While the Salisbury Kennel Club brings an unbelievable amount of economic financial advantages to Salisbury, gas prices have driven more than 300 entries into dropping out of the Show.
While it has always been difficult to draw this elite group of people and dogs to the Eastern Shore, Salisbury is an additional 2 to 3 hours out of the way for most. This show does not rely on local dogs, handlers and judges. They travel here from all over the Country and fuel prices are killing the Industry.
We talked about the trickle down effect from these gas prices locally but if things don't get better soon, things are going to get even worse for the economy across America. As many of the local hotels usually have absolutely no rooms available in the past, you can now get rooms. Granted, there are a few new hotels in the area, I understand that. However, people grow accustom to staying at the same places and with so many dogs dropping out of the show, even more rooms are available.
I can tell you how this has even effected us personally. We have a dog who is only one major away from a Championship. There was a major in the Salisbury Show in which our guy could have possibly won right here at home. However, Jennifer didn't even bring him today because so many people dropped out of the show, eliminating any chance for a major anyway. This decision doesn't effect the Show because we already paid in advance for the entry. We also chose not to enter him to allow others to gain points for their dogs. Our dog needs only one thing, a major, not points.
What this also means is, we spent good money entering our dog into the show and that money is completely wasted. Over time, this could also effect the end results of a successful show because people will quickly grow tired of paying to enter their dogs only to learn no one could afford to travel here and actually enter them into the ring.
So the future of this show is questionable. I'm not at all suggesting they cannot survive because as well known as the Salisbury Kennel Club Show is, it's one of their favorites Nation Wide. One of the reasons for that is the Hospitality. Salisbury and the Eastern Shore are loaded with wonderful people, fantastic restaurants and very nice hotel rooms. They welcome these people to bring their animals into these rooms and then there's the hospitality they provide in the show itself. The entrance fee to get in is minimal, allowing so many people the ability to afford to get in and enjoy a full day of excitement.
All that being said, when you're paying $3.00 a gallon to get here, many of these people show up in huge Motor Coaches and let me tell you first hand, they aren't cheap either! I'm sure some of you will be thinking, if they can afford the Motor Coaches, they can afford the gas. Well, perhaps you're right. However, some of us use our heads and think, is it worth driving there and pay out $500.00 in gas? Maybe if we are heading to a resort like Disney World, etc.. These people in many cases travel from one event to the other and no matter how much money you have, you just get tired of throwing it away after a while.
You also want to keep in mind that just like big business verses small business, there are FAR more one dog owners showing up in the hopes of a win than there are multiple dog owners. When the larger group of single dog owners start refusing to show up because of how much it cost to get there, entrance fees, hotels and food, you've got a serious problem on your hands.
All in all, Americans are simply going to drop out of events like this. They're going to stop going to the Mall. They're going to stop buying cars. They're going to start pulling their children out of private schools. It will trickle down like there's no tomorrow and what I'm really trying to say is, prepare yourselves ahead of time, (NOW) because it's only going to get worse.
Someone also mentioned how well Wicomico County did last year with the Civic Center and so forth. As this may be true, Wicomico County also raised the cost in a big way for this event and others. It may have worked THIS YEAR but the impact of groups like this backing out in the future won't hit them till probably next year. You wait and see, Wicomico County and many other municipalities that have enjoyed the riches of years past will FLOP in years to come because they didn't adjust with the times and or circumstances. This, of course, is just my opinion.
I should add, you can't get a space at the Civic Center right now. That's how big a draw this Show is locally. A friend just called me and said he had to wait around for a spot and he went from one parking lot to the other, including the old mall lot. If the County wants to continue enjoying such turn outs, they better reconsider what they charge in years to come. No one wants to see these events go away.
People in huge motor homes don't stay in hotel rooms. But they do take up space in the parking lot where your friend couldn't find a space. The county should charge rent for motor home parking, as they contribute little to the motel/hotel/restaurant business and pay zip in room tax to the county
Our dog needs only one thing, a major, not points.
Your dog DOESN'T need it. You and wifey do to feed your enourmous egos.
