The Daily Times put out one of the biggest propaganda pieces for Barrie Tilghman and the Salisbury Fire Department I've ever seen before. The Daily Times wants you to believe the SFD is agressively doing everything they can to recruit minorities. Why, because Salisbury News nailed the crap out of them in the past couple of weeks and this is the typical Barrie Tilghman Damage Control stepping in.
I don't EVER want to hear from Greg Bassett or Joe Carmean again that this is NOT the Tilghman Times! GO HERE and read this unbelievable article they put out this morning! Am I the sucker this morning because I'm going to deliver them thousands of additional hits? Probably, but it's worth it. You people have to see this crap!
Samantics is their game. "This year's 18-person recruiting class adds nine women, five blacks and two Hispanics." it then goes on to say, It then goes on to say they recruited "triple the number of Hispanic firefighters." OK Idiots. IF you only have ONE Hispanic Fire Fighter and you added two, how do you get tripple the amount of Hispanics? That is unless you use mathmatics like, I had one cigar and someone gave me two more, now I have tripple the amount.
Their wording doesn't say the City HIRED all of these minorities. It simply saysm "This year's 18-person recruiting class adds." In other words, these are Volunteers. I'm confident they would have never done this without my recent articles and I'm proud to have played a HUGE roll in pushing the SFD to go the extra mile to recruit them. However, it's funny how hundreds of comments came in on this blog about this topic and many Fire Fighters said, We can't force them to sign up!
Another topic I'd like to mention here is, once they've been recruited and or even hired, there's NO CHANCE for them to be promoted and the history, (even recently) proves of such. Lorenzo Cropper is the ONLY Black Professional Fire Fighter on the entire SFD. He is college educated and he has been turned down over and over again for promotions in the past few years.
I believe the article The Daily Times produced is absolutely pitiful reporting on their behalf, just like their recent articles on Wi-Hi & Bennett. It's what Barrie Tilghman wants you to know Ladies & Gentlemen and that's all there is to it.
The ONLY accurate line they put in there was, "Last year's recruiting class saw an increase of four female firefighters and a decrease of four black firefighters." Yeah, that's diversity. Now do some investigative reporting and tell me how many of these women actually handle a fire hose? NONE!
If they were Paid Fire Fighters they would have said so in the article. You're NOT supposed to figure that out though. The pictures don't lie Chiefy, show me the Blacks, Hispanics & Women.
In closing, I think it's wonderful the SFD is doing something. However, the racial slurs/comments need to end. Just because you hire minorities doesn't mean they're going to stick around.
There are some pictures floating around of a certain Lt. that you feel should've been promoted. However, he is improperly wearing a protective suit during a hazmat incident... However, if you read the TWD the photographer is trying to have images removed
Nice try taking credit for the minorities that just completed Fire I. This has NOTHING to do with the garbage you post here. For starters, the class is 120 hours long and started probably back in August. A long time BEFORE you posted your crap. Newsflash Joe, the world DOESN'T revolve around you.
JOE,As usual you hit the nail square on the head. I knew LC when he was with the Princess Anne Fire Dept. before he left for Salisbury.Damn shame that he is so ignored in Salisbury. Maybe a discrimation is pass due. Iwould support him.
Here's something you can do some investigative reporting on: RACIAL DIVERSITY IN THE WICOMICO SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT.
Look it up. It won't take you long, I promise.
joe-Im going to says thank first for doing this post. but I alsom want to comment on you last statement. In my mind if you chose to do this then you should stick with it. they have choosen to be a recuit because something they have something in them that wants todo it. For them its probaly not for the promotions but maybe for a fire that burns in side of them to do this.-HELL'S FIRE
The city cant hire blacks,hispanics or women to be paid firefighters unless they apply for that position. It does not get handed to you. Please stop the bashing of the hard working men and women of that fire department.
Joe, I hope you got to see the picture of your hero Cropper in a improperly worn hazmat suit before they got hidden. This is the kind of stuff that kills people. If your son/daughter was a rookie firefighter, is this the person you'd want inspecting their hazmat gear before they went into a hot zone? This just goes to prove that Lorenzo is a great medical guy. but is not ready to take a more senior officer position on the fireground yet. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin. But after all the publicity you have helped provide as to his shortcomings, I doubt if he'll ever get promoted now.
You say that Cropper was passed over for promotions numerous times recently? How is once numerous? He was promoted to Lieutenant from paramedic (no in between as an Acting). How is this getting passed up. Wake up buddy, your BS is getting too deep for you to see the truth.
Turned down over and over again? Prove it Joe. You can't. Again, you're wrong. Let's see if you put this up or if you're censoring like the Daily Times.
In order to be hired by the City of Salisbury you must already have your EMT-B and FF1. In order to have that you have to take the classes. In order to take a class you must be a member of a fire department. So if Salisbury has hispanics, blacks, and females added into their volunteer, that would be the first step to them becoming paid FF's.
Was a hazmat suit available in his size?
It didn't look improperly worn.
It looked too small.
If it was improperly worn, then that needs correction or he'll be harmed.
If too small is all that was available, someone else needs correction.
Cropper is an officer and a hazmat tech. It was his responsibility to know if he had the proper gear. You are correct in pointing out his poor judgement for not doing so. Wearing gear that is too small IS improperly wearing gear. If he went into a true hazmat condition dressed like he was, he probably would have died. Cropper made a mistake. I'm sure a senior officer caught him before he could have harmed himself. The fact is this shows that he is not yet ready to be that more senior officer. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin.
There were some that would have fit him and were available. He was too lazy to get out of theone he was in after he reailzed it wouldn't zip up. I could care less if he was green or blue, it has nothing to do with it. You'd be carving anyone else up Joe but when it's your project, you go silent.
The SFD doesn’t have a place for blacks who speak their own language or hold their pants up with one hand. Around the fire station we usually say hello not yo man. Women make great wheel chocks in the fire service since they can’t seem to do much else. Thanks Joe for helping us out.
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