Ladies & Gentlemen, once again, this is yet another Post you will NOT see in the Daily Times! Why, because that would be WORK! That would mean you'd have to get out there and pound the streets to GET information, rather than it coming in over the phone or walking through their door.
What you're seeing above is the Salisbury Zoo in the 100 Year Flood Plane Zone. The second photo is more of a close up and that kidney shaped area on the left is actually picnic island, the Zoo is to the right.
As you can clearly see, the Salisbury Zoo is 100% under water. There's no getting away from the FACT that the location of the Zoo has got to be one of the worst is all of Salisbury. There's no denying this and there's no denying there's no way they can save these animals when this flood occurs. You can't pick up the Bison and just move them, if you get my drift?
All that being said, why is the Council moving forward with a bond for $500,000.00 for an Animal Quarantine Facility after they just spent $350,000.00 renovating the current building they already have on location, only to get flooded out and destroyed when the flood does happen? Let's NOT forget this is only 1/3 the overall expense. Let me add, the Mayor is smart enough to lead people to believe this building will cost $1,500,000.00 to construct, NOT! Then when it comes in at $1,000,000.00 instead, OH LOOK, they just saved the taxpayers all that money. NOPE! She got the taxpayers to front 1/3 the cost up front so the Zoo doesn't actually have to go out and raise their share of the $500,000.00 because they CAN'T! They've been scamming people for years with this crap.
There was yet ANOTHER meeting held Monday night, (same time as the Council Work Session) by the ESRGC. Eastern Shore Regional GIS Cooperative affiliated with SU. They are the ones that produced these charts and expressed their massive concern over the Salisbury Zoo as being the most damaged and expensive loss for the City.
Gary Comegys had no interest in reviewing these charts and simply walked by this room as he left the Work Session to go home. Lore' Chambers walked with me and shared her knowledge of the 15 maps on the walls of the meeting room. Council Woman Cohen also walked in and spent quite a bit of time getting a better understanding by EXPERTS who were seriously concerned over the Zoo's location and why they haven't considered relocating it.
Before you the taxpayers pay out ANY more money into that Zoo, know whatever you put in there will be a complete loss when this flood occurs. I'm sorry but there's no way I'd throw good money after bad money, especially if I knew this could happen in advance. THINK ABOUT IT!
Might I suggest that in the event the flood plain is in danger of total compromise rhat the humane and prudent course of action,as it pertains to animals that cannot simply be set free,would be euthanasia. Call me I'll volunteer to handle the mares! dee dee dee
If a clearer copy of these pics can be had in cyberspace, please post details -- very interesting. Are there any for other parts of town -- like those big condos on Riverside Drive and Fitzwater Street that we keep hearing will soon be build -- what about the new fire station and the area along the "North Prong".
You are counting on a 100 year flood.. Man wake the hell up!
The original was not as clear as some of the other photos I took pictures of. I will Post those at another time. I'm sure the ESRGC has a Website you can find further maps and information from. They are also located in the Allen Wood Shopping Center if you'd like to pay them a visit.
Let me put it to you this way. The City hasn't seen this flood happen in the past 75 years or more, right? That being said, would YOU invest $36,000,000.00 into something you knew was going to happen sooner or later? Move the Zoo and then spend the $36 mil on NEW buildings not in a 100% flood plane zone.
Look, I welcome your opinions but please try to use your head first. The MAJORITY of the taxpayers in Salisbury would say NO to such an investment.
I'll add, the MDE is going to shut the Zoo down within 8 or 10 years anyway. They were NOT testing the water, (isn't that a coincidence) between Beaver Dam all the way past the Band Stand where the water turns tidal in the past 20 years. I brought that to their attention almost 2 years ago and they have started testing it and the numbers are unbelievable. They will shut the Zoo down for polluting the river, it's only a matter of their getting 10 years worth of testing under their belts.
Joe: As you know first hand,I mentioned this "flood plain " problem at the zoo quite some time ago, even in a letter to the Disgrace, but no one took up the issue. In fact I was told by one old timer to back off since this is where they want the zoo. As I recall, I suggested moving the zoo over to the Winter Park area, which does have some water ponds and plenty of open space. It's about time we insure we are not spending money on an area that is prone to floods. In fact, if my memory serves me right, they have had two floods there in the 29 years I've been here and we lost all of the prarie dogs in one of them - drowned in there tunnels.
A. Goetz
The FEMA maps show those condo sites on Riverside and Fitzwater (and probably the new fire station) in the 100-year flood plain.
Please ask the "Eastern Shore Regional GIS Cooperative affiliated with SU" to inform the Daily Times about "their massive concern over the Salisbury Zoo", etc. (preferably in writing). Admittedly it could be in vain, but, "nothing ventured...".
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