2007/12/humane-society-needs-new-director.html
There appears to be a bit of inconsistency in Mr. Harris' allegations compared to the law as far as fines are concerned. The dog got away the first time yet there is no mention of a fine. The dog got away the second time and the fine was only $100. On the third offense the claim is the fine was going to be $250 but doubled to $500 because it was "in a school zone." Sounds to me as if the evil Ms Lugo was quite forgiving with the fines.
Can't afford the fines? Tough. They apply to all of us regardless of the season or our financial security.
There also appears to be a complete lack of effort to get both sides of the story on Joe's part. IMHO now would be well into the "it's too late to seek it" period.
Much of Mr. Harris' complaint is little more than hearsay as it is entirely or a least almost entirely based upon what his daughter relayed to him. And now he entertains us with yet another tale of woe that is entirely hearsay.
There are two sides to every story. Mr. Harris' is full of so many holes it looks like swiss cheese.
As far as Ms. Lugo's language is concerned I'm sure this board is loaded with puritans. What no one seems to be getting is that she was giving a sampling of what the people say to her over the phone, not just saying those things for the sake of saying them. Try to fit the intent and purpose behind her comment into your opinion. If she'd been testifying in court she'd have been allowed to state exactly the kind of language without any abbreviation whatsoever.
As far as the shelter being staffed by killjoys I think some of you have a vivid imagination. Any shelter is a finite space. They can only house so many animals. This particular shelter always seems to be at or near capacity. So decisions that are unpleasant have to be made. If an animal is a stray it has to be held for a period of time. If it is given up by its owner there is no required holding period. There is no need for a holding period as no one is looking for it. If the shelter is full it's bye bye kitty for those give ups.
So for those who's tale of woe involves giving up something and then wanting it to live give me a break. If it meant so much to you why'd you give it up in the first place?
Joe, in posting this crap along with unsubstantiated hearsay, anonymous tales and letting some of the inuendo you've let get through on sexuality you've done the humane society and the county a great disservice.
you didn't spell its right.it's=it is and its(belonging to it) it's spelled without the apostrophe
Finally someone sees the light!! Joe I understand the whole leave out Lugo's sexual preference. Honestly folks it makes anyone look ignorant to put the focus on that. HOWEVER, it does matter. I'll tell you why, all but 3 of the employees are gay. AND she only hires those she knows or those that are also gay. As well, she isn't just predjudice to those that are not gay, but look into how MANY pit bulls actually leave that shelter More important look at how many get killed in a day, a week. Just try to go in and adopt one, you will wait forever only to get NO reply or the famous line the dog is too aggresive it had to be put down She[Lugo]was asked once if she would like to join up with a pit bull rescue. There were several she could have choosen from. The answer was a swift NO. They can be dangerous animals, BUT each and every one of them?! Is she on a crusade to wipe out the entire breed ... I personally know someone who was fired for asking her that question. As for Comegy's ... wow someone gave him WAY too much credit, Lugo and him go way back.
What is amazing to me. Is that you have nothing better to do with your time. Maybe you should get another hobby. You have no idea what emotion strain is put on someone everyday. Who has to look and talk to ignorant people on a daily basis. I bet that you didnt know that there are alot of people who cry when an animal comes in and there is no other choice but to euthanize. Every animal gets a chance. If people would pay more attention to their pets the humane society wouldn't have so many. If you are not responsible enough to own an animal. Then you should not be allowed to keep one. Having a pet is no different then having a child. If you cant take care of a child guess what they take it away. I have seen it myself animals come in that are just skin and bones. Sores all over their bodies. And then the owner comes in and wonders why they cant have their animal back.
As far as the lady that lost her dog and puppies, I am sorry for your lost but what kind of person claims to love an animal so much calls and leaves a message on a machine. Was the gas in your car or your time worth to much to drive over and see if your dogs were there. No lets wait over a week and come and see if they have them. I lost one of my pets a couple of years ago. The day I knew that she was missing I came to the humane society and lucky for me they did have her. And she was fine. You should have came in and filled out a lost report when they became missing. You would have your dogs today. Do not blame someone else for your mistakes.
