Introducing the brand new, high tech, state of the art Mobile Data Terminals, (MDT) recently installed in 30 WCSD Cruisers!
Wicomico County Sheriff's Deputies can now save unbelievable time and work gaining instant access to Tags, Registrations, Insurance information, Wants & Warrants and the list goes on and on.
This new equipment is the envy of ALL other Agencies throughout the Country. The time it could take to call in the information and wait for a response can and will save lives.
This IS your tax dollars hard at work, saving lives and making Wicomico County a safer place to live.
The state has equal equipment in their cars. I should know as I have two freinds that are troopers and have seen their laptop systems.
Thanks for sharing that information. The article has been corrected.
Here we go...any moment now people are going to start posting to complain about all the money being spent on patrol cars.I think its great,Mike Lewis is bringing the department into the 21st century and providing the tools needed for todays law enforcement.
spd has had mdt's in their vehicles for years now. its nothing in fact spd has lead the way over the last 5 years as far as mdt's go. fruitland, berlin, state, ocpd, all have had mdt's for years. i think the appropriate title for your ariticle should be, "its about time wcsd caught up with the rest of delmarva!" .....if your going to write about, you should try a more "fair and balanced" approach.
Most of the city cars have computers in their cars to...dont they?
Did they ever get their cameras too? I know that was an item the sheriff wanted to implement in all vehicles.
That's great that they have this state of the art equipment. I assume someone is teaching these deputies how to use the equipment, or is that being done at Wor Wic?
This is money well spent, in my estimation.
A. Goetz
It's ashamed they got conned into buying Panasonic Toughbooks. They could have bought 5 notebooks with Solid-State (SSD) hard drives for the price of 1 of the Panasonics. Been nearly as durable and even if one had broken would have had 4backups in place. Plus the standard notebooks would have faster cpu's in them. I hope they weren't dumb enough to buy Toughbooks without SSD hard drives in them, or they really got conned.
Yes, City even has these laptops in their cars, and just got a grant for 7 more.
Technology is a wonderful thing, isn't it? HOWEVER, I'm NOT trying to knock the SPD but let's talk reality here guys. Technology is a wonderful thing WHEN IT WORKS. If the SPD was to be honest, they would tell you their systems are down a good 50% of the time. So how good is it when it's not working?
I'll add, the new system the WCSO is using is the newest version as well. Anyone with any technical expertise can tell you it's like night and day, respectfully.
More importantly, thank you Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt for finally bringing the WCSO up to speed.
Hey, why do you have a trash can after my comment? i am not insulting anyone, i am curious wether or not they got their cameras.
There is ALWAYS a trash can after your name, once you log in. The trash can is for YOU to remove your comment, if you so choose. It is not visible to anyone else. Remember though, you'll only see it after your name AFTER you logged in.
So if the City's system sucks so much, how'd they get a grant to design a new system to integrate the lower shore's different systems?
I highly doubt that ALL other Law Enforcement Agencies in the Country are jealous as you say. I mean come on, it's great that they've achieved this level of technology but they're hardly anyones sole envy. Another over the top blown out of proportion comment by you Albero.
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