You are absolutely 100% wrong here. Those Motor Coackes all pay a rental fee to stay at the Civic Center. It is NOT free.
"Your dog DOESN'T need it. You and wifey do to feed your enormous egos."
wifey? Could this be Chiefy? Nevertheless, we support the local economy several ways within this show. #1, we have at least two dogs entered in this show. Secondly, I promote the show on my Blog and I can assure you, this year the attendance is better than it has ever been. Thirdly, my Wife, (and several others) volunteer for three days straight so it doesn't eat even further into the cost to put off this show.
Like US or not, we are a part of supporting the local economy.
So the attendance is better than it's EVER been because of your blog? Did I read that correctly?
There's no question in my mind about that.
OK...just checking. THANKS!
Perhaps I should have said, better than expected this year?
Nope. No Anti-Ablero-er here. Just checking is all. Fear not!
Joe, Big Diff my friend.
Better than expected is much differant than Better than EVER.
But at least you had the cojones to clarify!!!!
Look, the fact that I know quite a few people that have called me to let me know they were at the show, where was I, they had never been to the show in the past.
Then hearing how jammed the parking lots are, that too is exciting. The people I know that are there went because they read about it on this Blog. Many people were also going in the hopes to see some of our new puppies. Sadly, however, we're not allowed to bring them there in the hopes of selling some.
Anyhow, it's exciting that people locally are attending, isn't that the key point here? Instead, some seem to want to be specific in the hopes of using my words against me. Not that I care. I just want to see this Club do well as they truly deserve it. They do so much for Wicomico County.
If attendance is so great this year then I guess the proce of gas is not high enough.
This post makes no sense what so ever. First you complain that the price of gas hurts the turn out then you turn around and say that its one of the best years ever.
Makes no sense to me.. But then again most of your crap don't.
It is a shame that gas prices are and will be affecting such good entertaining shows like this one. I can see where a competitor would think twice before driving hundreds of miles at $3.00 a gallon or more. And sadly we haven't seen the end of the price rises. Next year it will be at least $4.00 a gallon, and perhaps $5.00. Too bad you couldn't get the major for Renior.
A. Goetz
"If attendance is so great this year then I guess the proce of gas is not high enough."
You just want to argue and that's all you're here for.
LOOK, the atendance/visitors coming to the show are LOCALS!
The Dogs and their handlers come from as far as Japan. I'm talking about the people that come in and pay $1.00 to $5.00 to SEE THE SHOW.
Japan? Wow! That's a pretty long drive!!! Especially at 3 bucks a gal.
The price IS high enough, but the proce...well I'm not so sure about. The title of the post does say "ENTRIES". Come on Exxon Man, get with it. Try to comprehend and then understand. It's tough, but I think you can do it!!!!
Joe, as much as some would not like to admit it, you are right about this years show and the number of exhibitors/competitors being down. It has everything to do with the price of gas as well as so many shows going on at the same time in different areas. Why leave Pittsburgh to come to Salisbury to compete when there is a show going on closer to home. Why leave Florida or anywhere when there are shows going on closer to home.
You are also right about them charging the motor homes to park there, they pay for their spaces and they have the option of paying for electric hookups as well.
I was shocked when I was asked to pay $25 to plug my cash register into an outlet. There is no way I'll use anywhere near that much electric in 3 days time. I was informed that the civic center charges $25 per outlet so if you are a large vendor using 20 to 40 feet of space and use 3 or 4 outlets they're being charged $75 to $100 in addition to the booth fee. I know the SMKC is charged for space used and they use the entire civic center so they charge vendors for space,thats a given. It's the electric fee that caught me off guard, considering it was included in my booth fees for all the other shows I participate. I also know its the price of doing business, I just wasn't expecting it.
All in all, this show is a great event for everyone that comes out to enjoy it. My personal favorite is the junior handlers, those kids are fabulous and they all display good sportsmanship.
"Exxon - Mobile said..."
Sssssssssssssssssss(hut)up, gordo?
"...most of your crap DOESN'T ", key word here...
"Elite group of people". Who are you kidding, because you own a dog to pamper to the point of embarassment? Elite people, I think not.
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