It seems that Louise Smith can't stand the minority opinion. Any time Debbie Campbell or Terry Cohen, (the minority) say anything any more, it's too lengthy and rhetoric.
Last night Louise Smith allowed Gary Comegys to interrupt both Campbell & Cohen during the first two agenda items. Please Louise, do go back to the tapes, (like you did against Dot Truitt) and confirm what I'm saying.
At the beginning of the meeting Louise Smith asked everyone to please turn off their cell phones. Yet smack dab in the middle of the meeting Gary Comegys received a telephone call and got up from his seat, walked out of the room and answered the call. NOT only that, John Pick immediately got up out of his seat and walked out of the room telling Gary to quiet it down because he was that loud!
Louise seems to be ONE to only follow rules when it suits her, we shouldn't forget that! Then Louise Smith sat quietly in her seat while a Citizen accused Campbell & Cohen of selling their souls for 30 pieces of silver during Budget time when they were trying to make cuts, REMEMBER THAT? Then she has the nerve to send Dot Truitt a letter like she did recently!!!!!
I also recall Louise Smith allowing Jim Rapp and Chiefy Webster the opportunity to speak, (DEPARTMENT HEADS) when it was a DIRECT VIOLATION of the City Charter and THE LAW!
Her Code of Conduct is not only a joke, it's an insult to the Citizens of Salisbury! I am compelled to also say, Louise is trying to CRUSH two voices the Citizens, (YOU) elected and ultimately she's trying to take away YOUR voices!
I thought of something else each and every reader here will recall. Not only has the Administration painted Joe Albero out to be the Anti Christ through two lawsuits, remember when the former Council President Mike Dunn physically assaulted a 73 year old Grandmother, (Dot Truitt) by throwing brochures at her when she walked the College Ave. neighborhood. I guess you can't fault Louise for getting physical but the end result is the same, IMO.
My suggestion to all of you is to send the entire City Council a message how you feel. Take the time to let them know just how wrong they are. OUR/YOUR First Amendment Rights are being violated!
Don't just send Louise a message. Send it to the entire City Council so she can't say she never received it. sbycouncil@ci.salisbury.md.us
Reading this makes me want to curse (but I'll try to refrain)!
Has that woman kept a single promise?
She was going to reduce contention. She's the CENTER of it!
Stomping on a citizen after the city screws that citizen and many others over is just...just...
I can't even find the words!!!
Mike Dunn, all over again. Except Louweasel may top him, given how much she lied. At least Dunn believed his own twisted perspective.
Send a message/leave a message for LouWeasle:
410-860-1717 (listed in phone book as V.L. Smith; she never answers her phone, so just leave a message)
229 Canal Park Dr., Sby, MD
Louise's latest bullying tactics must be stopped NOW.
I want my vote back.
Where is that city registered voter that wanted to launch a recall? NOW is the time.
Louise Smith is Mike Dunn in drag. She is just as guilty of assaulting Dot Truitt as Mike Dunn. Mike physically assaulted Dot while she campaigned for Spies, Cohen and the prostitute known as Louise Smith. There is no difference in verbal and physical assault. Assault is assault. The action of Dunn could also be construed as battery considering he balled up the flyers and threw them at Dot.
It is my understanding to yell at someone is assault, to make physical contact is battery. Maybe one of the visiting police officers could clarify Assault and Battery to the readers of this blog. We all know Louweasel and her pimp, Barrie Tilghman read this blog.
I wonder if Louise has trouble sleeping at night, or if she really doesn't see how hypocritical she is?
Fnl Frontier
Louise has been spoiled with power and thinks she's untouchable any more. She doesn't care what any of you think. Her posse was there last night for one reason only and I stated at the very end, "Tell me Louise, who did you just spank?"
Hopefully it burst their bubble a bit but know that Louise didn't respond. I mean, if you're going to spank someone, call them out and do it like a man, so to speak.
Did you notice her posse consisted of landlords? She is the ultimate Trojan Horse. If you plan to do a recall, have them purge the voter list first. Get the portion of the voter registration list for your street. Go door to door on your street and find out how many of the register voters listed are actually dead, moved, etc. then ask the Board of Elections to purge the list for your street.
Smith herself often interrupts and heckles Ms. Campbell and Ms. Cohen during those meetings that are on TV. I wish that these "work sessions" were televised too.
Anonymous, she does indeed interrupt those two. She "tires" of listening to them.
Well, T-U-F-F, lady. We listen to Bubba drone on and on, oh, but THAT's not political rhetoric or grandstanding when HE does it.
We listen to Shanie huff and puff and mutter and hallelujah all through the meeting (yes, those mikes pick it up for TV), but you don't interrupt her when she's off on some absurd tangeant.
For Louweasel, some people are just more equal than others.
If there's any one to contact for the recall, I hope it will get posted. This woman needs to go AWAY!
Louise MUST go--she's on the verge of collapse 'cause she's nothing but a wanna be powerbroker. Outta here, Louise.
You know the funny thing is she probably thinks she's doing just fine. Scheming people have a tendancy to plow on ahead, regardless of what the majority suggest and/or want. Louise has been both crafty and treacherous in her term of office.
A. Goetz
Louise has a lot of damned nerve sending that letter to Dot Truitt. She never sent her a letter of thanks while she was out campaigning, going door to door for her sorry ass.
Dot Truitt should demand an apology from Louise. I demand an apology from Louise Smith. A written apology.
This woman is a disgusting waste of human flesh. She and Barrie are certainly cut from the same cloth.
To say I am outraged would be an understatement.
I doubt the residents at Holloway Hall will want to vote on that recall issue.
Why not, Tim? Those students got used to get Gary in. Then he and Louweasel voted to nail them on the noise law.
Those kids need to wake up and get a clue.
Do they have Clue 101 at SU?
Boy Bubba really showed them what Salisbury is made of LMAO
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