I know, at first glance you're saying, what Gangs, right?
Former Councilwoman Lynn Cathcart pointed out to me the other night that these young ladies with the red bandannas hanging out of their pockets are in fact Gang Members. They were at the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.
Well, all I can tell you is, they seemed pretty pleasant to me. Not all Harley Davidson owners are Pagans either.
Joe, those girls are associated with the Bloods Gang. NOW, before everyone panics, let me say this, these Bloods aren't associated with the "West Coast Bloods". They may use the name, but they are not from there. HOWEVER, that doesn't make them less dangerous. Some gang members can be very nice, until they are crossed. They are more prevalent than Chiefy may want to admit. For someone from the Baltimore area, he sure doesn't know it when he sees it.
Finally, the worst gang in the city is/are the ABM's (All 'bout Money). They sometimes do the "dirty work" for the Bloods. Even though their leader is in prison, you can bet your sweet bippie that he had someone "trained" to take his place. The organization hasn't even gotten hurt. If anything, they are even more dangerous because they want to make their leader proud.
fiqntmJoe, the way that thier bandanas are displayed are typical to that of gangs. Maybe they are, or maybe they're not affiliated. But then why is thier bandanas hanging so far so everyone can see them? Coincidentilly matching colors? hummm? Maybe they have to hang out so far so they can wipe thier runny nose? LOL.
Any way... the last admitted gang member SPD arrested was apprehended in church.
The last drug dealer I had contact with I saw pictures of him in a church watching a choir. I grew up in a city that was consumed by gangs in a very short period of time. I see the same process starting here, and I will be damned to sit back and watch while it gets laughed at and candy coated. And the worst gangs are the young ones who want the "street credit" and feel they have to prove themselves more so then the older members.
Heck, I know a couple of local farmers that belong to that same gang. I saw some red bandannas at the tractor store this morning.
Wow!They dont like gangster-they look like schoolgirls
Looks aren't everything. And the worst gangs in salisbury right now are tree top piru and 9- tre. abm are a joke to the bigger gangs because they try and draw too much attention. And ask anyone who works in the schools, gang bangers are heroes to some of these children who mimic the cause.
And just think of the kid that shot up Virginia tech, he looked like a typical nerdy collge kid.
We will have trouble if we have Bloods and Crips running around. You may say that ABM is a joke, but the fact is, when they draw attention to themselves, the attention is off the Crips and the Bloods
Never said they were a joke. Believe me I've been in thier faces for over three years and put the two biggest punks away. Compared to the other two they are just rookies trying to make it to the big leagues. Read again they are a JOKE TO THE TWO MORE VIOLENT GANGS. Believe me I speak to members EVERYDAY.
dang, here I thought the All about Money gang was Barrie Tilghman gang and SAPOA
It's ok, NY will run them out of town!!! LMAO
He captured the last two gang bangers wanted for attempted murder. So he's trying.
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