Those City of Salisbury employees that work at the Police Department Firing Range, Neighborhood Code and Compliance Department, Fire Departments, and the Waste Water Treatment Plant can't drink city water. Well, on the Firing Range's defense they would have to drink well water, so that's why they have bottled water. Apparently well water is bad for you. That means that my wife, Grandson and I should all be seriously sick very soon. The real kicker is that there is a yearly price tag of over 2 grand spent to keep bottled water available to those who work, or visitors of those departments. And the poor employees at the WWTP can't drink their water because of contamination! I wonder what folks living in those close neighborhoods would have to say? Harbor Pointe, Turtle Creek and the rest or you folks had better start listening up.
The only employees not on the list are Public Works, City Hall, Water Plant, and the Zoo. They all have water fountains plumbed in somewhere in their work environment. Why, because it is required by the Fair Labor Standards Act.
So my question is since the average city taxpayer is paying a small fortune for that same water that few city employees are drinking, why doesn't the city purchase, instead of leasing, it's own water coolers? Sam's club and plenty of other vendors sell them. These same vendors sell the bottled water too. But I guess that would be fiscally responsible and we can't have that in the City. The City can't say that the bottles are too heavy to handle since every job they post has at least a 40 pound weight requirement.
Better yet, lets have these same departments try something really environmentally friendly and purchase some ice trays and a couple of plastic pitchers and have them provide their own water. How much time can that take? They have to have indoor plumbing! And I can guarantee that they all have refrigerators available, so what would the harm be?
Just a little effort on the departments part and look at what they can do for the environment and taxpayers who work so hard for that money. How about the city start practicing what they preach? Fiscal, environmental responsibility, and of course lets not forget the Mayor's quote, "the city does not pay for bottled water." Maybe she just meant City Hall?
While the question, "Does the City pay for bottles water" was brought out on PAC14 addressed to the COUNCIL, the Mayor immediately butted in and said the City did NOT purchase bottled water. Considering this Mayor has been in Office for some 10 years, I'd say with confidence she knows what she's talking about, right? WRONG!
Not believing and or trusting what she said, I filled out a PIA Form and asked for all receipts of bottles water. Here's what happened. Not only did it take LONGER than the State Mandated 30 days to deliver me this information, (as mentioned in another Post weeks ago) I just got my hands on it yesterday. The 100 page, (+ or -) report not only showed the Mayor didn't tell the truth, it showed the City is buying bottled water from all sorts of companies and they're paying a fuel surcharge on each and every delivery above and beyond the cost of the water.
The request included the reason as to why each department was purchasing the water and when I saw the WWTP claiming their water had been contaminated, I sh*t a brick just like I'm sure ALL of you are doing as well.
Now, the "Dirty Dozen" continue to challenge this Mayor and in the end we're not only spending hard earned money, we're learning we're regularly right in doing so and the Mayor is regularly wrong and loses. Remember the Old Mall Case? Yes, the "Dirty Dozen" won that one too, while the Mayor PAID the Developers expenses for legal fees to defend illegal activities.
OK, so this is bottled water. Granted, it's not a major expense but I was forced to pay out close to $52.00 in fees to get the information and I can assure you that this had nothing to do with the $160.00 per hour expense towards Attorney Paul Wilber. I wonder how it's going to look in Court when my Attorney asks this question again under oath and holds the CD of the PAC14 Council Meeting showing her real answer?
I want my $52.00 back and don't think for a second that I won't be taking this to Annapolis because the process for receiving this information was also illegal. They are supposed to warn taxpayers ahead of time if it's going to take longer than 2 hours. It's supposed to be delivered within 30 days and the Mayor of a City is not supposed to mislead or lie to the Citizens and cost taxpayers money to get to the truth.
There are also council members who witnessed that denial. It also explains why the majority of the council decided they didn't have time to look at the budget line by line. What others perks might we find if the budget was done line by line?
OOOHHHHHH, I love it Joe :) That $52 you paid should be refunded. Poor Mayor, what can she possibly say now???????
Good going Joe. You've caught them with their proverbial pants down again. Dot & I switched to bottled water back a few months ago, when I began to notice a medicinal task to the tap water. In fact I commented on that very thing back some months ago and nothing has been done, it seems. I guess the city employees had the same experience, hence the bottled water being bought with all our tax dollars. Mayor, lets fix the water quality problems and save everyone a lot of money! Its my understanding that we have the best quality water source in the area in our aquafer, so why the bad tasting water?
A. Goetz
Is this all you have to do all day is pick on the mayor?
I hope everyone that post negitive coments here goes to work tomorrow and their boss says they have to bring their own water to work.
