Now all of you know, I'm not one of those Hoity Toity kinda guys. Art, to me, is something done that is as close to a real photo and makes you take double and triple takes to see if it is or not.
However, to so many others, Art has many different meanings and ideas. Tuesday night I attended a Show located at 207 W. Main Street on the Downtown Plaza. This building, (next to the Metropolitan Magazine) is not usually open to the public but today through the 18th, from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM the are in fact open and I strongly suggest you pop in and take a look.
Yeah, this is coming from Joe Albero, can you believe it? Seriously though, it's being held by the Cavallaro Visual Foundation (CCART) and they are a Non Profit Organization created in 2000 to provide scholarships and awards to talented Senior High School Students who wish to pursue careers in the Visual Arts at the Institution of their choice.
This Show will help raise funds to fulfill these scholarships and they have done so by raising some $40,000.00 in the past 5 years. So it's a great cause and it can't hurt just stopping in and taking a look around. Hey, look, I did!
Joe...Just wanted to say you are doing a great job. Some may not agree with your style, but what you are doing is important work. You are bringing to light things that others don't want to talk about and no matter how many times you are threatened you keep going. Hey everybody out there, like Joe or not, he is raising awareness in the community and making a difference. Having met Joe, he is a nice man and easy to talk to. Keep this site going. You have a lot more supporters than your anonymous comments would suggest!
That's some cool stuff in there...what talent!
Thanks for putting this up. I hadn't heard about this show and will try to stop in there.
Art is a wonderful thing.
FYI to anyone freaking that a post was removed...that was a dupe (see one under the one removed, same one), so Joe removed it.
Surely if left up, someone would rag on him that he was blowing his own horn rather than the fact that Blogger is sometimes weird if you don't click the "anonymous" identity before you start writing and putting in the word verification. I'm surprised more of mine haven't been duped.
Minor matter:
It's "Cavallaro-Cleary . . ." I believe
thank you for bringing this to our attention. I appreciate good artwork.
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