While traveling into Salisbury last night I came across this accident. I'm told everyone was OK.
OK, so here's what makes it interesting. NOTICE the Hebron Ambulance there, right? First of all, the street light above that intersection is burned out, so it's pitch black. I had my camera set at 1600 and I used a flash just to get this shot!
Anyhow, I took some pictures and to start with, a Sheriff's Deputy was on the scene, NOT the Salisbury Police Department. Wasn't this property recently annexed into the City?
Let's get back to the Hebron Ambulance. They were there in such a short period of time, Salisbury couldn't even come close to competing and let me explain more. Because of finances, See & Gordy have forced this territory to be served through the SFD and took it away from Hebron. WHAT? That's right. NOW, do YOU see a Salisbury Ambulance there? NO!
As a matter of fact, I did my thing there and after a while I left. I swear to you, I got all the way Downtown before a Salisbury Fire Truck was turning off Mill Street onto Rt. 50 and heading off to the accident. UNBELIEVABLE!
Now look, I know this is going to be harsh but I have to say it. SAVE LIVES, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Your leaders are so freakin desperate for funding, they'll risk lives, NOT save them, just to get additional funds to pay for their $10,000,000.00 bullshit Station.
NOW, that being said, why would it take so long for Salisbury to simply leave the Station? Because they are so short staffed, NO ONE wants to work there and wait till the new building opens, it will be even worse.
I can see it now. All the criminals and thieves will be able to sit at home waiting for one thing, the sirens to go off. Once they go off they'll wait a few minutes till 30 4x4 pickup trucks come screeching around the corner racing to get to the Station, then they'll hop on the trucks and as soon as these criminal see them pull away, time to break into a few trucks. ROTFLMAO! Yeah, Chiefy Webster will have cameras on the building so fast the taxpayers won't see straight!
Then what do you do? Well, if you're a criminal you simply wear a hood/mask. I guess the Police could get smarter and every so often sit outside the Station waiting for something like this to happen. Lord knows in the 10th Most Dangerous City in America, they don't have anything better to do, right?
Anyhow, no one else has ever challenged the Local Fire Departments and I'm here to stay. It is run by Flip & Flop and they are clueless, IMO. So do throw money in those donation envelopes Folks, it will go to pay for INSURANCE at the new Fire Station because they'll be needing it.
Anyway, Nice Job on the response time to this accident Salisbury. And thanks for Keepin It Unreal.
Can I take some pictures of your horses and your house and you and puton the internet?
Joe i have to correct you. The Hebron ambulance and fire department were on this call. The rescue had not arrived while you were there but was on the scene about two minutes after the ambulance. The engine that you seen in salisbury was in fact going to another call. Believe it was a fire alarm activation. The intersection and west of the intersection are in fact Hebron fire district.
I mean NO disrespect when I say this but please use your name when you make technical statements like this.
As I'm confident you information is fairly accurate, credibility would be nice.
Now, that being said, it was AT the Intersection, who made the call? If there's a fire in Sassafras and or Westwood, which is West on this Intersection, who makes those calls? Weren't BOTH of these developments just annexed into the City?
There are constantly excuses here with the Fire Department. It sounds just like ANY Council Meeting. Is the Audit done Mayor, yes. Cohen/Campbell ask a technical question and guess what, the Audit isn't really done. It's in Hebron or it's in Salisbury. Point being, Salisbury couldn't service this area if they tried. Hebron would beat them there every time, even when they relocate to the West side.
They are not excuses, just facts. Station 5 was alerted for the call by Wicomico Central. Feel free to call them your self and find out the FACTS. A Salisbury EMS unit was in fact requested by Hebron (after Sta. 5 units were on the scene) to assist with other patients.
I have to drive that area all the time, and it can be so dark, it's scary. I SWEAR the state needs to put in more streetlamps, and by GOD check them to make sure they aren't burnt out.
"...credibility would be nice."
