INCIDENT: Proactive Criminal Enforcement Operation
DATE: November 4, 2007
LOCATION: Wicomico County
On November 2 and 3, 2007, members of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office and Wicomico County Narcotics Task Force conducted a Proactive Criminal Enforcement Operation to address numerous citizens’ complaints of illegal drug transactions that occur at specific locations in Wicomico County. The combined effort began on Friday, November 2, 2007 and ended on Saturday, November 3, 2007. The Special Operation was a success and enforcement will continue with the assistance of residents throughout our communities. The 2 day operation resulted in the arrests of the following individuals for the below listed offenses:
Suspect: Pandora Shermaine Barkley
Sex/ D.O.B:F/4/4/51
City of Residence: Salisbury Md.
Charge : CDS Possession of Paraphernalia
Disposition: Released to Central Booking
Suspect: Troy Emmanuel Smith
Sex/ D.O.B: M/7/20/66
City of Residence: Salisbury Md.
Charge : CDS Possession of Crack Cocaine
Outstanding Arrest Warrant Worcester County Disorderly Conduct
Disposition: Released to Central Booking
Suspect: Darrell Jeffrey Corbin Jr
Sex/ D.O.B: M/4/5/84
City of Residence: Salisbury Md.
Charge : CDS Possession Distribution of Crack Cocaine
Disposition: Released to Central Booking
Suspect: Henry Jerome Smith
Sex/ D.O.B: M/6/12/63
City of Residence: Salisbury Md.
Charge : CDS Possession of Crack Cocaine
Disposition: Released to Central Booking
Suspect: Sheila Rose Kearse
Sex/ D.O.B: F/5/27/61
City of Residence: Salisbury Md.
Charge : CDS Possession of Crack Cocaine
Disposition: Released to Central Booking
Suspect: Brandon Lee Conaway
Sex/ D.O.B: M/11/12/86
City of Residence: Salisbury Md.
Charge : CDS Possession of Paraphernalia CDS Possession of Marijuana
Disposition: Released to Central Booking
Suspect: Ellen Marie Williamson
Sex/ D.O.B: F/9/6/54
City of Residence: Salisbury Md.
Charge : CDS Possession of Paraphernalia CDS Possession of Crack Cocaine
Disposition: Released to Central Booking
Suspect: Male Juvenile
Sex/ D.O.B: 17 y.o.a.
City of Residence: Salisbury Md.
Charge : CDS Possession of Crack Cocaine w/intent to distribute CDS Possession of Crack Cocaine
Disposition: Released to Parent
Suspect: Theodore Calvin West
Sex/ D.O.B: M/6/4/57
City of Residence: Fruitland Md.
Charge : Driving While Suspended and Revoked
Disposition: Released to Central Booking
Suspect: Terri Lee Joynes
Sex/ D.O.B: F/3/19/59
City of Residence: Seaford De.
Charge : CDS Possession of Paraphernalia CDS Possession of Crack Cocaine
Disposition: Released to Central Booking
Suspect: Edward Lee Kellam
Sex/ D.O.B: M/9/10/71
City of Residence: Salisbury Md.
Charge : Outstanding Somerset County Circuit Court Bench Warrant for FTA on Child Support
Disposition: Released to Somerset County Sheriff’s Office
Suspect: Aurtis Cliford Lemore
Sex/ D.O.B: M/12/18/54
City of Residence: Salisbury Md.
Charge : CDS Possession of Paraphernalia CDS Possession of Crack Cocaine
Disposition: Released to Central Booking
Suspect: Male Juvenile
Sex/ D.O.B: 15 y.o.a.
City of Residence: Salisbury Md.
Charge : CDS Possession of Marijuana
CDS Possession of Marijuana w/Intent to Distribute
CDS Possession of Crack Cocaine
CDS Possession of Crack Cocaine w/Intent to Distribute
Disposition: Released to Parents
Suspect: Cecelia Justine Briddell
Sex/ D.O.B: F/12/6/61
City of Residence: Salisbury Md.
Charge : CDS Possession of Paraphernalia
CDS Possession of Crack Cocaine
Disposition: Released to Central Booking
Suspect: Darion Devon Walker
Sex/ D.O.B: M/3/10/81
City of Residence: Salisbury Md.
