The league of conservation PAC is a liberal group whose 97% of their support goes to democrats. GO HERE to view. http://www.nationalcenter.org/dos7113.htm
They have endorsed Wayne Gilchrest, and they are the ones running the attack ads against Andy Harris. Tony Caliguiri, Wayne Gilchrest's chief of everything it seems, is the Chairman of the MD league of conservation pac.
Do you think there is a little conflict of interest there? How objective or genuine is this endorsement?
Sounds like Mr. Gilchrest is scared he won't be re-elected...
As a Democrat who has voted for Gilchrest, the support is sincere! It is ironic that we bemoan the partisanship that has largely destroyed the political system in the U.S, yet when we are given an example of a guy that can straddle party lines, we get upse. I, for one, admire Gilchrest for refusing to bow down to party leaders on either side. Andy Harris and others of his ilk will simply be party hacks, toeing the party line without considering the welfare of their actual constituents. Heaven forbid someone actually act out of personal conviciton, even if their party is against it!
Fnl Frontier
Sorry Fnl Frontier, Blogger screwed up and dropped your comment. If you'd like to re post it, here it is.
As a Democrat who has voted for Gilchrest, the support is sincere! It is ironic that we bemoan the partisanship that has largely destroyed the political system in the U.S, yet when we are given an example of a guy that can straddle party lines, we get upse. I, for one, admire Gilchrest for refusing to bow down to party leaders on either side. Andy Harris and others of his ilk will simply be party hacks, toeing the party line without considering the welfare of their actual constituents. Heaven forbid someone actually act out of personal conviciton, even if their party is against it!
Fnl Frontier
The issue is not party stradling, the issue is conflict of interest. The guy gets indorsed because his campaign chief seem to have influenced the endorsement and/or twisted a few arms.
So how sincere is the endorsement, hummmm.....
it' more like his chieffy there is afraid he's loosing his job, and pulling all the strings. I don't trust that bunch over there.
Right now its not about bi-partisanship. He is in a Republican Primary...in a district that is primarily Republican. He knows he is losing and he will cheat to win if he has to!
Wow. This hack will do anything to stay in office. fnl frontier: Arent we also supposed to bemoan corrupt and sleazy politicians? A la Mr. Gilchrest?
Guess house painting does not pay as well as it used to.
Thanks for giving us the link Joe.
It sheds some light on who this group is; A hardcore, waco environmentalist group. I checked it out, Gilchrest's chief of staff is the chairman of their maryland chapter and has been since at least 2002. What a bunch of phony liberals.
Hey, Wayne doesn't have to worry about painting houses anymore, even if he does loose this election. He will get his full pay as his retirement from Congress. How many of you can look forward to being out of work and still being paid big bucks???
A. Goetz
Between this, recruiting and paying people to run to split the vote, and his wildly inaccurate attacks on Senator Harris, its hard to believe people still support Gilchrest. He is just another lying, coniving political A-Hole. (pre-censored for ya Joe)
Guess house painting does not pay as well as it used to.
yes, it does. 15 years ago our estimate for trim only was in excess of 2500 bucks, from a friend, small 1800 sq.ft., one story house.
can't imagine now, but it's not right for city to tell me when to paint.
(apologies for going off topic)
(i did it myself)
The single largest violater of campaign laws in 2006 also accounts for 90% of all of Andy Harris' contributions - one DC special interest group.
Andy Harris - oops, Honest Aby - is throwing rocks in a glass house!
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