Before you call me an FOB im not!
BARRIE RIDES (over the truth) AGAIN!
And it's another Bulls-eye for Sbynews -- don't look for anything about this in the Daily Times, folks.
Dear anonymous,
Do you pay a city water bill for a product you cannot use? If not stay out of the postings please. If so you may want to see an internist and have a complete cancer screening!!
Anonymouse #2
The <"Mare"> always tells the truth. She is a good church lady, Sunday school teacher. She just has her own misguided belief that whatever words pass her lips are automatically the truth. And God help anyone who takes issue with her version of the <“truth”.>
The mayor should be impeached for lying. I hope you can show this to the judge when you go to trial Joe. Keep up the good work. Oh, I agree, they should give you your money back too.
I've been complaining of a "clorine" smell and taste to the wayter for a long time. Every time someone comes to test it, they say it's fine. I personally think that the "Water Quality Report" we all get every year isn't worth the paper it's printed on.
Maybe Louise Smith will amend her "Rules of Conduct" to require Perrier on the table for council members at all meetings -- let the folks in the audience fend for themselves (after all, they are allowed to attend as a courtesy only, right Shanie-?)
You guys are missing another key point here!!!
Why do you think the former Public Works Director, J. Jacobs bailed out??
City Taxpayer
Does this mean my children have been drinking contaminated water too?
How dare you do this to use Barrie Tilghman. I'd like to see you attempt to run for Mayor again. This closet mother is about to teach you who is really in control of this city. The taxpayers, that's who! I'm taking my city back.
Like I said before, it is time to euthanize her a$$ ......
Joe, They are trying to save the taxpayers money. At the cost of city water, bottled water may be cheaper. God save us from the witch and the flying monkeys!
This is Barrie's version of "waterboarding"
Another FYI is that all of the aquifers being discussed have regeneration fields and many of those in our area are being regenerated in the Annapolis,Baltimore and DC areas. These are more likely the areas the aquifer is open to contamination since it literally comes to the surface, As the aquifer go east they go downhill and thus wells often are 300' or more to reach them. These points of regeneration often have small total surface areas and this is the reason one wet year does not "refill" the aquifer.
Slow news day Joe? Only two post up and a handful of replies. You don't have anything on the times... They fill pages and pages everyday with news. Beats your two post anytime.
You better start talking about the fire service again so you can get you hit count up...
Good work Joe. The anon waterboarding comment was funny.
However, I think you need to pull the "euthenized" comment down. It is over the line, does not further the discussion, and more seriosly can be seen as a threat. Probably why the poster was anonymous.
Joe there’s more than the just water being purchased here. How about all the cups used to drink the water?
We see the "slow news day..." moron for what she/he is. Sounds a bit like Barrie, but may be Bubba.
Thanks for all you do & keep up the good work.
I have a very good old friend that used to work for the city water quality department until recently. He told me if they didn't put that much chlorine in the water there would be a lot of sick people in this city, that's how high the bacteria level is before the chlorine.
He also claims that working at the WWTP is like some kind of religious cult, if you belong to the same church you get hired hmmmm interesting~!
Post quantity isn't important, it's content quality.
I agree with Dan, Joe. That stupid anonymous comment needs to go away. It's way over the top. Not even you would go that far, which is why I find the "threat" charge in the lawsuit against you to be laughable.
As for "just two posts," can it. The DT has a staff. I'd expect them to fill pages, much of which is filled by AP and syndication.
As for THIS mess, it seems a small thing, yet WHY oh WHY does the mayor feel compelled to not be straight up even on something minor?
The message is, if we can't trust her on little things, then what BIG things are being hidden?
Good Goin Joe!
Went to our Council Meeting on Monday night and the expert says we need a new water system as well. One area of town has so much iron in it that the water is undrinkable and is rusting the clothes you wash in it.
Same town that just bought a new water system 10 years ago.
Who fills that water pitcher in front of LouWeasle--oh, maybe she drinking Kool Aid.
Barrie does not know how to be truthful--she actually believes her lies; it's evident that that is how her feeble mind works.
That she lied so blatantly about his shows how easy it is for her to
also shade the truth on big items--we've all seen it.
Joe, when you are through with the two pending frivolous lawsuits, I hope you turn around and counter sue the pants right off of Barrie Parsons Tilghman. Sue her for all she has and dreams of having. Whether you get it or not is of no consequence, just put her through the mill.
Where is that state prosecutor and his investigation, this isn't a RICO investigation, shouldn't take this long.
As I can appreciate what you're saying, it's not worth counter suing Barrie Tilghman. Let me explain why.