Charge : CDS Possession of Marijuana Hindering and Obstruction Did make a False Statement Outstanding Worcester County for FTA Child Support
Disposition: Released to Central Booking
Suspect: Travis Donyel Smullen
Sex/ D.O.B: M/9/13/79
City of Residence: Salisbury Md.
Charge : Possession of Counterfeit DVD’s w/Intent to Distribute
Possession of Counterfeit CD’s w/Intent to Distribute
Possession of Counterfeit DVD’s
Disposition: Released to Central Booking
Suspect: Pending Investigation
Sex/ D.O.B: M/ 30 years of Age
City of Residence: Salisbury Md.
Charge : CDS Possession of Marijuana
CDS Possession of Marijuana w/Intent to Distribute
Disposition: Continuing Investigation
Chiefy says Crime is down in the City of Salisbury. Well, maybe if you started LOOKING you'd see how bad things are there Chiefy! Let your men & women do their jobs so the Sheriffs Department can go elsewhere and help out towns like Pitsville and so forth.
If anyone wants to insult the Sheriffs Department, you might want to call them a babysitting service for Chiefy? No disrespect towards the fine Officers in the SPD, we know who's leading you.
Joe you are so damn ignorant! Just because they convieniently publish the arrestees residence in salisbury doesn't mean they were arrested in city jurisdiction! That's just how they wcso wants to make it look. SPDs SET team arrests more street level dealers in a week than the whole wcso in a month. Publish that.
You take one operation from your pals over at wcso and turn it around to insult Chief Webster. Grow up.
Good work turned to comparison by "keep it real" joe.
Anonymous: Apparently you smoke crack on an hourly basis if you think that...
The WCSO is the premier Agency on the shore. If the public only knew how many SPD officers have applied to the WCSO since Lewis has taken over.
Isn't that the truth! I'm not trying to add sald to the wound but that comment is a fact. The numbers are astonishing! Chiefy Webster would sh*t a brick if he knew how many wanted to jump ship! LEOPS is the only thing keeping the rest of them on the SPD.
salt, sorry.
This is in no way knocking their work...but..."CENTRAL BOOKING"???
As opposed to what? Northern Booking? Southern Booking? Is there more than one booking facility?
Wait a minute. I guess there could be in theory, an Eastern Booking facility. In Pittsville. Of course, they'd have to actually go there to book someone but it is possible!
Only beacuse of take home cars and salary.
One more point..."the evan"
enough said!
In all seriousness, and curiosity...where were these arrests made? It mentions where they live but not where they were at at the time of the arrests.
Its not the "premier agency" its the highest paid, most laid back and also gives you a take home car! They also allow you to get away with everything, lying to your supervisors...going to a friends wedding while on duty...parking at the salvation army to take a nap for your entire shift, and the list goes on... These are the funny things they get away with...who on the shore wouldnt want to work there? No reprecussions!!! Just a bunch of cover ups!
Its not the "premier agency" its the highest paid, most laid back and also gives you a take home car! They also allow you to get away with everything, lying to your supervisors...going to a friends wedding while on duty...parking at the salvation army to take a nap for your entire shift...and getting your *ss kicked by a mentally challenged person in a convenient store and the list goes on... These are the funny things they get away with...who on the shore wouldnt want to work there? No reprecussions!!! Just a bunch of cover ups!
Major of the arrest took place in the westover circle, price check, area... FYI thats the county...
True enough. I know someone who sometimes goes to the American Legion out that way. Go by there any night of the week and I guarentee you will see the "crack whores" and dealers "price check"ing their dope with each other.
Anonymous said...
Major of the arrest took place in the westover circle, price check, area... FYI thats the county...
It is amazing to see these comments. What makes me angrier than the fact most of these comments are unjust and "pointed" in the wrong direction.
First....the names of persons and where they live isn't meant to represent only criminals live in Salisbury, but the fact is, people DO live in Salisbury. The name Salisbury is not synonymous with "within" the city limits. Most addresses listed are outside the city limits. Criminals are everywhere...
Second....EVERY police department has its ups and downs. You can pick on one officer or the whole department. There isn't a department in the Country, state, county or city who doesn't have issues at sometime in their history. Cry all you want, but you are not highlighting anything which doesn't occur throughout our nation.
