Some Fire Fighters wanted to challenge me when it came to the Hoopers Fire in Ocean City. I came across an article from the Ocean City Today Newspaper, (yes they spelled my name wrong for photo credit) where they used a pump truck to bring them all the water they needed.
If Ocean City can survive without a $800,000.00 Fire Boat, Salisbury can stop trying to screw the taxpayers because these Boys, (See & Gordy) just can't get enough toys.
Joe...fyi. Ocean does have Fire Boats.
Ocean City SHOULD have Fire Boats. It makes sense there. However, Salisbury? NOT! Enough is enough. Wouldn't you agree?
Im really sure Salisbury will drive their brush trucks into the river and try to pump water.
Well there is that one fire fighter....
All the water they need?
At best this truck might pump 750 gpm. More than likely 500.
The Hoopers took thousands of gallons per minute. Get Real!
I was there, you were not. I'll have to look back at my photos and see what I can produce from that fire. Seemed to me they were pumping a fine flow of water on that fire from a few different areas and there was no hydrant that I recall.
Joe,FYI they had access to 200,000 gals. or so thru the outlets/WMM at any flo they desired and did use it.
Again you are mis informed. Ocean City has boats for water rescue but NOT Fire Boats.
For gods saked Joe , Leave the fire department stuff alone. You know NOTHING about it. How many master streams do you think were really being supplied by this Brush truck? I want your answer. Show all the pictures you want. ANY firefighter will tell you this truck was not supplying the operation going on there.
You are so full of crap! I was there, you were not. I heard the motor of the pump/pumps going off while they pumped water from this truck for hours and hours.
You know something, you have no name here. You simply make statements without any back up and again, I was there, you weren't.
So Salisbury, how do you feel about the level of Professionals you have working here? Besides the fact you're an Idiot, why are you harping so much on this truck and this fire. The point is, the City doesn't need a Fire Boat, period! That's what's killing you guys. You're like little freakin babies, I WANT, I WANT, I WANT, WAH, WAH, WAH! Grow up and let it go. You alrready look like Idiots and you keep opening your mouths!
Funny thing you piece of shit...I was there..I volunteer in ocean city you moron. I was on Tower 5 the day of the Hoopers fire. I can tell you this, your in over your head with this issue. So dont give me the bull i was there you were not. I WAS THERE.....and alot closer than the side of the road as you were
And one more thing Joe. You did not hear any pumps running. The only pump you would have heard is the skid unit pump. It did'nt get used.....LMAO...your a joke
Again, VERY easy to say, yet NO proof!
I'll tell you what. I know the cause of the fire, DO YOU? Let's see you come through with the answer to that one.
If my memory serves me correctly it was an electrical junction box on the BC side of the structure. In case you dont know what that means jackass its the left and rear side.
WRONG! Idiot!
It was homeless people who were sleeping UNDER the building at night. They started a fire and it got out of control.
I knew you were full of shit!
Go on now, tell everyone what month it happened too????
You can't, because you're a wanna be Fire Geek just out to slander me personally.
I'm through with you, Idiot.
I would LOVE to meet you in a dark allie sometime
Anonymous said...
I would LOVE to meet you in a dark allie sometime
1:42 PM
Ooooooooohhh! Another threat from a farmin, ROTFLMAO.
These threats are very serious and seriously tarnish the credibility of ALL fire companies. I hope the attorney general does an investigation into these departments.
I hope the public is seeing all of these threatening comments from the so called fireman on this blog, both paid and volunteer.
I refuse to make a donation to any fire company again in my life and I challenge every tax payer to go to the council and dare the members to increase their funding for fire companies.
Joe, Why do you insist on bashing firemen? Do they need to all band together and file lawsuits on you as well? Thats the only way the mayor and police chief got you to stop. Enough is enough with them. Get on to the "news". This pissing contest has got to end.
Oh shut you fat crybaby mouth.
Bring it on, Idiot. Oh, that's right, I'm insulting who, anonymous??? Grow a pair and start using your name, you pansie.
OH OH OH... I dont see any minority fire firefighters in the Ocean City photo. Does that make them a bunch of racist also?
Anonymous said...
OH OH OH... I dont see any minority fire firefighters in the Ocean City photo. Does that make them a bunch of racist also?
8:39 PM
Do they have any minorities that are on the payroll and the only one qualified and passed over for promotion?
You stupid sh1t stirrers. Grow up!
Ooooooooohhh! Another threat from a farmin, ROTFLMAO.
These threats are very serious and seriously tarnish the credibility of ALL fire companies. I hope the attorney general does an investigation into these departments.
I hope the public is seeing all of these threatening comments from the so called fireman on this blog, both paid and volunteer.
I refuse to make a donation to any fire company again in my life and I challenge every tax payer to go to the council and dare the members to increase their funding for fire companies.
6:58 PM
Please post your name. Then the FD will trade you, no tax dollars from you and no fire service from us. Fair?
Joe, I have been in the fire service for over 24 yrs. I have been a lieutennant a captain and a asst chief for 18 of those 24 yrs. as well as instructor. I am telling you and everyone else who has any sense at all a" brush skid unit" WILL NOT supply a average pumper at ALL it does not have the pumping capibilities required for that service.I don't know to what post you are all refering to how ever I will prove it anytime any place It can't be done. Not saying it wasn't pumping a single hand line. That is possible. As for salisbury fire dept needing a fireboat it does mabye not at the expence as was advertised in the daily times article, however there is a need for a real fireboat not the fishing vessel in service now. it was not designed for that. but with the increasing building along the shoreline of the wicomico river and the amount of tax base on the banks of the river they deserve to have an adiquate fireboat to provede the protection the need and for the boats in destress as well as the water rescues on the river. The coast guard is too far away to help and MD. DNR police are to slow to get to the scene as this is not any fault of their part it is just logistically impossible. Respectfully,WAGONMASTER.
IF you are so right, then let the Fire Department raise the money from the property owners along the River. Let them collect it from the commercial businesses creating such huge risk.
MY POINT has been, STOP making everyone is Salisbury pay for the wealthy!
IF you have such a valid point, let's see those property owners pony up their cash!
I agree with you on that point, in Delaware when thease big developments come to an area to build they must look at the burdon placed on fire & ems service and put up quite alot of money before it is even approved to build. one station in Del receieved a new building a new pumper and a new ladder truck. Alos they recieve monies from gambleing and the licence tags on vahicles and the percent of monies from the fire insurence compinies but in the state of Maryland everything goes into the "general fund" and most of the money designated for the fire service goes to other things such as welfare and pet projects, and the road division. WAGONMASTER
first of all this truck was not the only one supplying water for that fire that day. I was there all day. second of all you say it was homeless people living underneath the building that started this.....since you know so much were you one of those homeless people? IF YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THIS LEAVE THE IT ALONE!!
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