Wicomico County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr., is inviting all residents in the area of the proposed recreation area at Crooked Oak Lane and Rockawalkin Road to attend a public meeting. The Executive has stated that he wants to hear directly from citizens in the neighborhood. To make this as convenient as possible, Pollitt is holding the meeting at the Rockawalkin Methodist Church at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, November 29th.
The site is under consideration by the Wicomico County Department of Recreation and Parks for use as a large recreation complex. Studies indicate that residents in the growing area are underserved for recreational facilities. County officials indicate that a large portion of the construction of the project will be covered by state funds. The land has not been purchased as yet.
What about separation of church and state?
<"County officials indicate that a large portion of the construction of the project will be covered by state funds. The land has not been purchased as yet.">
Where do people think that "State Funds" come from? YOUR TAX DOLLARS AGAIN!
Those people moved way out there of their own free will. Why does my tax dollars have to follow them?
When that area gets crowded then people will move further out and also want more parks~!!
Let's look at the facts:
1) It has the appearance of a conflict of interest. Even if it's not......it looks like it and the whole deal will erode even further the trust the people have in the govt.
2) We have a 200 acre tract of land along the Wicomico River we aquired 10 years ago through the same program and haven't done anything with it. That piece of land isn't that far from the Crooked Oak area.
3) They keep saying that MOST of the funds for the proposed property on Crooked Oak will come from State money (tax dollars). Some money will be County dollars.
4) This land, just like the land along the river, will come off of the tax rolls and we will never get that revenue back.
5) The property at Winter Place Park is not completely used. As a matter of fact I was back there just last week and came across an area that parks and recs is using a dumping area for wasted sod, large roots, etc. - not what a park is supposed to be used for, huh?
6) There is a parcel owned by the county between Forest Grove Rd. and Walston Switch Rd. on the north side of Rt. 50 but south of Rt. 346 which is partially wooded and partially farmed which consists of about 43 acres. Much of the wooded is rented to hunters for profit (incidentally where does that money go?)
7) The appraisals of the Crooked Oak land have been done for some time. Why have they been kept from the Council. My Councilman has told me that he has asked for them on more than one occasion and was given the run around.
The govt. should not be in the business of buying property. Especially when it has so much already.
This whole thing stinks. Something is going on here, folks, and I firmly believe that this a done deal unless the people stand up NOW and state thier opposition to bailing out friends
The leaves, limbs and large roots should have been taken to the station at the landfill that coverts that old crap into mulch and there's no charge to leave it there.
Most of the developments have playground areas, tennis courts, swimming pools, etc. Why do we need yet another park in Wicomico County? I live in this area, between the Westside Collector road and this proposed park, the traffic is going to be quite enough. What's wrong? Do the dope dealers that supply those living on this side of town need a central location?
There is already a park on Rockawalkin Ridge Road, utilize that park instead of spending millions to build yet another that will need to be maintained with even more tax dollars.
This is an improper location for a public hearing on this foolhardy proposed park. The church itself is involved in the land deal. The church previously swapped land which it owned on Rockawalkin Road near Levin Dashiell Road to Davis for 20 acres of the Davis property on which the proposed park would be built. Because of that, the park would be only 105 acres, not the 125 acres which the developers originally purchased. Gary Mackes previously said, in a public meeting on the park, in answer to a question, that the church's plan to build a new church on that adjacent 20 acres could be endangered if the park plan fell through. It is likely, therefore, that the meeting will be packed with church members who feel they must support the proposed park or potentially lose their chance to build there--hardly an impartial location for a public hearing on the matter. Pollitt has previously indicated he wants to buy the property no matter what. Why? There a hundred reasons to put it elsewhere. This is not a public hearing--this is nothing but a publicity stunt to generate a false impression of community support. The hearing should be held in public county property, such as the Council meeing room.
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