One of the remains from this fire on Washington Street was the mailbox marker. It, in and of itself, speaks volume.
I did not mention the names of those who perished as I knew there was a Father out there who is morning the death of his 5 year old Daughter, "IF" he even knows yet?
Comments are being posted on The Daily Times Story Chat referencing their outing the names of the victims of such a horrific fire. Please Folks, I know some of you knew this Family quite well and it has to hurt so deeply to lose such close friends and family. However, it's a process and for those who knew this Family well, respect their losses. The Daily Times, (I believe) is doing their job. Although I chose to go a different route, people who knew this Family deserve the right to be informed of who they are. It just wasn't going to happen here, that was my choice.
People are being asked to please stop driving by the property, respectfully.
I wish you were the one in the house joe!
Didn't like those weekend pictures on Main Street, eh?
why do ppl have to say something like that(annon 12:22). I dont wish anyone was in that house not even my worst enemy. Probably one of the worst things i have ever seen and had to deal with.
Anonymous said...
I wish you were the one in the house joe!
12:22 PM
GOD, you are HATEFUL. Joe would probaby be one of the first there to help you out.
WatchfulEye said...
Anonymous said...
I wish you were the one in the house joe!
12:22 PM
GOD, you are HATEFUL. Joe would probaby be one of the first there to help you out.
LOL @ you, I doubt that very much, however, as much as I dont like joe or his ways, the first post up there was uncalled for.
Anon 12:22 I wish you a very long life. It will take a long life to reap everything you have sown. Be careful what you wish, it has a way of coming right back on you. Have a Merry, Merry Christmas.
I just went to the DT and read the comments on their story chat forum. Before anyone else climbs on Born Red please let me explain, for them. Both she and her husband post comments under that name I'm not sure which did the posting today because I haven't called to find out, I am not that interested.
I understand them lashing out at everything and everyone because I know these people. The Indian community is not that big, we all, for the most part, know each other.
A little more than a year ago they to lost family to a fire on the reservation, a brother, sister in law and their 2 children. For reasons only known to them and those of us that know this family it hit home. I'm not making excuses for the posts I'm just trying to offer some insight to the mindset. I hope this helps those that would judge them by their posts.
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