Third....The most appalling aspects of this investigation from last weekend are these -> how many "children" were arrested for dope dealing on our streets? How many arrests were made over such a short time? How many more will it take for people to start doing something about it when work such as the Sheriff's Department and Drug Task Force did this weekend is brought to our attention?
Fourth....what does "central booking" have to do with this article. That is what it is called and that is how it was reported. The alleged criminals were transported and turned over to another government agency for processing. Wicomico is fortunate to have a government entity aimed at aiding law enforcement in processing the "bad guys/girls" so as to get police officers back on the street working. Those folks who work in there do it for little pay and for little recognition. Someone ought to say thanks to them every once in a while.
And maybe last, just stop the crying. Taking everything and slanting it to start a debate is childish. I applaud Joe and the website, but remain objective not subjective. Have facts to substantiate your stories. You will be respected more for doing just that.
Is that the late Senator John Sanford's step daughter I see listed here? Did Ellen Perry remarry, again or is this someone with her same middle name and same DOB?
So, how does this relate to the WCSO babysitting the Chief? They were in the county. If they do live in city jurisdiction they are taking their drugs and dealing in the county...I think that tells us the chiefy doesnt need to be babysat!
Dont know why people have to try and slander different agencies. As noted above, if you have a beef with one person I can see it. But everyone ought to realize it takes great men and women to even enter this line of work. I dont care what the benefit, high salary, take home car, blah, blah, blah. I applaud all the law enforcement agencies for even putting on the uniform. If you dont like it then suit up yourself.
I do wear the uniform and represent it well. Delmar resident you do have a great point. But the only thing that bothers me is when "the one person" gets away with breaking laws that they get paid to enforce. It comes down to the whole agency that backs up the corrupt and those who lack the integrity. If I were to put myself in a situation that would compromise my integrity I KNOW that I would not expect or want my agency to cover it up, or ignore it, or even promote me.
As for Joe when he puts the blame on the SPD chief it comes down on the everyone, no doubt about it. It embarasses all who work there. And morale is bad enough, but when officers take blame for others actions or un- actions it just makes it worse.
That would be "Chiefy," Officer.
I say that in the most respectful kind of way, if you know what I mean?
You guys know where my beef is in all of this.
I know where it is. But it still embarasses me and my work. It does make me look bad. I know I shouldn't care but I do.
p.s. You realize he's a corpral now? Fair?
Oh for christ's sake Anonymous...leave it alone and get on with life...ok...ok...ok...you're wife slept with another cop...it seems to me you should be mad at her too...like no one at your agency ever did that? Oh...that's right...your department is perfect just like you...STOP YOUR BITCHING and go save salisbury! Everyone's tired of hearing about your war against your "arch enemy".
Sounds to me like you want everyone who breaks their marriage vows should be prosecuted? Or fired by their department...MOVE ON DAMNIT!!!
Isn't that a crime in maryland?
And isn't that a violation of departmental policy of some sort?
It should be!
Wasn't it a on- duty deputy?
Lucky mike lewis doesn't know about it!
Oh my god. Joe you better look into this. That would be a great story.
Yeah, like Mike Lewis doesn't know about it. Hell, everyone knows about it! GET OVER IT or MOVE! It was before Sheriff Lewis' time anyway, so stop trying to start shit here.
Oh sorry, only you can start shit with good people. My bad, I was just being unbiased. I'm sure mike is grateful the "bluefalcon" doesn't work there anymore. LOL
Joe..."Anonymous at 515"? Wow, you just admitted to posting anonymous under your own blog!!! Does that make your ratings go up??
Nice try pansie but unlike YOU, I'm ALWAYS man enough to use my real name. I don't have to hide behind anonymous and by the way dip shit, even if it was me, it wouldn't add to my hits, Idiot!
Alberobutzo@wmconnect.com wrote: Standing behind your spouse is important, I hope that's mutual?
Nevertheless, that is none of my business and I'm confident she is.
Consider this. If the SPD is not the place you want to finish your career with, think about another county or state? Someone with your qualifications shouldn't have a problem. IMO, holding a grudge against the WCSD is a waste of time. I know it angers you, it's almost like being in the fast lane and the guy in front of you is doing 53 mph and pacing the guy to his right. You can't get out and or around without some aggression.
