This Barber Shop on Mt. Hermon Road fell victim of a drunk driver not negotiating the roadway in a major way. The driver was arrested and you know what Folks, this kind of crap just has to end. When you're that drunk, to a point in which you're driving down Mt. Hermon Road, ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD and then fail to stay on the road and do this kind of damage, ($16,000.00 worth) you HAD to have known you shouldn't be driving! Thank God it was a sign and not an oncoming vehicle with children in it.
I should define this better. This driver was heading east on Mt. Hermon Road. Perhaps that will spell out a little better just how screwed up they were?
Yes, I saw this yesterday and wondered who had run off the road that far? I couldn't tell in passing what the sign had been, or that it was a sign for that matter?
You are absolutely right Joe, we need to keep these drunks out from behind the wheel of vehicles. DUI needs to carry jail time and heavy fines!
A. Goetz
Could have been someone from Princess Anne..
But it's ok if their remorseful? Right?
actually, the vehicle had a male driver female passanger and a small baby (maybe 2 months old)Everybody was drunk..... (except the poor baby)
I have been convicted of two DWI's here in Wicomico county (last one was more than 12 years ago) I got probation for 3 years on the 1st and 1 year jail susp all but 20 days on 2nd. Served 15 days in jail. I learned my lesson after 2 days on the block in the Wic. County dentention center. Luckily I got work release for the rest of the time.
Other counties in Md you can have 5DWI's and not serve a lick of jail time. What I did was wrong and own up to it.
Wicomico county is a county that usually punishes DWI's well.
Now, all this was before I had children. I have 3 now. If a person is arrested for DWI and has a child in the car they HAVE to be also charged with child abuse or some other charge as well.
Just my 2 cents...
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