so joe
wow so you are a retired businessman dam
wow that is amazing you are incredible man that is just so courageous (NOT) and how many lives have you saved or how many shots were fired at you dam
than you dont know shit about the fire company and what we go thru or the military joe
so why cant you just you leave the fire dept alone or better thought instead of pissing everyone off try doing real news real work like the news there is many different onesor why dont you take your blogging to another level go to IRAQ with the soldiers and do a tour and than blog wait i know you cant do that because you dont have the courage to do it and you burnt so many bridges in salisbury you cant do much here why cant you get it in your mind your nothing and never will be
dont worry you might think your such a tough guy there will be a day close by you will be able to get to know me, trust me you wont like it either just to ease your mind it is not a threat or you dont have to fear for your life god forbid
when and if somethings happens and you have to call 911 and i show up to transport you to hospital or come to your house and put out a fire i will make sure you know who i am ok
than maybe you will respect the fd a little more
Mr. Pussy refuses to man up and sign his name. Oh, let's watch the Salisbury Fire Fighters come back and say this is NOT a Salisbury Fire Fighter, as always.
Where's the proof? Where's the goods? Prove it's a fire fighter to gain credibility!
"when and if somethings happens and you have to call 911 and i show up to transport you to hospital or come to your house and put out a fire i will make sure you know who i am ok"
Perhaps you are Chief See? It only took a few seconds for the first comment. Then you can't read worth a sh*t, so that would be my guess. I guess once you're an Idiot for as long as you've been, my statement doesn't effect you the way it should. Damn!
(That's all I have to say about that! - Gump)
Anon, the other big clue is the fact the SOB can't spell or use proper grammar. I can understand having a couple of misspelled words, but EVERY OTHER WORD!?!?!??!?!?!? It makes the person hard to understand and makes the person lose credibility.
Just a thought for the High School Dropouts that ended up in the Fire Department. God Help Us All.
Slow day yesterday so today we will rant and rave about the Fire Dept and other worthless issues to get those hits back up.
High school dropouts?
You mean like Joe Albero?
Anonymous said...
Where's the proof? Where's the goods? Prove it's a fire fighter to gain credibility!
"than you dont know shit about the fire company and what we go thru"
Are you just a complete retard Mr. Fire Fighter? How many times does everyone have to prove with your own words that it is a Fire Fighter who wrote that comment?
Thanks for showing us who these retards actually are Joe because until this blog came out, I never knew these guys could act like such fools.
I dare them to call my home or send me another piece of mail asking for a donation. Could you just imagine if our armed forces were lead this same way? These guys make fools of the uniform they claim to wear so proudly.
When did "rainman" start posting on here?
Bayboy - very funny.
As an English Major and English teacher, I could do nothing but laugh at the post. As far as the subject matter is concerned, I really could care less and do not have much of an opinion either way.
But, how much schooling do you have to miss to come up with communication skills such as those? Was the author entered in a contest to see how much someone can write and still not use any punctuation? He has a diploma from somewhere hanging on his wall. Obviously, he got his money's worth.
Well, at least you can break it down to the letter (j). That's their signature. Based on the grammar and spelling, I thought for sure they had to be related to Robinson. However, this is clearly a Fire Fighter. Robinson has been a lot of things, (in his mind) but I don't believe he has ever been a Fire Fighter?
Nevertheless, there have been a multitude of comments over time on the Fire Department Posts in which they couldn't spell. Just go back into the history over the past two months of Posts and you'll see under comments what I mean.
I personally had to laugh because here I am retired at 42 years old and these Idiots are trying to make me look bad?
Oh well, at least everyone knows the Chief & Deputy Chief are just as educated as these guys commenting, so we know where they get it from. Follow the leader!
You all insulting firefighters like myself and my brothers because of some things that people you don't even know said are little punks. Joe your a moron and fat ass that has nothing to do with your pos life and the day you insult me when I'm around, your going to get yours, and for you joe followers i hope your house does catch fire in the middle of the night when its 10 degrees outside because i'm going to show up and roast marshmellows while laughing and waiting for Public Safety god Albero to show up. Joe get off your lard ass and o something for the public, anyone can take pictures, even highschool dropouts, so what does that say for you Pansy boy.
