There are two ways to fight Adult Entertainment. One is with Zoning Codes. The second is with language but is that really true?
Not according to Wilber's Office. "You cannot make these businesses illegal. You cannot make it impossible for them either." Cynthia went on to say we do not want to create language stopping them from their rights.
They discussed a 6 month moratorium but Wilber's Office strongly suggested not going any longer than 60 days. Anything longer would be considered unconstitutional.
What I have found most interesting and most would not know is, Louise Smith ALWAYS sits back and waits for all other Council Members to chime in their input before she makes her call on each matter at hand. However, if Louise feels she can gain brownie points, she immediately chimes in front of the rest of the Council, (as she did on this matter last night) and said she wanted the moratorium before she went through everyone else first.
There seems to be a mad rush on this issue, even though I'm the one that brought it to every one's attention about a year ago. Is the City actually afraid that I'll open a Strip Club in the City? Remember the name, Hose & Polls? That went way back to when I wanted to buy Station 16, still do.
Anyhow, I'm glad to see they're finally moving forward on this matter because it's long overdue. Don't reinvent the wheel. Use language from Ocean City and other municipalities to help guide Salisbury. If Wilber has his way he'll create all new rules at the expense of the City Taxpayers. This would be completely wrong IMO. It's the ABM, (All Bout Money) Gang all over again.
Speaking of ABM, isn't that and other gangs, drugs, violence, etc., our real problem, not the smutheads that deal with the porno places. We keep moving on toward the top of the "most dangerous" lists, but not because of those stores. So, just why are we doing this now?
So that the Daily TImes can sensationalize in articles that will contain feel good quotes by Comegys and Smith so that voters will believe they have the city resident's best interests at heart, what a propaganda club the baby seal issue, just like the Zoo.
Well, on the other hand, when you have smut places near neighborhoods and such, it helps breed the blight that gives the gangs and drug dealers their footholds. Not saying these places are the sole cause -- they tend to set up where things are already going downhill, which then helps them to slide further downhill.
Louweasel can try to grab all the credit and sound bites she wants. She's proven she's a do-nothing and only works on what the mayor feeds her.
She walked into people's home and promised she wouldn't support tax hikes, then voted for one before ever looking at the budget. She cried foul on the audit, and it's late again. She preached government in the sunshine and has aided and abetted shutting down citizens when they speak and information access to council members.
She is a bigger disgrace than the Disgrace!
Sorry, but I don't see the connection between these stores and gangs, etc. -- if these is some basis to believe it exists, please state the basis.
She makes Dunn look like an angel.
The Monkey Barrel has male strippers on a regular basis. Some of the gurls I work with sound like they get down and dirty.
What? Men aren't supposed to want to look at a woman's naked body? As usual this topic is late on the city's part, these male events have been going on for years and nobody has yet to raise question?
Equality for the masses.
Where am I supposed to get my porn?
Damn....y'all are no fun! lol
Grand Dad, get your porn off the internet, like everyone else.
Does anyone realize how many sex offenders are in this county? The numbers will make you choke. Putting these places anywhere in the city is like giving a drug dealer free crack. It will be like begging them to come to salisbury.
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