I have seen what Linda Lugo goes through everyday. And i can tell you one thing I would not want to do it for anything in the world. It is not as easy as you may think it is. The laws of the humane society are so strict, to ensure that some little kid doesnt get attacked by a dog that has gotten out of their pen a number of times. Or insteed of picking up a live animal they are picking a dead one off of the street.
As far as the sexual orientation situation. What year do we live in? Is this still an issue? Thank you for listening. You may not approve this comment doesnt really matter to me either way. I have stuck up for the humane society so you may not want to post it.
Mr. Harris,
You are a flaming, well....you can imagine what I mean. The County Council and Linda Lugo and the Dog Ordinance Committee that I served on for weeks to change the laws in Wicomico County, are all currently in the process of reviewing and revising the dog laws for this area. YOU SHOULD READ THE LAWS THAT ARE IN PLACE AND ON THE BOOKS IN FLORIDA, TEXAS AND GEORGIA!!! You wanna see laws re: people and their pets?? You'd be amazed. THESE LAWS ARE TO PROTECT THE ANIMALS FROM NEGLIGENT PEOPLE AND TO PROTECT PEOPLE FROM NEGLIGENT PET OWNERS WITH DANGEROUS ANIMALS, ETC. You think that an animal is your property, I'm sure, to do with as you will, like leave it w/o a proper dog house which is protection from the elements. You have NEVER seen the suffering that Linda Lugo has seen and what real INHUMANITY is in these cases! And I'm sure that you have never seen what being mauled by a vicious dog has done to a child either!! You are a FOOL, and a vicious one yourself, Mr. Harris. Your COMPLAINTS ARE COMPLETELY UNFOUNDED AND I PLAN TO TELL RICK POLLIT THAT PERSONALLY!! I read about three quarters of your last, long rant and all I can tell you is that none of us on the Committee, nor anyone working hard at the Humane Society, nor Rick Pollitt, NEED YOU HARRASSING THEM about matters that YOU KNOW ALMOST NOTHING ABOUT, but go around spouting off about what you've heard and adding your lean to it!! Mahatma Ghandi said, "The progress of a nation can be measured in the way the animals are treated." And I totally believe this!! So take a look around you, Mr. Harris and tell me where that puts you..... Have you got any idea what kind of laws are in place in Europe governing pets? Let alone, how strict they are in these matters in states like TEXAS??? You are still operating within your own ignorant little world you've helped to create here on the Eastern Shore of MD and you still see animals as chattel as you probably do your wife if you have one!! You HAVE NO IDEA HOW VALUABLE Linda Lugo is in her job and how committed she is to caring for animals and what a Godsend it is to have her there. That female dog and the puppies that you mentioned, were taken from those people because they had neglected them and they were living in horrible circumstances. If you could even begin to develop a HEART for these poor creatures that have to succumb to a human's every whim, then you MIGHT begin to open your little mind and view things differently. There is NO ABUSE OF POWER IN THE HUMANE SOCIETY!!! The problem is that they DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH AUTHORITY!! And it is because of narrow-minded idiots who think as you do that nothing changes in the laws of this backward County. You, and those people with money in the County who might be effected adversely, financially that is, if the dog laws are changed in the ways that we have worked to change them . Thank GOD, there are some educated and uneducated, sensible and kind people on the Eastern Shore who care and take responsibility for their animals. And it gives me hope to know that every day as more and more people move here from other places, neanderthals like yourself will become fewer and more obsolete. Besides, your rant is full of spelling errors and mistakes. The legal term, in this case, is NOT "deadly dog", the term is "dangerous dog", so let's get it right and stop dramatizing to try and prove your point!!! Linda needs all of the funds that she can get to run the Humane Society and my understanding is that the enforcement end, of upholding the laws pertaining to animals in Wicomico, is being turned over to the Sheriff's Dept. (God, I hope that's still true.) So, try crossing one of them if you find yourself disagreeing strongly with the authorities as to how much enforcement they have in regards to ANY POOR ANIMAL that might rely on you for its care.
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