"so what does that say for you Pansy boy."
I'll tell you what it says, it says you're a pussy for not using your name, once again.
It takes a very little man to make threats like you do. However, it takes a man to stand up for what he believes is right. Obviously you don't believe in what you say.
Thanks for reposting those comments Joe-it just reminds me again how so very grateful I am that I live in Somerset County where I will never have to rely on those non-spelling malicious individuals to come to my rescue.Making comments pertaining to threats that if they are called to your aid they will let your house burn is serious enough to me that it should be investigated by the fire officials and those involved be disciplined or terminated.Anyone that deranged is probably capable of setting some of the very fires they are called to put out.It is disturbing to read what they write.
The sad part is, these guys don't see the wrong in it.
They would rather ACT like tough guys so they can go back to their jackass buddies and say, I really told Albero off, didn't I?
I will say this though. Several messages never made it to the comment area because they were so over the top. Those messages were all forwarded to Mike Lewis and Davis Ruark. So for those of you who put up comments and didn't see them posted, now you know where they're at.
Threatening my Wife, Family and even Grandson won't fly on here, period. Again, all pansies using fictitious names. But they're tough guys, right? NOT!
Granted, I know MANY very fine Men & Women in the Salisbury Fire Department. These posts simply show that many of them are not very stable individuals and are certainly not very honorable. Yet they wear a uniform and ACT like men! Talk about a LAUGH!
Then you have to sit back and think about See & Gordy watching these comments and going, That's My Boys! You don't hear of any internal memos going around any more stating everyone needs to stay off the blogs. So the leadership in that Fire Department are pussies too.
So your saying that leaders of the salisbury fire are pussies as in jimmy gladwell, chris obarski and dru bragg, well let me tell you fatty, I would go around throwing those words out around men like that, you might find yourself in some nasty stuff.
The LEADERS in the SFD are Chief See & Deputy Chief Gordy.
Since when, (jackass) did you or any of these other men become the LEADERS of the AFD?
Grow a pair and use your real name, you pussy!
Joe your big and bad on the computer. Come out side of your little fag ranch and say that shit. Ill make you eat your words!
joe i don't use my name so i don't get fired, but you calling me a pussy is funny, you wouldn't last a min in a ring with anyone of us, you couldn't even carry our bag lunches, you are a joke
OMG! Some pansie ass twerp wants to threaten me and his name is, anonymous! What a tough guy!
Seems to me, (from the photos) I'm around town a whole lot more than you are. Remember, Idiot, I have a wireless laptop as well. You just never know where I'm blogging from?
How's that trailer working for you?
it would be pretty nice if your wife would get her things out of it
"it would be pretty nice if your wife would get her things out of it"
See what I mean Folks. These guys aren't men at all. They have to stoop so low they have to include my Wife into all of this.
This is also why I feel See & Gordy are such Pussies too.
They can't, nor won't step in and stop their Staff from attacking BLACK people and or my Wife and Family.
Ok well if they are suppose to stop the fire fighters for attacking blacks and your wife. Whos job is it to stop you from attacking everyone else such as the FF's, mayor, Police Chief??? Joe your just getting some of your own medicine and can't handle it. Please don't do this to yourself, get back to the news we all enjoy hearing and stop making every blog so personal and aggressive.
D. Roberts
My Wife, Family & Grandson are OFF LIMITS! You want to come after me, that's one thing. However, leave them out of it.
If you're MAN enough to do so and you want to use your real name and deal with me personally after you've done so, that's a whole different story.
Till you become man enough to do so, keep them out of it.
I'll add, you don't hear me talking about Chief See's Wife, Chiefy Webster's Wife, Barrie Tilghman's Husband, etc.
Well don't you think the pin points of your accusations such as the police cheif and mayor's family are feeling that their family members are off limits? Yet you still continue to call them out? Why is it ok for you to talk about these people who have FAMILIES, yet your family is off limits. Please do explain.