Barrie Tilghman and Chief Webster have provided Front Page News in The Daily Times on a regular basis.
Not only is it impossible to buy such said space, the Daily Times provided it for free.
Barrie has gone public and asked everyone to visit the nasty Blogs and again, the hits for everyone went through the roof.
So weather the Mayor likes it or not, I have won both cases no matter what the outcome is and secondly, I have received far more in Free Press than I'd ever be allowed settlement wise by a Judge.
The Mayor nor Chiefy Webster aren't worth suing. The Court of Public Opinion has screwed them into the ground and the Public can no longer trust them. The Mayor lied about the bottled water and Chiefy lied about where he lives in order to have his case heard in Wicomico County. Enough said.
Anonymous said...
Slow news day Joe? Only two post up and a handful of replies. You don't have anything on the times... They fill pages and pages everyday with news. Beats your two post anytime.
You better start talking about the fire service again so you can get you hit count up...
4:52 PM
Is that all you can come up with Barrie. Why don't you go have another drink and you won't have to deal with this blog anymore today. We know you or the city employees don't read this anyway.
Joe, how many of the anonymous posters on here that agree with you are actually you?
Let me ask you something? If you're so worried about the anonymous people being all me, why do you come here?
Does it bother you guys that bad that I deleted the Anti Albero Blogs from my computer and I refuse to go there any more?
No more. I will NOT go to those Sites any longer and since I can't go there, I won't know what you're saying any more and I won't comment on it any more.
How does it feel to talk to yourselves?
Hey Joe,
Although I'm on another Town water system, I've gone to www.FreeDrinkingWater.com. Now, these systems are anything "but" free, however, I installed a Reverse Osmosis system just after Christmas last year in my new house. You should SEE the crap this system picks up.
No, it is NOT a whole house system. We use it for cooking, coffee, tea, etc. Plumbed right in under the kitchen sink. You not only can SEE a diffference in the water, there is a taste difference as well. This system takes out all the junk.
Don't forget, bottled water is usually supplied by a PWS (Public Water System) wherever the bottler has their company.
Just a thought to those of you who really want to take care of yourselves on any type of water system; public or well.
"That she lied so blatantly about his shows how easy it is for her to
also shade the truth on big items--we've all seen it."
It would be good if all who've "seen it" go to the trials & give testament to that fact, IMO.
Secondly, we don't get an annual water quality report at our house. We wondered when it came for the first time THIS year, just how much that brochure costs to produce & mail.
Our new bill arrived & our sewer went up three-fold, with no water use change. I'd just like decent smelling & safe water at a reasonable rate. (We can't afford bottled water since it costs more per gallon than milk & gas.)
We neither need nor want the "annual report".
I am the one who posted the "euthanize" comment. I have used it before and Joe knows what it means - get Barrie out of office. IMO - that's why he has allowed it. It is not over the top. It is not a threat to her welfare, it is a choice of words to express how strongly I feel about getting a good Mayor and getting her out of office.
I am not trying to be the PC Word police, and Joe and you may be fully aware of your meaning behind saying that the Mayor should be "euthanized," but she is a public official, and since this is a public forum, some might (and i emphasize "might) view that ort of language as threatening, especially in our post-9/11 freak-out mind-set.
My though as an outsider is that Joe has enough issues with this blog and people's reaction to it. A comment like that can be easily misconstrued, and then the public discussion becomes one of semantics, not of the actions of the city and its Administration.
To most readers, "euthanize her a$$" sounds worse than you mean it.
Perhaps "euthanize her political a$$" would work better. Or "put her out of her political misery."
Thank you for clarifying though.
The Mayor didn't care when the alleged Zoo Staff was doing the same on the Blogs about euthanizing my Wife and me?
That being said, she, nor the Chief opened an investigation for such, therefore, I'm leaving it up.
The Mayor also recently in a community meeting started talking about public behavior and the possibility of some kind of retaliation. IMO, she could be anonymous herself and wants the public to believe bloggers are dangerous.
They were discussing the nut job who killed himself after the Council made a decision against him.
Anyhow, Barrie Tilghman will be dealt with in the polls, period. If SHE or Chiefy have a problem with comments here, they can contact me any time they like. If SHE would like it removed, she's a big girl, she can ask and I will deliver.
Believe me, I'm offering more than she ever offered her 18 year long dedicated former employee, (my Wife) who has been threatened over and over again and they did nothing. Too bad, IMO.
Quality water reports must go out yearly, it's a state law no matter how worthless they seem. Also, without that "chlorine" smell the water would be full of bacteria that would make many people sick. I suggest trying the EPA or DOE website for any info you all may want.
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