Anyhow, keep up the good work and at times we'll agree to disagree? Joe
This was sent to the "turned down" officer that joe continues to discredit on his blog! Two-faced piece of shit!
You have some serious issues.
IMO, a two faced piece of shit is someone who would cheat on their partner. I'm not a piece of shit, how about you or your partner?
How 'bout that duputy!!!
Since when does holding a grudge against someone who commited a crime against you or your children make you a piece of shit!
You hold a gudge against the chief, the fire department, the daily times, the zoo! So you must be a bigger piece of shit!!
I hold a grudge against one individual...you have a HUGE list of people you hold a grudge against. Now you attack me, what did I do to you? You hold a grudge against me now?
I can't argue that the names you provided are in fact a big pile of shit.
Secondly, notice my name is on my comment stating such.
Thirdly, I hold no grudge against any one of the pieces of shit you just mentioned, those are your words, not mine.
I do not like Chiefy Webster as a managing leader of the SPD. He's a decent guy though. That's just one example. I'd say the same for Chiefy See. Robinson & Barrie, well, no grudges but they sure lead the stench in that pile of shit, eh?
Woman, get over it. YOU are the problem. YOU did what you did and you keep coming back for more because of your guilt. YOU are the reason your Husband doesn't work for the WCSO, you know it and I know it. GET OVER IT!
Make no mistake...there are two reasons he doesnt work there and I have owned up to being one of them...however the other still lies to this day!
I never said these people were pieces of shit! I know every single one of them and have the utmost respect for them. They would do anything for me as I would them...so back on you...those were your words! Not mine!
Fact of the matter is not all cops are great...actions speak louder than words! Yet you continue to trash a good father, husband and cop! You continue to mention that he "failed" a non existent test or that he was "turned down"...these are the things that make me boil. They are lies, and you know it, and if you dont know it you shouldnt be bringing it up!
So once again we will agree to disagree!
Signed the "pansy"
Anonymous 515... sounds like you have a little stake in the matter. Considering he took an oath to the law and my agencies policies just like every other LEO. His arch enemies should be all who break the law, especially the thin blue line. Which he would never cross.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is when good men do nothing." -William Blake
To the wife and officer: Give them what they want. Save your own hides. Cover your own behinds. And stick together.
Wifey....don't forget...the corporal from the wcsd isn't the only one you've slept with (other than your husband). Joe: check into that! Why isn't the husband angry with that too? Maybe he should just find a new wife or move the hell out of here!
She knows who...not just one, two...but more...she can't be trusted husband. hopefully she has come clean with you.
LOL!!!! Joe pleeeeeeeeeeease check into that! LMAO!!
You know something...tell me I am sure he would like to know too!!!
I cant stop laughing at that accusation! The funny thing is women have lined up to say just the same thing about your buddy! You know how many calls my husband got after it all came out about your buddy and his extra curriculars! Please tell me mine, tell him. Jow has both our emails and if you want to share please, I am sure he will pass it on!
thats the thing...I want to know! You are so FOS, or you would have something to share! Please do, share!
Typical of you to hide behind the womans faults! If you have something you think you know and the husband doesnt...share!
Look, you're the one with the infidelity issues...maybe you should come clean with your hero?
Let those without sin cast the first stone.
What has this got to do with WCSO's proactive criminal enforcement?
Does anyone really care who slept with whom, for any purpose other than gossip and maliciousness?
Didnt think you had anything! My hero knows all and I have done everything to prove myself. If you really feel the need to rag on someone, take a look around there are many other people out there that you can get info on! Its not me...I have been very open and will continue to be!
from what I've heard, that's true!
rdlnaJoe obviously taking sides of a homewrecker. I hope you he proud of himself.
Anonymous 515 you sound like a child. "well everyone does it..." Spoken like a true loser. With that kind of mentality at wcso you wonder why they have a reputation for that behavior.
C'mon its something called credibility.
How can corpral credibility protect my family when he can even protect his own? or a "brothers"? or even yours! I'll back the officer all day on this one. He gives me hope that some cops aren't lying cheaters.
Sorry "super cop" you do have to let it go. He isn't worth it.
God will judge him when the time is right.
"pending Investigation" means his ass got away from those "elite" deputies!
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