Ladies & Gentlemen, Louise Smith told everyone LIVE on PAC14 that she had taken the Mayor to the Wood Shed and had it out with her over the Audit and it was to be delivered by the 17th. The Council was then told that bound copies would not be available till TODAY at Noon!
The AUDIT is NOT done and was NOT delivered by Noon today! So here's the big question. Under what terms do you RECALL the Mayor?
Is it:
All of the above: mal/mis AND nonfeasance in office.
Louise's little script she read the other night was all about the 'show'. She fools nobody and neither does Scarey Barrie.
Everybody--call Louise up and ask her where's the audit?
What about "Sheer Stupidity"
That is not enough to beat her with. The attacking of Campbell/Cohen/Polk/Siggers/Caldwell/Webster/Hall/Scott/Cannon/Himelright/Ireton/Gillis has begun. The only way she can win is to tear everyone down, and make everything everyone else's fault. If somebody doesn't come up with a BETTER plan than than her's...we will not win. Just bitching about her and this audit will not work.
Here we go again with the excuses as to why the audit is not complete. Please tell me how the leadership of the internal services department manages to keep their jobs after such poor performance in their duties....the audit being a major part of their duties. I thought that combining the purchasing and finance departments into one was supposed to create efficiency? How can such unqualified individuals keep their jobs. They are obviously failing at their job if they can't complete an audit in time. How is anyone supposed to make use of this information since it will already be 6 months out of date. Someone has got to put a stop to this...Salisbury deserves better. In private practice, these jokers (internal services leadership and mayor)would have been fired long ago.
Haven't we seen that auditor guy and Oland on one of those goofy TV sit-coms.
Like, maybe, "LEAVE IT (the audit, that is) TO BEAVER"?
not sure what the other words mean, but maybe they Barrie would know.
Oland is clearly not up to the task; Barrie created this department specifically for Oland, merged the departments under Oland and declared the whole thing was going to be so very much more 'efficient'. Barrie, Barrie, you are so inept. Also high on that ineptness scale are Oland and that accountant dude who tried explaining everything away--we didn't buy it.
Anonymous said...
She fools nobody and neither does Scarey Barrie
2:31 PM
Unless you have been a victim and hit hard in your pocket which hurt your family and ruined your life. I will be there at the Gates of Hell waiting to push that bitch through. That woman is comes from the same stock as Adolf Hitler.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
She fools nobody and neither does Scarey Barrie
2:31 PM
Unless you have been a victim and hit hard in your pocket which hurt your family and ruined your life. I will be there at the Gates of Hell waiting to push that bitch through. That woman is comes from the same stock as Adolf Hitler.
7:39 PM
Gee, don't hold back. Tell us what you REALLY think.
All kidding aside, if she did that to you, she needs to go. If she gets rid of competant people just so she can have a bunch of "yes men", maybe someone needs to step up and start up a recall.
The Biotch did it to my Wife, that's for sure. I have enough people lined up ready for her next election run that will come forward and blast that woman to no end. I can't wait for that Idiot to even THINK of running for Office again because she'll age 20 years in one short year, you wait and see.
OMG I pray for the day the Barrie gets what is due her, please please say it will happen!~!
The late audit was no surprise to me, I might say I expected it to be late as usual because she can. There are no corrective actions or penalties in place to guarantee that it be done on time.
If the finances of this city were such in a major corporation the CEO (Mayor and Internal affairs) would all be in the unemployment line, holidays or not......
Mr. A:
Since your post is almost 2 hours after the latest (noon, today) deadline, do you know for a fact that the audit still is incomplete?
About that odor you just noticed: its the city's books being cooked by our red-headed chef.
Not too famous but appropriate quote: "In this life or the next, I will have my revenge..."
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