The Fire Department, (Chief See & Deputy Chief Gordy seen in photo above) confronted the Salisbury City Council on 10-22-07 and asked the City to allow a right of way for a Mr. Gary Chandler.
Mind you Folks, this was done in late October. Council Woman Terry Cohen was reviewing the City checks and realized that Paul Wilber had given the City a Bill for services on this matter back in July, BEFORE it has EVER been presented to the Council for discussion!
I'm telling you, someone needs to get control of this woman because she is completely out of control. Yeah, there are no private meetings going on in the City behind every one's back, right? Start calling the Attorney Generals Office because enough is enough!
See and Gordy only know how to scam. They are uneducated yes men to the Mayor. Any fool could do their job, that's why they're so afraid of LC & LD, two men with experience and education. The Mayor runs from these guys because they're not yes men and they would expose situations like this. See and Gordy are just as much to blame for this because they knew it was once again under the table and off the radar screen.
Hey Joe, I wonder if Chief Webster already had his lawyers paid off by the City on your case?
Has anyone even considered whether Chandler has some right to use the City land to get into and out of his property -- I believe it's called an "easement"? That's a core question in this scenario, which could be another "FOB Special".
Like what's gonna be discussed???
PUBLIC NOTICE [on the City website]
The City Council has scheduled an additional work session for Monday, November 19, 2007 at 4:30 p.m.
Like why is the City's audit late, again, Louise???
Doesn't Gary Chandler's company own that rental rooming house on Newton Street that was in the Daily Times on Sunday?
It's FOB deja vu.
Careful now. The Mayor is suing me because I said certain people were FOB's. Now so many of you are coming on here and saying the same. Shouldn't she have the Chief of Police investigating all of you as well? This is discrimination! LOL
The State tax records show that the property at 227 Newton Street is deeded to "GNI, LLC" and list "Gary L. Chandler" as its "resident agent". See for yourself at the website:
Resident agent,my ass!Chandler is one of the most prolific slumlords in Salisbury and not a very nice human being to boot.
The "resident agent" title suggests that Gary Chandler has a significant "connection" with the firm "GNI, LLC". Street talk is that he is the major or sole owner.
Chandler is the sole owner and you would be surprised to know what G.N.I. stands for.
For all intents and purposes,he IS probably the sole owner of GNI-he either bought out Terry Sell completely or "partnered" with him in another limited liability corporation.They seem to own ALOT of property in Salisbury
Oh, please, DO tell what G.N.I. stands for.
Gary Needs Income?????
Oh, I have heard what it stands for and it's no wonder it ended up as a topic on a Fire Department Post!
Great "N" Investment.
That suxx.
Excuse the language, ladies.
Rumor is that Terry Sell had a drug problem and was encouraged to get out of the business by our own Barrie Tilghman. Sell held the paper for Mr. Chandler who was selelcted to buy him out by the Barrie regime. Being a slumlord is a largely cash business and a perfect way to distrubute cash if you get my drift. G.N.I = Good " N "Income.You would be surprised at the pharmaceutical habits of the rich and famous in Salisbury.
"You would be surprised at the pharmaceutical habits of the rich and famous in Salisbury."
Actually no i wouldnt...I know who the cokeheads and alcoholics are,believe me....the "elite" of Salisbury have alot of skeletons in their riverfront home closets.
Of course blutojthetotmom would.. Didnt you get charged for drugs??
Now your ready to rat on everyone else....
Someone's paranoid! LMAO!
blogfrogI dont know where you get this information but I can assure you I have NEVER been charged OR convicted of a crime in my life.I dont sell or use illegal drugs!I know people who know people who have worked closely with the slumlord elite and the shit I have heard you could write a book about and nobody would believe it.See,Joe-this is EXACTLY why I dont want to blog.
Yes, please don't tell anyone how morally bankrupt and corrupt the Salisbury rich and famous are, just because they are the first to judge others and ridicule people who might not have a riverfront mansion or drive a Range Rover, or have had a few nips and tucks--how dare anyone tell the truth about them, right?
Don't forget Donnie, Eric, TJ, and those other lovable landlords or SAPOA will come calling after dark!
Calling after dark on whom?
Yeah I have a 3 yr old and a husband and a home to take care of-I dont have the time or money to support a drug habit...LOL
In re-readng this post, you may want to check your pronouns. You say that someone needs to stop "this woman," but the only woman you mention by name is Terry Cohen.
Now, EVERYONE knows which woman it is you feel needs to be stopped, but I had to re-read the post to understand who you meant. While she is mentioned in the title of the post, the Mayor is not mentioned by name or title, so the pronoun is misplaced, and your meaning could be confused.
Again, sorry to be picky, but it could be mis-read.
Good point, Dan. One of the "anonymous" dolts might misinterpret it as Cohen, one of the 2 "classy ladies" on the Council (the other being Campbell, of course).
Terry Sell was a formula one racing fan....GNI is a race. Nice comments
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