Daniel Roberts< this is my name can't you read?
I just want to make an observation-alot of the anonymous posters maing nasty personal posts claim they have to be anonymous or they might be fired.Now,if Joe forwards these to the DA and/or Sheriff and they deem it serious enough to do an IPO search,they will find out who these people are anyway or at least where they are posting from-and if they are exposed this way they WILL be fired.Make sense?
I thought I already did. However, let's talk about that for a minute.
First of all, Daniel, thank you for using your real name and holding what I consider now a true and real healthy debate.
I have never mentioned Webster, See or Gordy's Wives, period.
Secondly, Mayor Tilghman's Daughter brought herself into the spot light through her situation with Rachel Polk. Her Husband clearly stated at a recent debate at 47 News. "What the fu(k is that a$$hole doing here?" Meaning, me. I happen to think the guy is a real prick and not man enough to say it to my face.
Now, at this point I even know who you are. Would I ever get mad enough at you to bring your Wife into a conversation here? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Never is forever Daniel and I am a man of my word.
Now, if you and your Wife were in public running for Office and lets say she started waving a pencil in someone's face, (sound familiar) she's open territory at that point and time.
My Wife participates in none of this. She minds her own business and even stays quiet about all the things she has learned, yes, (even about many of the Fire Fighters) she has worked with for many years. Trust me, there are PLENTY of stories that could be told too.
However, we don't work like that. I speak from MY experiences. All I ask is that you respect my Wife and Family as I would yours. Especially if you're anonymous.
Again, thank you for using your real name.
You stated that "Now, at this point I even know who you are. Would I ever get mad enough at you to bring your Wife into a conversation here?"....
I don't believe you know me sir, I am divorced for one and am not familiar with your family at all. However as I was saying before, you choose who you want to go after, so why can't people of your city?
D. Roberts
First of all, I could pull up the Maryland Case Search Files on you and get everything I need to know, since you're divorced. That could be a start. I have no interest in that, but it could be done.
Secondly, similar to the ignorant Fire Fighters who can't spell worth a damn, you seem to be just as ignorant or just plain stupid. I've said my peace, stay away from my Wife and Family. They're NOT public figures. The people you speak of are. End of story.
:) someones upset
So how am I a public figure. You choose to attack me! But you will NEVER try that to my face!
You are to much of a pussy for that!
Wayne Barrall
The Delmar Fire Department needs to answer to your "N" Word comment/feelings Mr. Barrall.
I believe it's time to present such a case to the Board as well as the State of Delaware. I believe they'd be quite interested in your feelings. Say goodbye to your Fire Fighting and Photography career. After all, you are who you are. Now let's see how everyone else feels about who you are Wayne?
The moment you went public with your statement Wayne, you became a public figure.
You can send as many comments as you like. However, you're wasting your time threatening me and thinking I'm going to give you the attention you so desire.
Take pictures of the screen and send it to other Blogs, I don't care. I have been telling you guys for two weeks now, I don't go to those Blogs any more. I deleted the links to them and I have no plans on going back.
If you want to stay on topic without threatening me, so be it. However, if you're not on topic and you simply want to look and act like a tough guy, do it somewhere else.
Other than that, I don't care what the others Blogs say or do.
Funny how D. Roberts disappeared ever since Wayne came on here. I agree with you Joe, it's the same person.
Hah! Great minds think alike! LOL
Paranoia will destroy ya!
this is joe albero my mom had a hear attack
what 911 thought
joe... if it were you the call would have been lost - guess its not your moms fault she hatched such an idot
were abortions legal then.. oh well not we got JOE
joealbero said...
Then you have to sit back and think about See & Gordy watching these comments and going, That's My Boys! You don't hear of any internal memos going around any more stating everyone needs to stay off the blogs. So the leadership in that Fire Department are pussies too.
1:52 PM
Don't forget about Fatso R. Hoppes because he reads your blogs everyday and Sea, Gordo and Fatso meet to talk about it. They are overheard by many of the firefighters talking about it.
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