Heed your own advice dumbass
That was exactly my point on a previous post. How many miles is it to the SFD from the intersection of Naylor Mill Rd & Rt 50? How many miles is it from HFD to the intersection of Naylor Mill Rd & Rt 50? Hebron will be there first every time. I've seen it all to often and have yet to figure out why.
Someone please clarify this for those of us that do not know or understand. I'm not being a smart ass, I would honestly like to know.
its west of intersection however, the property that westwood sits on was annexed into the city. There for gets city services i.e. water, sewer, garbage, police and fire.
However that land at the intersection of 50 and naylor does not sit on land annexed by the city.
Hebron's territory has always been upto the intersection of Naylor mill Rd. With the bypass construction naylor mll rd was moved 1/2 mile or so closer to SBY. So in hebrons eyes their repsonse area got 1/2 mile longer. The previous SFD admin didn't fight the change.
Ok here the plot thickens again. That land where the new naylor mill sits used to be SFD fire territory.
Damn Joe please stop, comedycentral.com took a big hit this morning. They can not compete with your site.
This incident occurred at a dividing line between pre-determined territories of Hebron & SBY. Whenever the division is an intersection the dispatcher would base the dispatch of the fire department based on the information the caller provides and this may not be entirely accurate on the initial call. There have been many incidents where the call was dispatched and arriving units discovered that the incident was in the bordering FD district. If Hebron was first alerted then in all likelyhood the dispatcher based that on the fact that the caller's information indicated that it was in their district.
Joe i dont know since you are mad at wayne barral that you are trying to take his job. you should leave it alone because as stated anon 10:59 is correct. no i will not leave my name due to the fact you will turn it around and bring shame on the department for me correcting you. You need to stop taking pictures of scenes and just move along otherwise your a HAZARD and you impede progress. So next time you see those engines there for an accident KEEP MOVING!!!!!
Joe get it straight, Salisbury is not due on that. They were going to another call.
Mr. Albero,
Which way is it? Hebron Fire Department is run by an alcoholic who speeds unnecessarily to a call and kills people on the way, or Hebron Fire Department "ill beat them there everytime, even when they relocate to the West Side"?
When i said west of the intersection, i meant route 50. Naylor Mill road is not included. Dumb? Yeah without a doubt it is. But thats the facts.
Yea, right. Leave you name after the way you treated Wayne Barell. You just want names so you can harass people and make personal attacks against them.
This is really very sad, the way you all argue about which fire dept should be where. I used to enjoy this site alot more when there wasn't so much name calling and basically angry people. For crying out loud, it's the Christmas season. Take your energy you are using to argue and go help someone in need. And have a Merry Christmas. :-)
FACT - Driving the speed limit from Hebron FD it takes 5 minutes and 11 seconds to get to this intersection. From the intersection to the new SBY station it takes 2:58 with slowing at the light at Nanticoke Road. It takes only 3:42 to get there from existing Sta. 16. Given that Hebron is totally volunteer, and a good department despite opinions, They would have to have a crew in the station ready to respond to maximize an already longer road time. If it happens to occur when no one is hanging around you can easily add one and a half to 2 minutes to that time. JUST THE FACTS MAM, JUST THE FACTS!
Thank you, Anons 1150, 1245 I appreciate you taking the time to explain this situation in a civilized manner. I now understand why I might see either HFD or SFD at this intersection.
Anon 301, thank you.
Anon 401, those guys were the firefighters with common sense and class.
JPH said...
Mr. Albero,
Which way is it? Hebron Fire Department is run by an alcoholic who speeds unnecessarily to a call and kills people on the way, or Hebron Fire Department "ill beat them there everytime, even when they relocate to the West Side"?
1:15 PM
Cut the crap about Hebron and drinking and speeding. As an outsider looking in, Hebron is a very organized and well run Vol. Fire Dept. I would totally agree that if someone has been drinking they should not go on a call. But enough is enough and get your facts straight. The person that was driving the day of the accident was not the person that runs the dept. and they were not drinking. So if you are going to name call atleast come up with a crediable story to go along with it.
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